Sexual communication signals: New Insights!

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: August 31, 2017

Nobody wants to belong to the party of losers. One of the best strategies in such a case is evidently an interpretation of the change as a gradual accumulation of knowledge while their work has always been at the cutting edge.Kalevi Kull

New insights in the evolution of sexual communication signals

Abstract excerpt:

Our research focuses on identifying a) the genes underlying sexual signals and responses in both sexes2-4, and b) ecological factors that may cause divergence in sexual communication. Factors that we found to affect sexual communication are closely related species with similar mating signals5, low nutritional quality, (toxic) secondary plant metabolites and pathogens6.

Elizabeth Pennisi reported on this 2017 conference presentation and claimed:

The results “demonstrate the importance of the social environment,” Halfwerk says. “One form does not attract males on its own, only in close proximity of the other form.” That result also parallels what’s been found in humans: that an attractive woman in a crowd of less attractive women also seems to attract more attention. But pinning down exactly why this happens should be much easier in moths than people, she notes. “That’s the nice thing about insects.”

See: Sexy females help ‘Plain Jane’ moths snag their mates

No experimental evidence of biologically-based sexual communication suggests that sex signals evolved. The fine-tuned systems of communication among individuals and species pose an evolutionary dilemma because they are food energy-dependent. Ecological variation must be linked from food energy to biophysically constrained ecological adaptations by the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in all living genera. Also, everything known to serious scientists about energy-dependent top-down creation links the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight from the creation of ATP to the creation of messenger RNA. That fact does not appear to be coincidental.

See: Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

Detailed experimental evidence also links the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA from mutations to all pathology. That fact leaves neo-Darwinian theorists and “Big Bang” cosmologists without any acceptable theory of anything or any theory of everything.

See for comparison: A New Physics Theory of Life and Jeremy England’s idea that “You start with a random clump of atoms, and if you shine light on it for long enough, it should not be so surprising that you get a plant.” 

Theorists and philosophers cannot link energy as information or “big bang” cosmology to biodiversity without the creation of energy. Most of them ignore the fact that they do not know where the energy in a hydrogen atom came from.

Without the de novo creation of energy, they cannot link hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution from microRNA flanking sequences to SNPs, and they cannot link food energy as information to fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions in organized genomes. For comparison, all serious scientists have linked what is known about the food energy-dependent fixation of amino acid substitutions to the structure and function of supercoiled DNA, and all serious scientists have linked energy-dependent RNA-mediated cause and effect to all biodiversity via the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction.

That fact helps to explain why Richard Feynman referred to some theoretical physicists as examples of human idiocy.

See: Food energy

That suggests Elizabeth Pennisi is a biologically uninformed. She reported: “That’s the nice thing about insects.” If she was not a biologically uninformed science idiot, she would have linked food energy to the physiology of reproduction in all invertebrates and vertebrates. That is how the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction is linked from ecological variation to all biodiversity via what is known to all serious scientists about ecological adaptation.
See: Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction and Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception

For comparison to the science reporting by Elizabeth Pennisi,  J.A. Parker is the only person besides me, who has reported on this 2017 conference presentation:

See also: All in the (bigger) family by Elizabeth Pennisi with my comment:

The 2015 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) presenters may not recognize how much progress has been made since the 2013 ecological epigenetics symposium. For example, since then authors claimed “…ctenophore neural systems, and possibly muscle specification, evolved independently from those in other animals.”

Six months later, other authors traced signaling factors found in vertebrates to the origin of nerve cell centralization via the diffuse nerve net of animals like the sea anemone. That fact suggests ecological variation is linked to ecological adaptations in morphological and behavioral phenotypes via signaling protein concentrations that differentiate various cell types in body axes and the central nervous system.

Links across species from the epigenetic landscape to the physical landscape of DNA in organized genomes appear to have their origins in the conserved molecular mechanisms of RNA-directed DNA methylation and RNA-mediated protein folding. Two weeks after the publication that refuted ideas about independently evolved neural systems or muscle specification — and perhaps refuted the independent evolution of anything else, SICB presenters linked crustaceans to insects.

Apparently, they’ve learned that the same set of microRNAs controls expression of the genes for rate-limiting enzymes that control the hormone production of different hormones in insects and crustaceans.

