theistic evolution

The end of theistic evolution (1)

Neanderthals likely introduced modern humans to dangerous viruses. But they also provided genetic defenses, through interbreeding. “It’s like they brought the knife, but they also brought the shield,” Dmitri Petrov says. 10/4/18 No experimental evidence of biologically based cause and effect supports any explanation for protection from viruses that does not start with the Creation The end of theistic evolution (1)

Richard P. Feynman refuted theistic evolution

Summary: Among other delightful examples of his expertise in physics, Feynman presciently linked natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality from food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled biophysically constrained chromosomal rearrangements to healthy longevity. He also linked the radiation-induced theft of quantized energy to mutations in phages via amino acids that increase the virulence of the viruses. Updated information Richard P. Feynman refuted theistic evolution

Bill Gates refutes theistic evolution

See: Bill Gates refutes theistic evolution (prequel) See for comparison: Our 2017 Annual Letter Warren Buffett’s Best Investment By Bill and Melinda Gates | February 14, 2017 Malnourished children can be getting enough calories, but not the right nutrients. That makes them more susceptible to conditions like pneumonia or diarrhea—and more likely to die from Bill Gates refutes theistic evolution

Happy Darwin Day (2017)

My series of blog posts about the refutation of theistic evolution by George Church led him to contact me via email. He asked why he would get credit for or against the refutations He claimed he was trained in quantum physics. He claimed that he has authored peer reviewed papers on protein folding, biodiversity, supercoiling, Happy Darwin Day (2017)