biologically uninformed science idiots

The tipping point (revisited): 91K (1)

See first: Trans-kingdom RNA interactions (1) See also: microRNA  See: Items 1 to ~91000 Nanopolystyrene-induced microRNAs response in Caenorhabditis elegans after long-term and lose-dose exposure 8/26/19 …5 miRNAs mediated a protective response to nanopolystyrene… mir-35, mir-38, mir-76, mir-354, and mir-794 were associated with various biological processes and signaling pathways. The Creation of the signaling pathways The tipping point (revisited): 91K (1)

Virus-driven cystinosis

A friend asked about nephropathic cystinosis, which is a disease caused by the virus-driven theft of quantized energy. All serious scientists have linked viruses from the degradation of messenger RNA to mutations and all pathology. Nephropathic cystinosis (NC) is the most frequent cause of Fanconi syndrome (FS) in young children. It will be linked from Virus-driven cystinosis

2018 March for Science vs microRNAs

Summary: Only biologically uninformed theorists and other pseudoscientists do not seem to know that all carbon-based life is quantized energy-dependent and that biophotonic energy as information comes from the sun. It is obvious to all serious scientists that proton gradients link photons from quantized energy as information to the proton motive force, which is how 2018 March for Science vs microRNAs

Natural selection for racism and all pathology

Why is natural selection hard to grasp? It is not what you think…. …human cognitive tendencies interfere more with deep understanding of how natural selection works. Simply put, our intelligence and teleological reasoning interferes with the teaching of pseudoscientific nonsense. The nonsense does not place Darwin’s “conditions of life” before natural selection for reproductive fitness. Natural selection for racism and all pathology

From base editing to RNA editing (5)

1) Maturity’ molecule helps adolescent brain grow up   2) Geneticists are starting to unravel evolution’s role in mental illness: Hints emerge that past environments could have influenced psychiatric disorders   Please try to link the maturity molecule to the evolution of mental illness outside the context of food energy-dependent base editing, RNA editing, RNA-mediated From base editing to RNA editing (5)

Virulence: Out of stock

Virulence: An Infectious Card Game This product is currently out of stock and is on backorder. For comparison, pre-orders of “Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game”  are being shipped this month, and the “board game” adds “depth” to what could already have been learned from the “card game.” I ordered two cases of “Cytosis.” Players Virulence: Out of stock

Entertaining yourself to death

Lethal virus kills 5 billion people?

Summary: Food energy is required for the creation of enzymes that metabolize the food, which links the metabolism to the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in species from microbes to humans via alternative splicings of pre-mRNAs, which are now called microRNAs in more than 65,000 published works. The horrid tradjedy of of yet another preventable death Entertaining yourself to death

Thanks again for asking about DNA methylation

Re: RNA-directed DNA methylation (1996) See: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior Molecular epigenetics. It is now understood that certain genes undergo a process called “genomic or parental imprinting.” Early in embryonic development attached methyl groups become removed from most genes. Several days later, methyl groups are reattached in appropriate sites. Fascinatingly, some such genes Thanks again for asking about DNA methylation