Energy-dependent allelic imbalances, viruses, and pathology

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: February 28, 2017

Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference poster presentation February 15, 2017

KRAS Allelic Imbalance Enhances Fitness and Modulates MAP Kinase Dependence in Cancer February 23, 2017

These studies demonstrate that serial genetic changes at the Kras/KRAS locus are frequent in cancer and modulate competitive fitness and MEK dependency.

Reported as: Genetic ‘balance’ may influence response to cancer treatment

Taylor developed mathematical algorithms and software to analyze relative dosage of mutant KRAS and normal KRAS in tumor cells from biopsy samples, which contain many normal cells as well as cancerous cells.

The energy-dependent balance of genes is RNA-mediated and controlled by supercoiled DNA, which links amino acid substitutions that stabilize all organized genomes from chirality to autophagy.  In this study, they claim facts are “deeply understood” about the most common mutation in cancer and how oncogenic amino acid substitutions perturb activation of the molecular switch that enables protein folding chemistry.
Their understanding of biophysically constrained energy-dependent RNA-mediated protein folding chemistry fails to differentiate between virus-driven energy theft, which causes all mutations, and nutrient energy-dependent fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions in supercoiled DNA, which are linked from chromosomal inheritance to the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of healthy longevity in all genera.
Simply put, the authors appear to be theorists using algorithms. There is no indication that they are serious scientists like those who have already linked energy-dependent changes from angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera via the physiology of energy-dependent pheromone-controlled reproduction.
See also: Genome-wide identification of splicing QTLs in the human brain and their enrichment among schizophrenia-associated loci
Reported as: Changes in RNA splicing: a new mechanism for genetic risk in schizophrenia
Re: a “new” mechanism: See: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior

Small intranuclear proteins also participate in generating alternative splicing techniques of pre-mRNA and, by this mechanism, contribute to sexual differentiation in at least two species, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans…

The authors who report on splicing QTLs in the human brain make it appear that the molecular mechanisms we detailed in our section on molecular epigenetics are something new. Only serious scientists know that why pseudoscientists continue to link energy-dependent changes in the microRNAs/messenger RNA balance to splicing QTLs.  For example, pseudoscientists do not want more people to learn that energy-dependent alternative splicings of pre-mRNA (aka microRNAs) link

  1. the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal effects from
  2. changes in base pairs to the
  3. single nucleotide polymorphisms that link
  4. hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution from
  5. chirality to
  6. autophagy
  7. and all biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation in all living genera
  8. via the physiology of reproduction.

This article, from the “Nature Publications Group” is another attempt to ignore the established facts about protein folding chemistry and place the facts back into the context of ridiculous theories about mutations and evolution.
See also: Alternative RNA Splicing in Evolution

…alternative splicing may be the critical source of evolutionary changes differentiating primates and humans from other creatures such as worms and flies with a similar number of genes.

Excerpt from my comment ~3 years ago:

The alternative splicings are nutrient-dependent and appear to be enabled by the experience-dependent de novo creation of olfactory receptor genes, which enable additional receptor-mediated nutrient uptake and the metabolism of nutrients to species-specific blends of pheromones that control reproduction in species from microbes to man.

See also: Microbes Conversations About Entering Brain Compartments
Energy-dependent allelic imbalances linked virus-driven energy theft from alternative RNA splicings to cancer and to schizophrenia in today’s science news. The conserved molecular mechanisms are consistently NOT linked to what is known  about the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction and ecological adaptations in species from archaea to humans.

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