Playing with breasts (e.g, with a new THEORY of why only heterosexual men love them)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: October 1, 2012

New Theory on Why Men Love Breasts  Natalie Wolchover, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer Date: 26 September 2012 Time: 06:34 PM ET
Excerpt: Larry Young, a professor of psychiatry at Emory University who studies the neurological basis of complex social behaviors, thinks human evolution has harnessed an ancient neural circuit that originally evolved to strengthen the mother-infant bond during breast-feeding, and now uses this brain circuitry to strengthen the bond between couples as well. The result? Men, like babies, love breasts.
My comment: I’ve detailed the neural circuitry that is involved, which is established by genetically predisposed variations in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse frequency. But rather than direct you to those details in an award-winning 57-page journal article/book chapter, or to my 2007 Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality plenary session power-point, here is a 5-minute video excerpt from my 2010 presentation at the 50th anniversary annual meeting of American Mensa. Attendees from the high IQ society learned that heterosexual attraction to pendulous female breasts is due to the fact that every breast is large to an infant male and olfactory/pheromonal cues condition the genetically predisposed hormone-driven visual response beginning from birth.

For those who have above average intelligence, as measured on standardized tests, this makes it clear that both heterosexual and homosexual attraction in mammals depend on genetically predisposed classically conditioned responses to olfactory/pheromonal input that enables food choice and mate choice via the same neuronal system. The effects of oxytocin and other hormones, which are somehow associated with social behavior are associated only in the context of a model of adaptive evolution.
Robert Karl Stonjek to the evolutionary psychology group: Excerpt: “Thus attraction to breasts is largely a transference from buttock attraction which has combined with the maturity/health indicator that breast maturity displays.”
My comment: “… heterosexual attraction to adult female pendulous breasts is a function of nutrient chemical-dependent pheromone production, which controls reproduction in species from microbes to man. There’s a model for that! It can be compared to Larry Young’s theory and to any works that suggests oxytocin affects any aspect of social behavior that is not first associated with the epigenetic effects of nutrient chemicals and pheromones on ecological, social, neurogenic, and socio-cognitive niche construction.
Unfortunately, the comparison of my model to Young’s theory is likely to offend those who have a vested interest in promoting and acquiring funding for research that does not incorporate what is currently known about cause and effect in the context of socioaffective neuroscience and psychology. For example, what’s known is that mutations are not responsible for adaptive evolution and that the visual appearance of large-breasts is not responsible for their heterosexual appeal. The visual response is genetically predisposed and conditioned to occur in the presence of olfactory/pheromonal input (e.g., from birth), which is why I decided to detail the fact that “Olfaction and odor receptors provide a clear evolutionary trail that can be followed from unicellular organisms to insects to humans.” I felt there was a need for  a mammalian model that is based on what’s currently known about adaptive evolution.”
Here’s another video excerpt (6 minutes) from my Mensa presentation.

Re:  “…every breast is large to an infant male.” The fact that I had fun detailing my model to an audience of  intelligent people can be compared to the difficulty I typically have with attempts to get other researchers to read and comment on my published works. It is no fun to be ignored, but that seems to be a common problem for those who challenge theories, whether or not those theories make sense in the context of biological facts. See for example:  Kohl, J.V. (2012) Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, 2: 17338.

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