Energy-dependent pheromone-controlled entropy (1)

Let’s make peer review scientific
…peer review is often biased and inefficient. It is occasionally corrupt, sometimes a charade, an open temptation to plagiarists. Even with the best of intentions, how and whether peer review identifies high-quality science is unknown. It is, in short, unscientific.
A recent PubMed search for more peer-reviewed articles that mention microRNA returned a link to this published work. “Genetic 3’UTR variation is associated with human pigmentation characteristics and sensitivity to sunlight”
One energy-dependent variation links the sensitivity to the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight from differences in the energy of photons to the physiology of reproduction in species from microbes to humans via microRNA flanking sequences and hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution.
That fact links endogenous RNA interference to healthy longevity. All experimental evidence of biologically-based facts also links virus-driven energy theft to all pathology. It is past time for theoretical physicists and neo-Darwinian theorists to acknowledge the paradigm shift that links top-down causation from energy to healthy longevity and virus-driven energy theft to all pathology. For example, neurodegenerative disease is caused by viruses that steal the energy required to create new G protein-coupled receptors, such as olfactory receptors.
This is an example of the consequences: Rising Numbers Of Alzheimer’s Patients Could Bankrupt Medicare (with my emphasis)
The Urgent Need For Research
Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. In fact, Alzheimer’s is the only one of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. that cannot be prevented, slowed or cured.
The Alzheimer’s Association report highlights the urgent need for increased funding and a major global research effort aimed at the prevention and treatment of the debilitating disease.
For now, money for Alzheimer’s research lags behind that of other diseases. While the U.S. government committed over $5 billion to cancer research and $3 billion to HIV/AIDS research in 2015, funding for Alzheimer’s research came in at less than $600 million that year, according to AARP.
Virus-driven energy theft also causes cancer, but the failure to link that fact to the facts about virus-driven neurodegenerative diseases represents a failure that can only be attributed to pseudoscientists. Serious scientists attempted to move forward with this accurate representation of biologically-based cause and effect.
Instead of a non-invasive pheromone-based treatment for virus-caused neurodegenerative diseases, we got the CRISPR/Cas 9 technology. Some people claim that CRISPR is the biggest threat to humanity that has ever been brought to the attention of world leaders and philanthropists like Bill Gates.
Instead of applying what is known about energy-dependent pheromone-controlled entropy, the CRISPR technology is rapidly becoming represented in the context of endogenous RNA interference. RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering
Repetitive elements or endogenous viral elements can be targeted with engineered Cas+gRNA systems in microbes, plants, animals, or human cells to reduce deleterious transposition or to aid in sequencing or other analytic genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic/diagnostic tools (in which nearly identical copies can be problematic).
Food odors and pheromones target energy-dependent feedback loops, which link RNA methylation to all biophysically constrained biodiversity via naturally occurring RNA-guided human genome engineering.
Until now, that fact protected us from the viral apocalypse. Epigenetic effects of ecological variation on failed ecological adaptations in hosts now link the adaptations of viruses to the forthcoming viral apocalypse.
Serious scientists saw this coming. Substitutions Near the Receptor Binding Site Determine Major Antigenic Change During Influenza Virus Evolution
The major antigenic changes of the influenza virus are primarily caused by a single amino acid near the receptor binding site.
Now, see: Endothelial cell tropism is a determinant of H5N1 pathogenesis in mammalian species (with my emphasis)
… endothelial cell tropism is a determinant of the high virulence associated with HPAI H5N1 infection in mammalian hosts. By utilizing endogenous miRNA mediated restriction of viral tropism, we demonstrate that H5N1 infection of endothelial cells results in increased cytokine production in the lungs and loss of endothelial barrier function, which culminates in vascular leakage in the lungs. In addition, extrapulmonary spread of H5N1 virus likely occurs via the hematogenous route by infection of endothelial cells. Importantly, our studies strongly suggest that a combination therapy with drugs that improve endothelial barrier function and suppress host immune responses will be necessary for treating HPAI H5N1 virus infections. Apart from HPAI H5N1 virus, several other influenza virus strains either with (H7N7) or without (1918, H7N9) an MBS in HA have been shown to cause aggressive disease in mammalian hosts. Future studies are necessary to determine if the high virulence of other pathogenic influenza virus strains is due to endothelial cell tropism.
Re: …endogenous miRNA mediated restriction of viral tropism…
miRNA mediated restriction of viral tropism is the obvious energy-dependent link from nutritional epigenetics to RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions in supercoiled DNA, which protect all organized genomes from virus-driven energy theft. When a theorist claims that the facts about biophysically constrained viral latency have been integrated into their claims about emergence and neo-Darwinian evolution, ask “Where did the energy come from?”
Darwin included energy in his “conditions of life.” Wherever the energy went when pseudoscientists invented their ridiculous theories, on March 10m 2017, it came back.
Greg Bear … has also served as a consultant for NASA, the U.S. Army, the State Department, the International Food Protection Association, and Homeland Security on matters ranging from privatizing space to food safety, the frontiers of microbiology and genetics, and biological security.
[…] See also: Energy-dependent pheromone-controlled entropy (1) […]