Inherited fears: Epigenetic inheritance of memory (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 3, 2013

Inherited Fears

Mice appear to pass certain fears onto their offspring, according to a new study.

By Jef Akst | December 2, 2013

Re: “I don’t see any way by which that gene could be directly regulated by methylation,” Bestor told National Geographic’s Only Human.”
My comment to “The Scientist”
National Geographic and Nature block my comments on journalist’s posts and research reports. Otherwise, it would already be clear that the epigenetic effects of odors associated with nutrient uptake and ingestion of methyl groups links food odors to transgenerational epigenetic effects on memory via conserved molecular mechanisms.
The epigenetic effects of nutrient metabolism to species-specific pheromones, which control the physiology of reproduction, also link nutrient-dependent methylation to memory and social preferences that are established via ecological, social, neurogenic, and socio-cognitive niche construction associated with the thermodynamics and organism-level thermoregulation of increased organismal complexity in species from microbes to man.
Unfortunately, the physical constraints and the biological complexity required to link epigenetic information to memory and behavior seem to be hidden from the majority of researchers who establish popular opinion and often academically suppress new ideas. They tout mutations theory while avoiding discussion of nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution in the context of Darwin’s ‘conditions of life.’ They ignore the requirement of species-wide epistasis that Dobzhansky (1973)  came very close to explaining via nutrient-dependent amino acid substitutions, before attributing the substitutions to mutations as others have since continued to do. See, for example:
Jay R. Feierman: I am absolutely certain that if you showed this statement to any professor of biology or genetics in any accredited university anywhere in the world that 100% of them would say that “Random mutations are the substrate upon which directional natural selection acts” is a correct and true statement…. You really want us to believe that you are the expert on this topic when 100% of university level biology textbooks for Biology 101 and all biology and genetics professors will say the exact same sentence or something almost identical.
Whether or not anyone believes that I am an expert on this topic, I have published a series of works that with and  without co-authors establish the obvious facts that Darwin tried to establish. Life is nutrient-dependent. Had Darwin suspected that speciation was controlled by the metabolism of nutrients to species-specific pheromones, we could have avoided more that 80 years of the nonsense about natural selection that was added after Haldane suggested the idea of mutation-driven evolution.
See for review: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model. Those who decide to stick with the popular theory, like Feierman has done, may never be held accountable for ignoring biological facts, like Feierman has done while he also blocks most of my posts. But I would not stake my career in academia on that, if I had one, or had ever wanted one.
Note also that in 1995, I gave Gene Garfield a book that I co-authored and he commented on it to The Scientist  (see # 5 Scent of a book deal)
“The search for love the second time around can sometimes lead to scientific as well as romantic inspiration. At least, that’s what happened to James Vaughn Kohl, coauthor of the recently published volume The Scent of Eros (New York, Continuum Publishing Co., 1995). In a press release accompanying the book, Kohl-who manages a clinical laboratory for a group of physicians at Partell Medical Center in Las Vegas-writes, “My scientific interest in the nature and nurture of human sexuality dates back more than 10 years to a change in my attitude toward sexuality-one that came about as a result of a failed marriage.” The search for an “explanation for either my ex-wife’s or my own newly acquired sexual behavior” led Kohl to study the link between odors and pheromones, or sex attractants. The book, which Kohl wrote with Robert T. Francoeur, a professor of human sexuality at Farleigh Dickinson and New York universities, explains that odors can accelerate puberty, control women’s menstrual cycles, and influence sexual orientation.”

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