From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (5)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: May 30, 2017

From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (4)
CRISPR Is Taking Over Science, Breaks Out Of Labs And Invades Schools (5/29/17)

…used mathematical models to reveal that even in a uniform environment, metabolic competition generally leads to the steady coexistence of distinct microbes, collectively called a “consortium”. In a consortium, distinct microbes organize themselves to create a community-level metabolism that best exploits the nutrients present. The models showed that while growing, a consortium depletes the available pool of nutrients to such low levels that only members of the consortium can survive. The findings suggest that the benefit of metabolic diversity stems from the ability of a consortium to automatically deplete nutrients to levels at which no other microbes can invade.

Taillefumier et al. propose that consortia that arise naturally under conditions where there is a steady supply of nutrients produce the maximum mass of microbes. Future experiments that analyze the impact of fluctuating nutrient supply may help us to understand the benefit of metabolic diversity in real-world microbial communities.

Microbes do not organize themselves into consortia via the automatic depletion of nutrients. Natural selection for food energy-dependent codon optimality links quantum physics to the pheromone-controlled physiology of biophysically constrained viral latency. That is how metabolic networks must link ecological variation to ecological adaptation in all living genera.

Pseudoscientists who know nothing about energy-dependent quorum sensing and RNA-mediated cell type differentiation in microbial consoritia have wasted billions of dollars and nearly all the time that humans have existed on Earth. Now they tout automagically evolved consortia in attempts to subvert what is known about the nutrient energy-dependent protection from virus-driven energy theft, which is built into the molecular essence of all cell types. The pseudoscientists have led us to the brink of a viral apocalypse.

See: CRISPR gene editing can cause hundreds of unintended mutations (5/29/17)

…the genomes of two independent gene therapy recipients had sustained more than 1,500 single-nucleotide mutations and more than 100 larger deletions and insertions. None of these DNA mutations were predicted by computer algorithms that are widely used by researchers to look for off-target effects.

Division of labor

Competition causes microbes to organize themselves into communities that make the most of the available nutrients.

Where do viruses come from? (2004)

…when virus-infected bacterial cells burst, their energy-rich cell contents spill into the water for other bacteria to scavenge. ‘Viruses tend to keep nutrients away from the big stuff and keep them going around in the little stuff,’ says Fuhrman. If so, viruses have shaped the entire structure of the ecosystem.”9

Virus-driven energy theft causes the degradation of messenger RNA that links mutations to all pathology.

Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor (2016)

We show here for the first time the crucial role of viruses in controlling archaeal dynamics and therefore the functioning of deep-sea ecosystems, and suggest that virus-archaea interactions play a central role in global biogeochemical cycles.

People who believe in mutation-driven evolution are not likely to link virus-driven energy theft in archaea to the morphological and behavioral phenotype of bacteria or from the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in bacteria to Alzheimer’s disease. People who believe in mutation-driven evolution may not be capable of understanding how the conserved molecular mechanisms detailed in the published works of serious scientists must be linked from viruses to the the degradation of messenger RNA that links the mutation-driven evolution of pathology to the increase in Alzheimer’s Deaths.

U.S. Alzheimer’s Deaths Jump 54 Percent

In the video that accompanies this report, the image from a brain scan is paired with the mention of biomarkers. microRNAs are the biomarkers. The changes in energy-dependent microRNA biosynthesis clearly predict the onset and severity of all pathology.

That’s why most people will not seek the most effective and least invasive treatment for Alzheimer’s. They won’t link the loss of olfactory acuity and specificity to the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA and neurodegenerative diseases, because their physicians don’t understand enough about the creation of G protein-coupled receptors to link chemotaxis and phototaxis to all biodiversity via the physiology of reproduction.

See for comparison: microRNA Alzheimer

See also: Search Results for “alzheimer’s”

Reports about an article that I have not yet seen published in “Nature Methods” attest to facts about cell type differentiation that have been placed into this context:

Crack in CRISPR Façade after Unanticipated In Vivo Mutations Arise

“Researchers… may be missing potentially important mutations,” Dr. Tsang remarked. “Even a single nucleotide change can have a huge impact.”

That fact is not just a “Crack in the CRISPR Facade.” It dismisses all claims about mutation-driven evolution. Those ridiculous claims have been replaced by what is known to serious scientists about how viral latency must be biophysically constrained. It must be constrained by a light-activated endogenous substrate in all cell types of all living genera. The light comes from the sun. For example, the anti-entropic energy of ultraviolet light kills viruses.

SARCASM ALERT: Ask your doctor if sunlight could save your life.

Until the publication of “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo” is available to all serious scientists, watch how the prescient claims about food energy that have been made by people like Richard Feynman have forced theorists to do what they have always done. Expect that some of the censorship will end when the news about the unexpected mutations is linked to what all serious scientists have expected since the time that Thomas Hunt Morgan linked energy-dependent chromosomal inheritance to all biodiversity on Earth and virus-driven energy theft was linked to antibiotic resistance.

Kalevi Kull: Censorship & Royal Society Evo Event

Nobody wants to belong to the party of losers. One of the best strategies in such a case is evidently an interpretation of the change as a gradual accumulation of knowledge while their work has always been at the cutting edge. —  Kalevi Kull

See: Nature Methods May 2017, Volume 14 No 5 pp457-540

For example:

Systems biology guided by XCMS Online metabolomics pp461 – 462

See also: Research Highlights

Defining developmental grammar p465

An iterative clustering approach finds the few genes that mark discrete cell states and their transitions during early mouse development.

It takes two to make an embryo pp466 – 467

In vitro culture of mouse embryonic and extra-embryonic stem cells recapitulates embryogenesis.

A light switch for kinases pp466 – 467

A photodissociable dimer of the Dronpa fluorescent protein can cage kinases, making these important signal transducers controllable by light.

A proteome-wide view of thermal stability p468

Proteome thermal stability is probed using limited proteolysis and mass spectrometry.

Dynamic measurement of membrane charges p471

A FRET sensor enables quantitative characterization of electrostatic potential of membranes in living cells.

See for comparison: 2012 Genome evolution: Unexpected relationship between mutation rate and genome complexity

Contrary to expectation, species that have experienced recently accelerated mutation rates have the largest genomes…

Biophysically constrained food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled viral latency protects the organized genomes of all living genera from the degradation of messenger RNA, which links virus-driven energy theft from mutations to all pathology regardless of the size of the organized genome. The measurement of membrane charges in the context of cryo-EM makes it possible to link virus-driven energy theft in bacteria to the degradation of messenger RNA in archaea and the degradation of messenger RNA in archaea to L-forms, which represent the virus-driven destruction of all created cell types. So far as is currently known, only the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight can prevent the virus-driven death of all life on Earth.

L-form bacteria

Bacterial morphology is determined by the cell wall. Since the L-form has no cell wall, its morphology is different from that of the strain of bacteria from which it is derived.

The cell wall is important for cell division, which, in most bacteria, occurs by binary fission. This process usually requires a cell wall and components of the bacterial cytoskeleton such as FtsZ. The ability of L-form bacteria to grow and divide in the absence of both of these structures is highly unusual, and may represent a form of cell division that was important in early forms of life.[1]

The failure to recognize the fact that virus-driven degradation of the cell wall is an example of how cell type destruction occurs in all cells that contain a light-activated endogenous substrate, is also an example of pervasive ignorance among all theorists and other pseudoscientists.

See also: Cytosis:

A board game taking place inside a human cell! Players compete to build enzymes, hormones and receptors and fend off attacking Viruses!

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[…] See: From E. coli to monkeys and mankind: Theories vs models (5) […]

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