Dietary lutein and pheromone-controlled brain development

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 21, 2016

Parahippocampal Cortex Mediates the Relationship between Lutein and Crystallized Intelligence in Healthy, Older Adults
Reported as: How Leafy Greens May Protect The Brain From Aging

“As a neuroprotective nutrient, lutein may support structure and function in neural membranes, and ultimately may support the cognitive functions that rely upon these neural membranes,” Marta Zamroziewicz, a graduate student in neuroscience and the study’s lead author, told The Huffington Post.

The link from the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy to lutein and cell type differentiation in all living genera was placed into the context of this review of human brain development.
The role of docosahexaenoic and the marine food web as determinants of evolution and hominid brain development: The challenge for human sustainability
The link from the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy to the de novo creation of olfactory receptor genes and to all biodiversity was placed into the context of this article: Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction
“Evolutionary processes” fail to link docosahexanoic acid and lutein to luteinizing hormone and healthy longevity. The “processes” can be viewed in the context of what is known about energy-dependent biophysically constrained RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry. For example, energy is linked to healthy longevity in all living genera and virus-driven energy theft is linked to all pathology.
In all vertebrates, the stability of of organized genomes has been linked from the substitution of achiral glycine in position 6 of the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) decapeptide. The LHRH decapeptide is also referred to as the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) decapeptide.
The LHRH / GnRH decapeptide links dietary lutein to the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled cell type differentiation of all cell types in all vertebrates via the substitution of the achiral amino acid, glycine, and via measurements of luteinizing hormone, which initially was referred to as the “yellow hormone.”
See our section on “Tracking the Yellow Hormone” in: The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality (1995/2002)
See also: From hydrogen atom transfer in DNA base pairs to ecosystems (video representation)

This atoms to ecosystems model of ecological adaptations links nutrient-dependent epigenetic effects on DNA base pairs in solution and RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to chromosomal rearrangements via pheromone-controlled changes in the microRNA / messenger RNA balance. The nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled changes are required for the thermodynamic regulation of intracellular signaling, which enables biophysically constrained nutrient-dependent & pH-dependent protein folding; experience-dependent receptor-mediated behaviors, and organism-level thermoregulation in ever-changing ecological niches and social niches. Critical limits for enhanced medical care already include what is known about the RNA-mediated physics and chemistry of biologically-based ecological, social, neurogenic and socio-cognitive niche construction. The epigenetic landscape is clearly linked to the physical landscape of supercoiled DNA and top-down causation is manifested in increasing organismal complexity in species from microbes to humans. In all vertebrates and invertebrates the reciprocal relationships of species-typical nutrient-dependent & pH-dependent morphological and behavioral diversity are enabled by microRNAs, adhesion proteins, and pheromone-controlled reproduction. Ecological variation and biophysically constrained natural selection of nutrients cause the RNA-mediated behaviors that enable ecological adaptations, which include development of the brain during life history transitions. Ideas from population genetics typically exclude ecological factors, which must be linked to cell type differentiation. Theories are integrated with an experimental evidence-based approach that establishes what is currently known in the context of this mammalian model.

See also: Understanding and accounting for relational context is critical for social neuroscience

9 Comments – James Vaughn Kohl and George F R Ellis.

James Vaughn Kohl “New data on how genetic predispositions are epigenetically linked to phenotypically distinct neuroanatomy and behaviors is provided in the honeybee model. Across-species comparisons from insects to vertebrates clearly show that the epigenetic influence of food odors and pheromones continues throughout the life of organisms that collectively survive whereas individuals do not. These comparisons also attest to the relative salience of sensory input from the rearing environment. For example, when viewed from the consistency of animal models and conditioned behaviors, food odors are obviously more important to food selection than is our visual perception of food. Animal models affirm that food odor makes food either appealing or unappealing. Animal models reaffirm that it is the pheromones of other animals that makes them either appealing or unappealing.

Socioaffective neuroscience and psychology may progress more quickly by keeping these apparent facts in mind: Olfaction and odor receptors provide a clear evolutionary trail that can be followed from unicellular organisms to insects to humans (Keller et al., 2007; Kohl, 2007; Villarreal, 2009; Vosshall, Wong, & Axel, 2000).”

— Kohl, JV (2012) Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 2012

George F R Ellis This is absolutely correct and forms part of the larger concept that top-down causation is a key factor not just in the way the brain works but in broader contexts in biology and even physics. This is explored here:


See for comparison, the recent attempt to replace what is known to all serious scientists about energy as information with the term “bio-functional information.”

The theorists are desperately seeking new terms that can be used to replace mutation in the context of their ridiculous theories about Mutation-driven evolution.

(1) Mutation is the source of all genetic variation on which any form of evolution is dependent. Mutation is the change of genomic structure and includes nucleotide substitution, insertion/deletion, segmental gene duplication, genomic duplication, changes in gene regulatory systems, transposition of genes, horizontal gene transfer, etc. (2) Natural selection is for saving advantageous mutations and eliminating harmful mutations. Selective advantage of the mutation is determined by the type of DNA change, and therefore natural selection is an evolutionary process initiated by mutation.”

See for comparison: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model

Energy-dependent changes in base pairs link differences in nucleotide substitutions from insertions and or deletions to gene duplication in the context of autophagy, which links the physiology of reproduction to supercoiled DNA and chromosomal rearrangements. The energy-dependent chromosomal rearrangements were first linked to transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of all morphological and behavioral diversity by Thomas Hunt Morgan who won the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

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