DNA repair

From base editing to RNA editing

Base Editing Now Able to Convert Adenine-Thymine to Guanine-Cytosine “Nature conveniently provides us with cytosine deaminase enzymes that operate on DNA,” Liu tells The Scientist. The creation of quantized energy in sunlight links energy as information from electrons to ecosystems via the physiology of reproduction in all living genera. The claim that “Nature” provides us From base editing to RNA editing

Host-derived creation of all pathology (2 of 2)

Summary: All serious scientists know that all epigenetic diversity is food energy-dependent and biophysically constrained by the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction. See for comparison: Jay R. Feierman: “Variation is not nutrient availability and the something that is doing the selecting is not the individual organism. A feature of an educated person is to realize what Host-derived creation of all pathology (2 of 2)

Milk-derived miRNAs, circulating microRNAs, DNA repair, and embryonic viability

Summary: “There is little acceptance of evolution as a concept among mainstream Muslim clerics in the Middle East, who believe it contradicts the story of creation in scripture…” The Bull Sperm MicroRNAome and the Effect of Fescue Toxicosis on Sperm MicroRNA Expression …the miRNA profile of mature ejaculated sperm may in fact have downstream consequences Milk-derived miRNAs, circulating microRNAs, DNA repair, and embryonic viability

Light-activated feedback loops vs self-organization of ecosystems

John Lieff has been trying to update his ridiculous misrepresentations of biologically-based cause and effect to match the accurate representations we made in a section on molecular epigenetics in our 1996 Hormones and Behavior review. From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior Nothing can stop him, but this will provide the next source for material that Light-activated feedback loops vs self-organization of ecosystems

Harvard researchers support young earth creationism

A conserved NAD+ binding pocket that regulates protein-protein interactions during aging March 24, 2017 (Science) Reported as: Also reported as:  It’s Happening: Scientists Can Now Reverse DNA Ageing in Mice Excerpts: When we’re born, all of our cells have the ability to repair DNA damage, which we experience constantly through random mutations when our cells Harvard researchers support young earth creationism

Emily Witkin refutes theistic evolution

February 21, 2017 The SOS Response in Bacteria Her professor/advisor was Theodosius Dobzhansky. She watched as Barbara McClintock indirectly linked the tobacco mosaic virus from Thomas Hunt Morgan’s work on chromosomal inheritance, and she helped link virus-driven energy theft to all biodiversity via experimental evidence of DNA repair. Now that the structure and function of Emily Witkin refutes theistic evolution

Energy-dependent alternative splicings 1996 – 2016

Highlights: 1) Alternative splicings of messenger RNA link the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy as information to DNA repair. 2) DNA repair links fixation of amino acid substitutions in supercoiled DNA to healthy longevity. 3) Supercoiled DNA protects all organized genomes from virus-driven energy theft and genomic entropy. 4) Genomic entropy is less likely to occur Energy-dependent alternative splicings 1996 – 2016