Critical values expose virus-driven energy theft
Critical Values: is ASCP’s quarterly magazine with news and features covering trends of interest to pathologists and laboratory professionals alike.
See for example: Attentive Clinical Laboratory Scientist Discovers First Human Case of Borrelia turicatae
Critical Values spoke with technologist Dolli Lane, MLT(ASCP)CMCsCM, and the chief of the hematology section, Chris Boyd, MLT(ASCP)CM, about their findings. Their story demonstrates how attention to detail saves lives.
Every serious scientist I know is on the verge of linking the creation of the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy from hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to autophagy and supercoiled DNA via the physiology of reproduction in all living genera.
See for example: Cephalopod Olfaction
Several behavioral and functional studies have been conducted on nautiluses and decapods, demonstrating the role of olfactory organs in mate choice, predation improvement, defense strategy, and spatial orientation. Recent functional and morphological studies of octopods have revealed new perspectives about the role played by olfaction in the complex behavioral patterns shown by these fascinating animals.
Many of the serious scientists could explain what biologically uninformed theorists routinely ignore. For example, every pseudoscientist and atheist is still touting the religious dogma associated with neo-Darwinian theories. Their theories failed to include a link from Darwin’s energy-dependent “conditions of life” to all biophysically constrained biodiversity. That link is the nutrient energy-dependent physiology of pH-dependent pheromone-controlled reproduction.
The energy levels in a hydrogen atom can be obtained by solving Schrödinger’s equation in three dimensions. Because most people cannot do that, it may be more important for them to know that energy-dependent changes in hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution must be linked to “conditions of life.”
When too much of the potential energy is used by a living organism or a virus, the organism dies. Theorists typically do not know that, or perhaps they simply don’t care where the energy came from. Darwin claimed it must be linked from his “conditions of life” to all biodiversity via the physiology of energy-dependent reproduction.
That explains why theorists cannot trouble-shoot their ridiculous theories. If they were required to perform a blood gas analysis in a hospital medical laboratory, they probably would not understand that human life exists only in the biophysically constrained pH that ranges from ≤7.25 or ≥ 7.6. Theorists could not link calibrations and controls that are required to report accurate results to patient outcomes. Theorists are told that the outcomes are due to mutations and evolution.
See instead:Stat Profile Prime CCS Blood Gas Analyzer from Nova Biomedical
Measuring pH links nutritional epigenetics from the innate immune system to healthy longevity via everything known about virus-driven energy theft, which links nutrient stress and social stress to the replication of viruses, which link mutations to all pathology via critical care testing of other blood gas analytes such as pCO2, pO2, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, Glucose, Lactic Acid, and Hematocrit.
The energy-dependent interaction between water and ions is omnipresent in biological processes related to enzymes, ion channels and protein folding.
The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP [energy] dependent. Experiments are described which show that the required ATP is produced by reactions associated with glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and a type of oxidative phosphorylation. These pathways can be selectively inhibited by iodoacetate, fluoroacetate, and antymycin A, and RNA synthesis is blocked in the presence of these inhibitors. However, CO, which inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation but does not block nuclear ATP synthesis, does not affect RNA synthesis in isolated nuclei or in whole cells. The use of CO as a selective inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthesis has made it possible to suppress cytoplasmic protein synthesis while allowing nuclear protein synthesis to continue.
See for comparison: A Global Analysis of the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase-Protein Phosphatase Interactome
Serine/threonine phosphorylation also has important effects on RTK signaling. We consistently found numerous PSP hits in our screens, although most of their functions remain unknown.
Reported as: First complete interactome map of human receptor tyrosine kinases and phosphatases
The researchers were surprised to find that some PTPs defy convention and act to promote RTK signalling suggesting that their roles are more complex than previously thought. For example, a phosphatase called PTPRA activates the EGFR, which is mutated in many cancers, revealing a new way in which cancer might spread. They also found two new phosphatases, PTPRB and PTPRH, which work as expected by grinding EGFR signalling to a halt, with potential anti-tumour properties.
Phosphorylation has long been suspected or known to be the energy-dependent molecular mechanism that enables the fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions. Ffixation of amino acid substitutions in supercoiled DNA protects all organized genomes from virus-driven energy theft and genomic entropy. That fact is placed back into the context of evolution of the protein phosphatases from genes in this example of gene-centric theory.
… protein phosphatases evolved from distinct genes and employ different enzymatic mechanisms (Li et al., 2013). They are traditionally divided into two classes, protein Ser/Thr phosphatases (PSPs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). PSPs include the PPP, PPM, and FCP/SCP families (Li et al., 2013). The cysteine-based PTP superfamily includes about 100 members (Alonso et al., 2004; Tonks, 2006) grouped into classical PTPs and dual specificity phosphatases (DUSPs). Classical PTPs play critical roles in tyrosine kinase signaling (Neel and Tonks, 1997), whereas DUSPs can dephosphorylate Tyr and Ser/Thr residues. Some DUSPs function as lipid or glycogen phosphatases. The EYA family comprises a small set with an aspartate-based catalyticdomain (Alonso et al., 2004; Jemc and Rebay, 2007).
This is a potent obfuscation of the facts known to all serious scientists who have linked ecological variation to energy-dependent ecological adaptation via what is known about biophysically constrained protein folding chemistry.
PPPs are typically multi-subunit proteins, composed of a catalytic subunit and scaffold/regulatory subunits that serve to determine their substrate specificities.
The regulatory subunits are energy-dependent RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions. Theorists know that refutes their neo-Darwinian nonsense so they pretend not to know that substrate specificities are energy-dependent and that the energy is linked to species-specific differences in morphological and behavioral phenotypes by what organisms eat.
Here’s another misrepresentation of that fact.
A Single-Cell Roadmap of Lineage Bifurcation in Human ESC Models of Embryonic Brain Development
The human brain is a complex and highly evolved structure. Mouse models do not fully recapitulate cell-type diversity or lineage trajectories of the human brain (Florio et al., 2015; Konopka et al., 2012; Pollen et al., 2015; Reilly et al., 2015; Silbereis et al., 2016; Thomsen et al., 2016). Furthermore, human neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia are incompletely modeled in mouse.
The only way to keep fooling people into believing that the human brain evolved, is to keep teaching them to ignore what is known about energy-dependent autophagy.
See for example: Autophagy fan club
Olfaction is the link from autophagy to supercoiled DNA and pseudoscientists have failed to recognize that fact since the time that de Vries defined the term mutation.
See what’s next, and try to stop the dissemination of accurate information if you like. Cephalopod Olfacton
Censors can only do so much damage, and the time has come when serious scientists are doing damage repair, whether or not anyone in this group likes it. Similarly, chirality links the sun’s biological energy from the speed of light to autophagy and RNA-mediated DNA repair. If you would rather others not know that fact, change the name of the group to something that does not infer it is a group for discussion of autophagy.
Perhaps, “Definition Fan Club” would be more appropriate.
Sena Latagan Member James Kohl has been removed for posting unrelated topics. We the admins would like to remind everyone to please stay on topic in respect to the other members who are here to discuss autophagy as it is currently defined in the literature. Thank you.
Autophagy cannot be discussed outside the context of how sunlight is linked from chirality to the de novo creation of G protein-coupled receptors and to all energy-dependent biodiversity, or from virus-driven energy theft to all pathology. Definitions, such as de Vries 1902 definition of mutation are used only by the biologically uninformed who chose to stay uninformed. They will never know what it takes to know something about biologically-based cause and effect.