neo-Darwinian nonsense

Darwin Day 2020: More Pseudoscience than ever

Understanding Why Religious Conservatives Would Vote for Trump 2/10/20 To anyone with a conscience, Trump is both lewd and prurient, a man whose life has involved adultery, misogyny, racial insensitivity, vainglory, profanity, deceit, sexual aggression, divorce, fornication, casinos, and porn. Religious conservatives should not accept these vices, but rather denounce them. The balanced response for Darwin Day 2020: More Pseudoscience than ever

Chemogenetic kinetics (4): Darwinism vs neo-Darwinism

The paradigm shift in the molecular epigenetics section of  From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior has turned neo-Darwinists into Darwinists who link energy-dependent “conditions of life” to the prevention of virus-driven hecatombic evolution. See:  Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor for comparison to  Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean. Cancer researchers now try Chemogenetic kinetics (4): Darwinism vs neo-Darwinism

From quantum physics to quantum souls (2)

Summary: Natural selection for food energy-dependent codon optimality links the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction to all biodiversity on Earth via gene splicing and energy-dependent RNA-mediated fixation of amino acid substitutions. How humans and apes are different, and why it matters (2018) …the most distinctive feature of humanity is its ability to significantly alter ecosystems. That exemplifies From quantum physics to quantum souls (2)

Agilent technology and energy-dependent autophagy

The first step towards understanding the link from the creation of energy to metabolism-related cellular function is called energy phenotyping. It requires the  technology to measure energy-dependent changes in RNA-mediated metabolic switches via the RNA interference (RNAi) screening strategy. Endogenous RNAi must then be linked  to the prevention of the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA Agilent technology and energy-dependent autophagy

Quantum physics, Patrick Bateson, and neo-Darwinian nonsense

Sir Patrick Bateson: Zoologists Should Not ‘Hog’ Upcoming Royal Society Evolution Meeting I’m not sure we’re going to be talking about a completely new set of ideas, a lot have been around for a while. Frankly, I think some evolutionary biologists have not shed their neo-Darwinist clothing. Patrick Bateson, a leader in the field of Quantum physics, Patrick Bateson, and neo-Darwinian nonsense

God’s shrinking role in salvation (3)

Summary: I believe there is a bipartisan trend that links conservative Republicans to survival of the species, but I don’t know for sure what will happen to the liberal Democrats. And, I can’t prove it!   Helicity and chirality See also: God’s shrinking role in salvation (2) A Theory of Reality as More Than God’s shrinking role in salvation (3)

God's shrinking role in salvation (3)

Summary: I believe there is a bipartisan trend that links conservative Republicans to survival of the species, but I don’t know for sure what will happen to the liberal Democrats. And, I can’t prove it!   Helicity and chirality See also: God’s shrinking role in salvation (2) A Theory of Reality as More Than God's shrinking role in salvation (3)

Viruses in pathogenic variants disrupt alternative splicings (2)

Autophagy is activated by virus-driven energy theft. Click on the term “Autophagy” That fact is clear in the diagram of systems complexity and in my model. See for contrast:  Co-option of an endogenous retrovirus envelope for host defense in hominid ancestors A key question in virology, that is potentially answerable using paleovirological analyses, is what Viruses in pathogenic variants disrupt alternative splicings (2)

Models are not theories (3)

Learning to Fly: Decoding Neural Circuits in Drosophila melanogaster Excerpt: Anita enjoyed posters ranging from use of microRNAs to model Huntington’s disease(22) to the making of recombinant probes for synapse labeling (23). She spoke of how researchers at all career stages, ranging from graduate students to Nobel Laureates, were present in one venue to share Models are not theories (3)