March for Science (revisited)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: February 27, 2017

March for Science Gains Support from Scientific Societies

AAAS and more than 25 scientific societies throw their support behind the event.

By Diana Kwon | February 27, 2017

The DC march—and a growing list of over 300 satellite marches around the world—has spurred debates about whether such overt activism will garner support for science or simply increase political polarization. But the new partners emphasize that they consider the March for Science non-partisan.

…to the extent that the march organizers maintain their emphasis on a positive and apolitical message regarding empirical science…

This blog post exemplifies the redundancy that is required to address the false claims of the media-industrial complex aka (The Fourth Estate). I apologize for repeating myself, but hope that someone else will report this to “The Scientist.”

I have been warned by a senior editor not to make more extended comments about viruses.

On 2/27/17 I attempted to contact the Department of Homeland Security’s “Suspicious Activity” section. After a second attempt, I listened to a menu selection of items that seemed to be largely irrelevant to my concerns and decided to keep posting here, instead. So far as I know, the Department of Homeland Security’s “Suspicious Activity” section is not alerted to the facts about the threat of gene-editing technology, which has been placed into the hands of those who can afford the cost of a home-use kit. Meanwhile, here’s the threat that their use of a gene-editing kit poses to humanity.

On January 26, 2017, unknown march organizers clearly stated this:

There are certain things that we accept as facts with no alternatives. The Earth is becoming warmer due to human action. The diversity of life arose by evolution.
Support from scientific societies for this event continues to suggest it is another “march” that was organized and will be funded by the media-industrial complex.
The media-industrial complex may be aligned with academics who have ignored empirical science and what is known to all serious scientists about energy-dependent biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation. Some academics framed what is known to pseudoscientists in the context of their claims about mutations, natural selection, and evolution.
Thank God, George Church is moving forward by providing more accurate information on energy-dependent endogenous RNA interference.
If the Trump administration’s plan succeeds, the marchers will be stopped in their academic tracks by other billionaires, like Bill Gates, who recently reported on the biggest threat to humanity that we have ever faced.

The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus,” he said, “or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.

See also: Search Results for “”virus-driven energy theft””

See also: Robert Davi speaks at CPAC.

My comment:

James Kohl · 6:53 The media-industrial complex arose in the context of lies touted by theorists who were supported by the evolution industry and the “big bang” cosmology industry.

Those lies have been replaced by what is known to all serious scientists about energy-dependent RNA-mediated biophysically constrained biologically-based cause and effect.

The pseudoscientific nonsense about mutations and evolution touted by biologically uninformed theorists has been exposed by facts that link virus-driven energy theft to all pathology via genomic entropy.

All gene centric theories start with virus-driven energy theft and mutations in DNA. All facts start with energy-dependent protection from virus-driven energy theft.

The media-industrial complex does not want you to know the facts because all facts link creationism to Americanism via the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight and femtosecond blasts of ultraviolet (UV) light. UV light has been linked to DNA repair in species from microbes to humans via the physiology of energy-dependent reproduction and endogenous RNA interference.

See also: US Researchers Found Guilty of Misconduct Collectively Awarded $101 Million

Seventeen scientists found to have committed research misconduct during the last 25 years have since collectively received more than $101 million in NIH funding.

By Joshua A. Krisch | February 27, 2017

Galbraith identified 284 people who had been subjected to sanctions by the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) between April 1992 and February 2016 for scientific misconduct (falsifying or fabricating data, or plagiarism).

Where are they now?

Overall, 23 of the scientists (roughly 8% of sanctioned researchers) received NIH funding after receiving an ORI sanction. Of that group, 17 researchers won more than $101 million for 61 new projects. Thirteen continued to receive funding from NIH grants that had been awarded before being sanctioned.

How many others who have not yet been caught continue to receive NIH funding and report pseudoscientific nonsense about mutations and evolution because that’s what they get paid to do?

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