The tipping point? 50, 000 publications

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: May 16, 2016

…start research into the microbes that shape life on Earth — including those in plants, animals, water, soil and air — as part of an effort to fight disease…

My comment: Viruses in the bacteria of the light organ of bobtail squid link energy theft to all pathology. For comparison, nutritional epigenetics links microbes in soil  to healthy longevity in humans via what is currently known to serious scientists about the energy-dependent links from angstroms to ecosystems. Everything known to serious scientists links quantum physics to quantum consciousness via the de novo creation of nucleic acids, the innate immune system, RNA-mediated cell type differentiation, the physiology of reproduction, and supercoiled DNA, which protects all organized genomes from virus-driven entropy.

The microRNAome of bull sperm links the metabolic networks and genetic networks of all living genera to human brain development via microRNAs in breast milk. The Precision Medicine Initiative, which was announced in January 2015, has since forced all ethical researchers to link the energy-dependent physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in bacteria from virus-driven energy theft and all pathology. The difference between healthy longevity and pathology is virus-driven damage to DNA.  More than 50,000 published works link cause and effect to microRNAs.

On May 14, 2016, more than 50,000 published works linked what is known to serious scientists about energy-dependent changes in microRNAs and RNA-mediated cell type differentiation, which links our microbiome from angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera. And yet, even after a series of 4 presentations at 3 different conferences during the past three months, in the same week I presented RNA-mediated physics, chemistry, and molecular epigenetics, others reported this pseudoscientific nonsense:

See for comparison:

From hydrogen atom transfer in DNA base pairs to ecosystems

RNA mediated molecular epigenetics and virus driven entropy

What is life when it is not protected from virus driven entropy

Normalization for Relative Quantification of mRNA and microRNA in Soybean Exposed to Various Abiotic Stresses

The authors have linked energy-dependent changes in the nutrient-dependent physiology of reproduction of soil bacteria from the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal epigenetic effects on DNA repair to life history transitions in plant growth. The life history transitions in plants link changes in the microRNA/messenger RNA balance from the innate immune system to the stability of all organized genomes in all living genera via the content of glycine in soybeans. Their results recapitulate the claim made by Schrodinger (1944) in “What is Life?”
“Indeed, in the case of higher animals we know the kind of orderliness they feed upon well enough, viz. the extremely well-ordered state of matter in more or less complicated organic compounds, which serve them as foodstuffs. After utilizing it they return it in a very much degraded form -not entirely degraded, however, for plants can still make use of it. (These, of course, have their most power supply of ‘negative entropy’ the sunlight)”
See also: What is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autob… (Paperback) by Erwin Schrodinger, Roger Penrose
Note: Roger Penrose has co-authored with George F.R. Ellis and with Stephen Hawking.


How often do we still hear that quantum effects can have little relevance in the study of biology, or even that we eat food in order to gain energy?

My comment: This question will repeatedly arise from now on: How often have we heard that virus-driven energy theft links quantum effects to all stress-related pathology by what is currently known to serious scientists about all the links from energy-dependent changes in angstroms to ecosystems? For example, see this section from my 2012 review:

An epigenetic continuum from microbes to humans: from theory to facts

Among different bacterial species existing in similar environments, DNA uptake (Palchevskiy & Finkel, 2009) appears to have epigenetically ‘fed’ interspecies methylation and speciation via conjugation (Fall et al., 2007; Finkel & Kolter, 2001; Friso & Choi, 2002). This indicates that reproduction began with an active nutrient uptake mechanism in heterospecifics and that the mechanism evolved to become symbiogenesis in the conspecifics of asexual organisms (Margulis, 1998). In yeasts, epigenetic changes driven by nutrition might then have led to the creation of novel cell types, which are required at evolutionary advent of sexual reproduction (Jin et al., 2011). These epigenetic changes probably occur across the evolutionary continuum that includes both nutrition-dependent reproduction in unicellular organisms and sexual reproduction in mammals. For example, ingested plant microRNAs influence gene expression across kingdoms (Zhang et al., 2012). In mammals, this epigenetically links what mammals eat to changes in gene expression (McNulty et al., 2011) and to new genes required for the evolutionary development of the mammalian placenta (Lynch, Leclerc, May, & Wagner, 2011) and the human brain (Zhang, Landback, Vibranovski, & Long, 2011).

Quantum leap: Physicists can better study the quantum behaviour of objects on the atomic scale 12/23/15

Schrödinger was more of a philosopher than an engineer, so it is plausible that he would not have taken that much interest in the practical ramifications of his theory. However, he would surely have clapped his hands at the prospect that experimenters could one day induce large objects to have quantum properties. And there are plenty of proposals for how to ramp up the size of objects with proven quantum behaviour: a microscopic mirror in a quantum superposition, created through interaction with a photon, would involve about 1014 atoms. And, letting their imaginations run wild, researchers have proposed a method to do the same with small biological structures such as viruses.

Novel therapeutic investigational strategies to treat severe and disseminated HSV infections suggested by a deeper understanding of in vitro virus entry processes

Excerpt: No clear consensus exists on molecular events leading to HSV infection. There is no other consensus that is perfectly clear.

The major antigenic changes of the influenza virus are primarily caused by a single amino acid near the receptor binding site.

See for comparison:

The Imprinter of All Maladies


Could the histone modifications that Allis studies and Mukherjee focuses on also carry information across cell divisions and generations?

My comment: Allis is co-author of “Every amino acid matters: essential contributions of histone variants to mammalian development and disease

All serious scientists know that energy-dependent RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions differentiate all cell types in all living genera. Some of them know that virus-driven energy theft is the source of all pathology.If someone like Allis admitted that he knows that, the damage done to the evolution industry could not be repaired. Everyone must keep pathology for the neo-Darwinists to keep their theories.Do we have a deal, or not?

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[…] The tipping point? 50, 000 publications May 16, 2016 […]

[…] See my 5-part series on: The tipping point? 50, 000 publications […]

[…] “tipping point” was reached in May, 2016, but there are now 7000 more indexed publications that link […]

[…] The tipping point? 50, 000 publications 5/16/16 […]

[…] For a historical perspective See: The tipping point (revisited): 81,000 publications Parts 1-5 and every other “tipping point” blog post, which began on 5/16/16 with 50,000 publications […]

[…] The tipping point?: 50,000publications (May 16, 2016) […]

[…] Tipping Point series began with the claims about 50,000 published works The tipping point? 50, 000 publications (5/16/16) Did I mention that there are now 38,000 […]

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