Controlled amino acid treatment of all pathology

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: November 22, 2016

Amino acid

One of the cancer treatments that seems to be proving effective over time is CAAT: Controlled Amino Acid Treatment. CAAT works by restricting certain amino acids from the diet to combat the growth and reproduction of the cancerous cells.


doctors can now actively battle cancers, using the best weapons possible, natural amino acids, which are actually designed to make changes in the body.

The trick has been to understand which changes are beneficial to cancer (or disease) sufferers, and which are not.

The trick is to understand how energy-dependent RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry is linked to biophysically constrained supercoiled DNA, which prevents virus-driven energy theft from causing all pathology. That understanding has not been made possible because it undermines the mutually supportive associations between politics and academia.
The Real War on Science(1) has gone virtually unnoticed by anyone who is not already (2) Combating Evolution to Fight Disease

(1)  Excerpt:

The Left’s most rigid taboos involve the biology of race and gender, as the Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker chronicles in The Blank Slate. The book takes its title from Pinker’s term for the dogma that “any differences we see among races, ethnic groups, sexes, and individuals come not from differences in their innate constitution but from differences in their experiences.” The dogma constricts researchers’ perspective—“No biology, please, we’re social scientists”—and discourages debate, in and out of academia.


Darwin probably anticipated the insemination of population genetics that led to the bastardization of his detailed observations in the “Modern Synthesis.” He politely insisted that ‘conditions of life’ be considered before natural selection.

There are two ‘conditions of life.’ It is nutrient-dependent and pheromone-controlled. Rosenberg and Queitsch now note the work with Dobzhansky’s rarely acknowledged claim: “I am a creationist and an evolutionist.” They also declare the need for “Deep understanding of the mechanisms that generate variation at the molecular level…”

Deep understanding of the ‘conditions of life’ does not come from theory.

Problems with the “modern synthesis” now lead us back to the facts about biologically-based cause and effect that Darwin and Dobzhansky approached with humility, which are the same biological facts that evolutionists approached with ignorance about behavioral affects and the arrogance that accompanies that ignorance. Rosenberg and Queitsch echo the sentiments of those who have been subjected to academic suppression.

Clearly, however, “nothing in evolution makes sense except in the light of biology” is not an exaggeration. It is a common sense statement about the biologically plausible genesis of functional cell types. Population genetics and evolutionary theories abandoned the biophysical constraints of ecological variation and the physiology of reproduction, which enable epigenetically-effected nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled receptor-mediated ecological adaptations and species diversity via the complexities of protein folding and niche construction.

It’s time for biophysicists to tell theorists and pathologists how to differentiate between theories about the genesis of different cell types and the biological facts about the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations that enable the genesis of different cell types in individuals of different species. Simply put, it’s time to stop trying to explain ecological adaptations in the context of mutations and evolution.

Let’s start with sex as a biological variable, shall we? Addressing sex as a biological variable
Which amino acid substitutions stabilized the sex differences in cell types at the advent of sexual reproduction in yeasts? What happened to stabilize the organized genomes of all living genera that sexually reproduce? What else besides the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in bacteria could be used as a basis for the required links from energy-dependent changes in angstroms to ecosystems that do not seem to be caused by virus-driven energy theft and mutations?
See also: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior

See also: Gender-Specific Association of Galanin Polymorphisms with HPA-Axis Dysregulation, Symptom Severity, and Antidepressant Treatment Response
See also: Single-nucleotide polymorphism rs948854 in human galanin gene and multiple sclerosis: a gender-specific risk factor
Controlled amino acid treatments will take advantage of everything known to serious scientists about energy-dependent links from angstroms to ecosystems via RNA-mediated cell type differentiation. Most of what is known has only recently confirmed the works that led to the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics (Schrodinger and Dirac) and the Prize in Physiology or Medicine (Morgan).
See for example: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy — Going Beyond the Diffraction Limit

In the simplest possible case, employing only one excitation wavelength, the sequence consists first of an excitation laser pulse (blue), followed by a slightly delayed STED laser pulse (red). The non-quenched emission light can then be collected, leading to a fluorescence decay obtained under STED conditions. The second part of the sequence features only the excitation pulse and the resulting decay curve is thus collected under confocal conditions.


Furthermore, following the gradual changes in diffusion coefficient as a function of observation area size can provide insights into the organization and dynamics of the cell membrane beyond the diffraction limit. The method can be expanded for studies involving more than one fluorescent species by, for example, adding more excitation lasers to the PIE pulse pattern. In addition to cell membrane investigations, PIE-STED-FCS can also be applied to any research area where precise observation of the diffusion times of fluorescent species with high lateral resolution is desirable or required, such as membrane permeability or protein mobility studies.

Femtosecond blasts of ultraviolet light have already been linked to energy-dependent DNA repair. See: UV-Induced Charge Transfer States in DNA Promote Sequence Selective Self-Repair
Energy-dependent RNA-mediated DNA repair is clearly linked from the physiology of reproduction to supercoiled DNA and healthy longevity. Virus-driven energy theft is linked to all pathology. Researchers are on the verge of learning which viruses are causing the pathology linked from negative supercoiling to species-specific tissue type-specific pathology in all cell types of all individuals of all living genera.
But you will still hear claims from theorists that not enough is known about how to prevent all pathology. Once everyone else learns how to prevent all pathology via controlled amino acid treatments, the claims of theorists will be exposed as the most ignorant of all claims since the Nobel Laureates from 1933 exposed the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by those who invented neo-Darwinism.
See also: Using light to map the circuitry of the brain

“This allows the image to be mapped to different frequency bands – like tuning a radio,” explains Zhou. “The delay separates the images for the light to detect different optical frequencies at the same time.”

My comment: It will allow all serious scientists to examine a detailed model of how energy-dependent RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry links base pairs from SNPs and species-specific nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled cell type differentiation from fertilization to adult sexual behavior during life history transitions.
See for example: Oppositional COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity in adolescents and adults

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[…] See also: Controlled amino acid treatment of all pathology […]

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