Why were they left with any questions about how crustaceans and insects could all be part of one big family? They linked RNA-mediated cell type differentiation to what we described in our section on molecular epigenetics in our 1996 Hormones and Behavior review. From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior

See also: Sex differences in microRNA-mRNA networks: examination of novel epigenetic programming mechanisms in the sexually dimorphic neonatal hypothalamus

Integrating miRNAs and their broad actions on gene function into our conceptualization of the factors directing sexual differentiation of the brain could be a highly informative next step in efforts to understand the complexities behind these processes.

They linked sex differences in microRNAs to the sexual differentiation of all cell types in all living genera that sexually reproduce via microRNA-mRNA networks.
See also: The phylogenetic utility and functional constraint of microRNA flanking sequences

…miRNAs can be employed as both qualitative [9] and quantitative markers, with the latter demonstrated clearly here. Our investigation demonstrates the utility of miRNA sequences as classical phylogenetic markers, and shows this usage is robust to different algorithms of phylogenetic analysis and the analysis of fast-evolving lineages. Such a method provides novel characters for assessing phylogenetic relationships that will be of use in a range of contexts for resolving branches across the tree of life.

See also: Role of olfaction in Octopus vulgaris reproduction

Future work on O. vulgaris olfaction must also consider how animals acquire the odours detected by the olfactory organ and what kind of odour the olfactory organ perceives. The OL acting as control centre may be target organ for metabolic hormones such as leptin like and insulin like peptides, and olfactory organ could exert regulatory action on the OL via epigenetic effects of nutrients and pheromones on gene expression (Kohl, 2013; Elekonich and Robinson, 2000).

Kohl (2013) is: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model (June 14, 2013)

…the epigenetic ‘tweaking’ of the immense gene networks that occurs via exposure to nutrient chemicals and pheromones can now be modeled in the context of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance, receptor-mediated intracellular signaling, and the stochastic gene expression required for nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution. The role of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance (Breen, Kemena, Vlasov, Notredame, & Kondrashov, ; Duvarci, Nader, & LeDoux, ; Griggs et al., ; Monahan & Lomvardas, ) in adaptive evolution will certainly be discussed in published works that will follow.

Elekonich and Robinson (2000) cited:  From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996)
At the time of our 1996 Hormones and Behavior review, microRNAs were called pre-mRNAs. See our section on molecular epigenetics:

Yet another kind of epigenetic imprinting occurs in species as diverse as yeast, Drosophila, mice, and humans and is based upon small DNA-binding proteins called “chromo domain” proteins, e.g., polycomb. These proteins affect chromatin structure, often in telomeric regions, and thereby affect transcription and silencing of various genes (Saunders, Chue, Goebl, Craig, Clark, Powers, Eissenberg, Elgin, Rothfield, and Earnshaw, 1993; Singh, Miller, Pearce, Kothary, Burton, Paro, James, and Gaunt, 1991; Trofatter, Long, Murrell, Stotler, Gusella, and Buckler, 1995). Small intranuclear proteins also participate in generating alternative splicing techniques of pre-mRNA and, by this mechanism, contribute to sexual differentiation in at least two species, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans (Adler and Hajduk, 1994; de Bono, Zarkower, and Hodgkin, 1995; Ge, Zuo, and Manley, 1991; Green, 1991; Parkhurst and Meneely, 1994; Wilkins, 1995; Wolfner, 1988). That similar proteins perform functions in humans suggests the possibility that some human sex differences may arise from alternative splicings of otherwise identical genes.

Social odors are still called pheromones and we linked the food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction to all biophysically constrained biodiversity on Earth via sex differences in microRNAs (pre-mRNAs).
The sex differences in microRNAs will soon be linked to sex differences in healthy longevity and to sex differences in diseases in the context of the cell biology game: “Cytosis.” Next, the game “Subatomic” will teach others how to build an atom.
The fact that this invited review linked energy-dependent changes in atoms to ecosystems may still go unnoticed, since the invited review was returned without review.
See: Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems
But, for God’s sake, see for comparison: 7/25/13
Jay R. Feierman:

“Variation is not nutrient availability and the something that is doing the selecting is not the individual organism. A feature of an educated person is to realize what they do not know. Sadly, you don’t know that you have an incorrect understanding [of] Darwinian biological evolution.”

