
The concept of a species (3)

An evolutionary theory killer

Gene expression evidence for remodeling of lateral hypothalamic circuitry in cocaine addiction (2005) This remodeling of LH circuitry could contribute to the chronic deficit in reward function that has been hypothesized to drive the transition to drug addiction. Lena D. van der Stap discussed her role in the publication of this article, which failed to The concept of a species (3)

From Precis to Proof in 6000 years (3)

See first: Coulombic interactions facilitate polycombic adaptation See also: From Precis to Proof in 6000 years (2) See also: RNA catalyses nuclear pre-mRNA splicing 06 November 2013 Conclusion: …our data indicate that the spliceosome, like the ribosome44,45, uses RNA to effect catalysis in the context of a complex ribonucleoprotein assembly. Moreover, the common catalytic mechanism From Precis to Proof in 6000 years (3)

Non-mainstream scientist shares Nobel prize in Medicine

Youyou Tu is the 12th women awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2015) for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria. Historical perspective: Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award Excerpt: Tu discovered a passage in the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies (340 CE) by Ge Hong that referenced Qinghao’s malaria-healing capacity. It said Non-mainstream scientist shares Nobel prize in Medicine