God’s shrinking role in salvation (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: June 14, 2017

Conclusion: There is no such thing as a blind dance of atoms. Quantized energy-dependent changes link angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera via the physiology of reproduction. Serious scientists do not link “high-level cause and purposes” to anything that does not link what organisms eat from food energy to the physiology of reproduction. Only pseudoscientists claim that ideas about “emergence” are “…a remarkable synthesis across fields and levels.”
See: God’s shrinking role in salvation

These 6 Common Vegetables Are Actually All The Same Plant Species
The morphological traits are quantized energy-dependent, They link the de novo creation of plant microRNAs from the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to the physiology of reproduction in all living genera via the energy-dependent creation of microRNAs in animals.
See: Viral MicroRNAs, Host MicroRNAs Regulating Viruses, and Bacterial MicroRNA-Like RNAs

The interactions of these small noncoding RNAs in such primitive species have wide-reaching effects, from increasing viral and bacterial proliferation, better responses to stress, increased virulence, to manipulation of host immune responses to provide a more ideal environment for these pathogens to thrive. Here, we explore those roles to obtain a better grasp of just how complicated disease truly is.

Disease is much more complicated when it cannot be linked from top-down causation via physics, chemistry, and molecular biology. See for comparison; ‘Liquid Light’ Can Bend Around Objects in a Frictionless Flow
Thanks to Fiona Myrglwitz for calling attention to this claim that they can:

…conceive and design future photonic superfluid-based devices where losses are completely suppressed.

That suggests they may link the metabolism of bacteria from the creation of uranium isotopes to the errors made in mathematical models of evolved traits. The errors in mathematical models fail to link quantized energy-dependent changes in the microRNA/messenger RNA balance to the biophysically constrained by the physiology of reproduction.The errors are magnified by the fact that they fail to link incompletely suppressed energy losses to all pathology via the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA.

For comparison, the physiology of reproduction links the solar analemma to the biophysically constrained energy in uranium, which is the reason that radiation therapy is used to treat cancer. Everything known about the link from sunlight to radiation therapy can be placed into context via use of the Mobius strip.
It is an example of how nutrient energy-dependent pheromone-controlled choices made by all living genera must link feedback loops to the biophysically constrained virucidal energy of sunlight. Any loss of energy can potentially be linked to the proliferation of viruses via a slight drop in the potential of hydrogen (pH).

That fact makes it more be obvious that God’s shrinking role in salvation can be viewed in the context of medical practices that appear to make physicians and/or other medical professionals your savior(s). They will warn you to avoid too much sun exposure and treat your cancer with radiation because you did not get enough sun exposure to protect you via the increased production of Vitamin D.
They will tell you to use a chemical “sun-screen” and treat your cancer with chemotherapy that was caused by the chemical imbalance your body could no longer cope with.
See also: Electrolytes induce long-range orientational order and free energy changes in the H-bond network of bulk water
This was reported as: A single ion impacts a million water molecules
So far as I know there has been no discussion of the link from free energy changes in the H-bond network to the hydrophobicity of supercoiled DNA, which links quantum physics to the protection of all organized genomes from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA and genomic entropy.
Could the lack of discussion be attributed to the claim that no one understands quantum mechanics in an age where the speed of light on contact with water has been linked to all biodiversity via energy-dependent changes in angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera?
From last year: How Can Physics Underlie the Mind? Top-Down Causation in the Human Context

My review on Amazon (6/12/16)

Others linked the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy from energy-dependent changes in hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to supercoiled DNA, which protects all organized genomes from virus-driven energy theft and genomic entropy.

Ellis comments on at least one of Schrodinger’s claims from “What is Life?” but he largely ignores the energy-dependent links from ecological variation to ecological adaptation that also were reported in two recent publications. See: “Structural diversity of supercoiled DNA” and “Epigenetics and Genetics of Viral Latency.”

Ellis cannot be held accountable for not knowing the most recent work (May 11, 2016) reported that “…viral latency is responsible for life-long pathogenesis and mortality risk…”

However, it seems inappropriate for anyone whose opinions are held in high regard to ignore everything else that is known about energy-dependent RNA methylation and the biophysically constrained morphological and behavioral diversity of all living genera. Experimental evidence has established facts that are being used to link the Precision Medicine Initiative to the National Microbiome Initiative via attempts to crack the olfactory code.

When researchers report the direct link from energy-dependent RNA methylation to differences in behavior, this book will be compared to Masatoshi Nei’s “Mutation-driven evolution.” The biggest difference between the two seems to be that Ellis tries to link emergence to evolution via Darwin’s “conditions of life.”

But he now bears the burden of the report in “Science” of nutrient energy-dependent pheromone-controlled weekend evolution of the bacterial flagellum: “Evolutionary resurrection of flagellar motility via rewiring of the nitrogen regulation system.”

The “resurrection” is obviously energy-dependent and it also links the innate immune system to biophysically constrained biologically-based cause and effect in species from microbes to humans via RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions. Resurrecting Darwin’s “conditions of life” after they were ignored by neo-Darwinists for many decades should not be attempted by physicists, cosmologists, or biologically uninformed theorists from any other discipline without first learning more about what is known about the RNA-mediated links from physics and chemistry to molecular epigenetics.

See for comparison, this review by

An admirable, systematic approach to the issue of emergence from physics to sociology, of great originality, broad scope, and deep understanding. George Ellis argues with admirable clarity of thought that much of the world we live in is governed not by the blind dance of atoms, but by high-level causes and purposes. This is a much needed book and a remarkable synthesis across fields and levels. I know of no other book where the evidence for emergence is presented so thoroughly and with as much insight.

There is no such thing as a blind dance of atoms. Quantized energy-dependent changes link angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera via the physiology of reproduction. Serious scientists do not link “high-level cause and purposes” to anything that does not link what organisms eat from food energy to the physiology of reproduction. Only pseudoscientists claim that ideas about “emergence” are “…a remarkable synthesis across fields and levels.”

See: God’s shrinking role in salvation (3)

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