energy as information

MicroRNA-mediated healthy longevity (3)

Unraveling the Molecular Signature of Extracellular Vesicles From Endometrial-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Potential Modulatory Effects and Therapeutic Applications 12/20/19 Photosynthesis has been linked to: The biological mechanisms underlying endMSCs function have been associated to their immunomodulatory capacity (Nikoo et al., 2012), which is mediated—at least in part—by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1, cyclooxygenase-2, IL-10, and IL-27 (Peron et MicroRNA-mediated healthy longevity (3)

microRNA-mediated prevention of diseases (1)

Extracellular electron transfer powers flavinylated extracellular reductases in Gram-positive bacteria 12/9/19 The results presented here reveal a family of extracellular reductases that possess a post-translationally flavinylated sequence motif. This motif provides a conserved framework that mediates electron transfer from the membrane to different extracellular small molecules. These findings advance our understanding of microbial energy metabolism microRNA-mediated prevention of diseases (1)

The tipping point (revisited): 89K (3)

How Precision Medicine Is Changing Cancer Treatment (6/24/19) The most basic explanation for the complex process of cancer is that a genetic mutation either flips a cell’s “start growth” switch permanently into the “on” position; or it flips the “stop growth” switch into the “off” position. Both scenarios lead to unlimited growth. The truth is The tipping point (revisited): 89K (3)

The tipping point (revisited): 81,000 publications (5)

The impact of genome-wide association studies [GWAS] on biomedical research publications …follow-up studies may be needed for GWAS to most successfully guide biomedical research toward the molecular mechanisms underlying complex human disease. Attempts to link GWAS to the molecular mechanisms underlying complex human disease are useless and worthless. See: Enumeration is Not Science: An Asinine The tipping point (revisited): 81,000 publications (5)

The eternal significance of microRNAs and the Vietnam Memorial (2)

Summary: Quantized energy as information has been linked from what organisms eat to biophysically constrained membrane protein construction in the context of viral latency and healthy longevity. Cryoelectron microscopy (aka electron cryomicroscopy for obfuscation) clearly links what is known about the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to all pathology or from energy-dependent RNA-mediated DNA repair The eternal significance of microRNAs and the Vietnam Memorial (2)

From quantum physics to quantum souls (5)

Three recently published articles attest to the eternal significance of prior works that linked quantum physics to quantum souls via what  is known to all serious scientists about Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference (February 15, 2017) See 1) Photosynthetic Energy Transfer at the Quantum/Classical Border June 2018 See also 2) Photosynthetic artificial From quantum physics to quantum souls (5)

The Social Brain of Autism

Perception of social interaction compresses subjective duration in an oxytocin-dependent manner “…perceived time, rather than being a faithful representation of physical time, is highly idiosyncratic and ingrained with one’s personality trait. Moreover, they suggest that oxytocin is involved in mediating time perception of social interaction, further supporting the role of oxytocin in human social cognition.” The Social Brain of Autism