Happy Darwin Day (2017)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: February 12, 2017

My series of blog posts about the refutation of theistic evolution by George Church led him to contact me via email.

  1. He asked why he would get credit for or against the refutations
  2. He claimed he was trained in quantum physics.
  3. He claimed that he has authored peer reviewed papers on protein folding, biodiversity, supercoiling, etc.
  4. He wanted to know more but did not know enough about my target audience to realize why I included information about the viral hecatomb.
  5. He also claimed to have written more on what is known about endogenous RNA interference than on exogenous RNA interference.

I invited him to discuss this further on my FB group, or on this domain. He declined. That was a great end to my 2017 Darwin Day.
See Evolution-guided optimization of biosynthetic pathways, which was co-authored by George Church and published December 1, 2014.
There is no such thing as evolution-guided optimization. Natural selection for energy dependent codon optimality is the only link from ecological variation to ecological adaptation in all living genera. That means we can move forward without George Church and still place his comments into the context of “Trust me, I’m a biologist.
I think that most serious scientists agree that you can’t trust evolutionary theorists For comparison, you can trust Darwin’s “conditions of life.”
Darwin’s “conditions of life” link the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to the physiology of reproduction in all living genera. Can you trust anyone who claims evolution did that?
See: RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering 

Repetitive elements or endogenous viral elements can be targeted with engineered Cas+gRNA systems in microbes, plants, animals, or human cells to reduce deleterious transposition or to aid in sequencing or other analytic genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic/diagnostic tools (in which nearly identical copies can be problematic).

Nutrient energy-dependent microRNAs link natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality to viral latency and protection of organized genomes from endogenous viral elements. Targeting endogenous viral elements with RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions is the key to biophysically constrained cell type differentiation. Fixation of amino acid substitutions prevents problematic nearly identical copies. There is no need for uncontrolled copies if there is no need to find another energy source. Uncontrolled copies link virus-driven energy theft from mutations to all pathology in all genera.
For example, energy theft from bacteria links messenger RNA degradation to morphological and behavioral phenotypes of archaea. Similarly, messenger RNA degradation in humans links the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of Zika virus-damaged DNA to craniofacial morphology and brain development in infants.
Taken together with what is known about differences in energy-dependent endogenous RNA interference in nematodes, all ridiculous misrepresentations of Darwin’s works must be reversed to show the truth about what virus-driven energy theft does. It links RNA-mediated cell type differentiation from the energy-dependent creation of bacteria to the energy-dependent creation of humans and it links virus-driven energy theft to all pathology.
Riding the Evolution Paradigm Shift With Eugene Koonin

The entire evolution of the microbial world and the virus world, and the interaction between microbes and viruses and other life forms have been left out of the Modern Synthesis… 

Is Eugene Koonin joking about what was left out? If not, big bang cosmologists and neo-Darwinian theorists have never tried to support their ridiculous theories with any experimental evidence of biologically based cause and effect. They never examined the role of energy-dependent microRNAs or virus-driven energy theft. Instead, they invented gene-centric theories of mutation-driven evolution.

See for comparison: Membrane Patterns Carry Ontogenetic Information that is Specified Independently of DNA
Reported as: Peer-Reviewed Paper: Development Needs Ontogenetic Information that Cannot Arise from Neo-Darwinian Mechanisms

With over 400 citations to the technical literature, this well-researched and well-documented article shows that embryogenesis depends on crucial sources of information that exist outside of the DNA.

A 16 page monograph with 12 pages of citations is an unparalleled achievement for anyone who is not a polymath or someone who has not already linked physics and chemistry from molecular epigenetics to all biophysically constrained cell type differentiation in all living genera via fixation of nutrient energy-dependent RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions in supercoiled DNA.
None of the cited works appear to link what is known about virus-driven energy theft to all pathology. Again, it is time to move forward.
See: Charles Darwin’s Ocean Upwelling

It’s hard to overstate how vital Darwin’s coral reef theory was in developing his career and thinking. It paved the way, conceptually and methodologically, for everything to come — particularly his transmutation theory [natural selection]. The likenesses startle. Like the transmutation theory, the coral reef theory described how small, virtually unnoticeable changes could create differences of essential type in seemingly immutable forms — and in doing so, account for broad patterns of development and difference.

Changes in coral reefs are nutrient energy-dependent and controlled by the physiology of reproduction. De vries defined “mutation” in 1902, which means that Darwin could not have had a transmutation theory. Also, Darwin repeatedly asserted the claim that his “conditions of life” must come before any claims about natural selection.
Darwin Day 2017 may become known as the day George Church refused to publicly discuss evolution or to admit there is no such thing as evolution outside the context of virus-driven energy theft and the evolution of  pathology. On the same day, The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History blog site published a post that misrepresented everything known to serious scientists about biophysically constrained energy-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation and healthy longevity.  Who could ask for a better Darwin Day than one during which Darwin’s “conditions of life” clearly triumphed over the ridiculous claims made by neo-Darwinian theorists and others who refuse to admit to the facts that link energy-dependent changes in chirality from autophagy to endogenous RNA interference and to supercoiled DNA, which prevents virus-driven energy theft from causing the mutations that all serious scientists have linked to all pathology?

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