
The physics of existence (10)

mirnas More than 147,000 indexed published works link light-activated ATP-dependent changes in single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the origin of life to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity across kingdoms. See: Footprints of a Singular 22-Nucleotide RNA Ring at the Origin of Life 4/25/20 For examples of how quantum coherence is linked to coherently The physics of existence (10)

Epistemic corruption (2)

Elon Musk, Thomas E. Ichim, Alexandria Henrion-Caude et al. This supports my claim that Facebook’s censorship of facts about God’s energy-dependent Creation of microRNAs and naturally occurring RNA interference (RNAi) was the largest contributor to unnecessary suffering and premature deaths from Covid19 and from other virus-driven pathology during the past 2 to 10 years. My Epistemic corruption (2)

“The Darwin Code: Intelligent Design without God” (2)

See first: “The Darwin Code: Intelligent Design without God” 4/14/15 Chemical signals between organisms can change genetic expression. As well, changes in the environment can alter genetic expression in both the individual and in later generations of offspring. See for comparison: Broadcasting of amplitude- and frequency-modulated c-di-GMP signals facilitates cooperative surface commitment in bacterial lineages “The Darwin Code: Intelligent Design without God” (2)

Natural selection for adaptation (10)

See: Ignoring light-activated microRNA biogenesis 10/16/18, and compare our section on pre-mRNAs and molecular epigenetics in: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996) to MicroRNAs buffer genetic variation at specific temperatures during embryonic development 10/16/18, which was previously published sans mention of microRNAs as Temporal development of Drosophila embryos is highly robust across a wide Natural selection for adaptation (10)

Quantum Darwinism (4)

How metformin affects various malignancies by means of microRNAs: a brief review 4/13/21 Metformin adjusts cellular energy metabolism through…an important metabolic sensor that is activated under cellular stress conditions and limits energy consumption by affecting ATP production and consumption [1, 2]. The link from naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation to God’s ATP-dependent Creation of RNA, Quantum Darwinism (4)

Impeaching the God of Abraham (1)

2/10/21 Researchers who share the Abrahamic faiths have refuted the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by all atheists. See: microRNA 115, 376 results There are currently 1052 results for microRNA and Israel 2,063 results for microRNA and Iran 2414 results for microRNA and Korea For a historical perspective on what is known to all intelligent serious scientists Impeaching the God of Abraham (1)

Coherently organized healthy longevity (4)

See first: Coherently organized healthy longevity (3) “Perfect Pairing” prevents cancer and all other forms of virus-driven pathology. Biologically uninformed science idiots have placed everything known to serious scientists about biophysically constrained “perfect pairing,”microRNA-mediated viral latency, and healthy longevity into the context of computational biology and chemistry via theoretical pairing. See their ridiculous claim in Coherently organized healthy longevity (4)

The tipping point (revisited): 98K (4)

Word-games and claims about beneficial mutations obfuscate the fact that light-activated carbon fixation is the link to microRNA-mediated viral latency and biophysically constrained ecological adaptations. See for an example of the word games:  Gene expression noise can promote the fixation of beneficial mutations in fluctuating environments, (2/13/20) Growth on the inferior carbon source depends on The tipping point (revisited): 98K (4)

Bruce McEwen’s legacy: sympatric speciation (4)

Bruce S. McEwen’s retrovirus legacy (1)  Conclusion: The light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex is required to link viral latency to healthy longevity across kingdoms via the physiology of reproduction. That statement reflects well on the 60-year history of Bruce McEwen’s published works from 1959 to 2019. For example, this was published on the day Bruce McEwen’s legacy: sympatric speciation (4)

The tipping point (revisited): 95K (1)

Today is my 10th year Twitter Anniversary. Since I started my account, the number of indexed published works that link light-activated microRNA biogenesis to the genesis of biodiversity via the physiology of reproduction rose by 88723 to 94939. The average of nearly 9000 more publications each year for 10 years of scientific progress clearly links The tipping point (revisited): 95K (1)