mRNA stability

Photonics in Forensics (5)

Forensics: a laboratory or department responsible for tests used in detection of crime, especially the crimes committed by corrupt politicians. Crosstalk between codon optimality and cis-regulatory elements dictates mRNA stability 1/5/21 However, the strength of this mechanism during embryogenesis, as well as its relationship with other known regulatory elements, such as microRNA, remains unclear. God’s Photonics in Forensics (5)

RNAi 2002 to AI 2021 (3)

See first: RNAi 2002 to AI 2021 (2) 12/30/21 The number of intelligent serious scientists who have integrated what is known about the physics, chemistry, and molecular biology of naturally occurring biophysically constrained microRNA-mediated viral endemicity and healthy longevity attests to the fact that most of them have been silenced. Indeed, in response to many RNAi 2002 to AI 2021 (3)

microRNA-mediated cures (9)

Systematic Characterization of MicroRNA Processing Modes in Plants With Parallel Amplification of RNA Ends 12/7/21 links light-activated carbon fixation from the ATP-dependent creation of RNA and Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation” (1964) to microRNA-mediated cures via this claim: The synthesis of microRNA-mediated cures (9)

microRNA-mediated cures (7)

Pharmacogenomics: A road ahead for precision medicine in psychiatry 10/6/21 In this 2017 Precision Medicine Virtual Conference presentation, I linked the National Microbiome Initiative from microbial quorum sensing to the physiology of pheromone-regulated genetic processes of reproduction and endogenous RNA interference (#RNAi) via chromosomal rearrangements in flies from the works of Thomas Hunt Morgan (1910) microRNA-mediated cures (7)

God’s microRNA-mediated Creation of genotypes (4)

Non-random distribution of individual genetic diversity along an environmental gradient 6/12/09 links the energy-dependent Creation of ecologically relevant phenotypes to pH-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency across kingdoms via single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in microRNAs (miRNAs). See also:  T cell immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern (Alpha and Delta) in infected and vaccinated individuals God’s microRNA-mediated Creation of genotypes (4)

Quantum Darwinism (8)

An engineered membrane-bound guanylyl cyclase with light-switchable activity 3/29/21 Expressing switch-Cyclop1 in the cells or tissue of interest will allow non-invasive and reversible manipulation of cGMP levels to a degree which is not possible by pharmacological intervention. The patented cure for all virus-driven pathology links naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation to biophysically constrained viral latency. Quantum Darwinism (8)

Quantum Darwinism (3)

“Quantum biology” is quantum Darwinism Starting from…discovery of quantum coherence in low-temperature photosynthetic microbes in 2007, quantum coherence is emerging as a general principle of biological systems. See: MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20 …naturally arising cell-to-cell variation, sometimes described as stochastic fluctuation, is in fact coherently organized biology. Theorists chose neo-Darwinian pseudoscientific Quantum Darwinism (3)

Defeating disease and Communism (3)

More than 117,000 published works that mention ‘microRNA‘ can be linked from: Playing games with quantum interference 3/10/21 via MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20 and MicroRNA Involvement in Signaling Pathways During Viral Infection 3/10/20 to the game for ages 14+ Genotype. Everything known to intelligent serious scientists has been linked to Defeating disease and Communism (3)

Impeaching the God of Abraham (6)

I repeat: “The epigenetic effects of olfactory/pheromonal input calibrate and standardize molecular mechanisms for genetically predisposed receptor-mediated changes in intracellular signaling and stochastic gene expression…” Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of the anti‐COVID‐19 Drug Remdesivir 9/1/20 The catalytic asymmetric synthesis of the anti-COVID-19 drug Remdesivir… showed that this DyKAT is a first-order visual kinetic reaction dependent on Impeaching the God of Abraham (6)