Do not ignore the fact that Jay R. Feierman has no understanding of how ecological variation must be linked to energy-dependent ecological adaptation via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction.
See also: December 5, 2016

[MODERATOR NOTE: I’m not going to post more from Kohl until he answers the very direct and simple question posed to him by anon, which is whether he (Kohl) believes that RNA splicing can change DNA.]

What I believe about RNA splicing is irrelevant unless someone else links the creation of energy to ATP and the creation of RNA outside the context of energy-dependent alternative splicings of pre-mRNA and the link from energy to the creation of the pre-mRNAs and to energy-dependent biophysical constraints on supercoiled DNA in all living genera.

As Heyn points out, “we still do not fully understand the mechanisms that drive epigenetic variation in populations.”

Natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality links RNA-directed DNA methylation to all biophysically constrained biodiversity via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction. That fact seems to be missing from this representation of a failed paradigm (neo-Darwinian evolution).
Claims that facts about natural selection and epigenetic variation in populations are not fully understood can be viewed in the context of reports by those who understand the facts about Darwin’s “conditions of life.” They are energy-dependent and RNA-mediated
See for example: Codon identity regulates mRNA stability and translation efficiency during the maternal-to-zygotic transition and Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception
It has become obvious to all serious scientists that the sense of smell in bacteria must be linked from mRNA stability to our visual perception of mass and energy in the context of natural selection across the time-space continuum via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction. The complexity of that fact may not be understood by biologically uninformed theorists, but no theorist should claim that the mechanisms of food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled biophysically constrained cell type differentiation are not understood by all serious scientists.
Re: …a strong link between population-specific DNA methylation, mRNA levels, and genotypes.
See also: Methylation Variation Documented Between Human Populations

“Our analysis of five worldwide populations revealed a strong correspondence between population-specific DNA methylation, [messenger RNA] levels, and genotypes,” the authors wrote. “The correlation with genetic divergence was stronger for DNA methylation, and, consistent with this, our results suggest stronger local genetic control of population-specific DNA methylation levels than of mRNA expression levels.”

The strong link and/or strong correspondence between food energy-dependent DNA methylation, messenger RNA levels and genotypes is biophysically constained by the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in all livng genera. See for example: Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle appear to provide the free energy for nuclear ATP synthesis and the food-energy-depenent biosynthesis of messenger RNA. If so, all pathology is caused by the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA, which links mutations but not from ecological variation to ecological adaptations.
See also: Back to Basics: Next-generation sequencing methods and applications (with my emphasis)

…another common NGS application (although one currently more of a research application than a front-line clinical tool) is to examine the transcriptome of a sample—that is, the identity and relative abundance of mRNA transcripts present. Sometimes referred to as “exome sequencing,” this approach is efficient in that it applies resources only to that small portion of the genome which is functionally expressed. Of course, not all significant genetic aberrations occur within coding regions; but by observing levels (or even presence/absence) of transcripts in comparison to reference “normal” conditions, important mutations in non-coding regions such as gene promoters or splice site regulators can be inferred. When such findings are plausibly related to a disease condition, more directed studies to confirm the root cause can then be undertaken as or if needed.

See also: microRNA “exome sequencing Items: 1 to 20 of 55 There is no need to infer that splice site regulators are not food energy-dependent and yet that is what biologically uninformed neo-Darwinian theorists have consistently done with their claims about Mutation-driven evolution. For comparison, all serious scientists are Combating Evolution to Fight Disease.
See also: Global Epigenomic Reconfiguration During Mammalian Brain Development July 4, 2013

DNA methylation is implicated in mammalian brain development and plasticity underlying learning and memory. We report the genome-wide composition, patterning, cell specificity, and dynamics of DNA methylation at single-base resolution in human and mouse frontal cortex throughout their lifespan. Widespread methylome reconfiguration occurs during fetal to young adult development, coincident with synaptogenesis. During this period, highly conserved non-CG methylation (mCH) accumulates in neurons, but not glia, to become the dominant form of methylation in the human neuronal genome. Moreover, we found an mCH signature that identifies genes escaping X-chromosome inactivation. Finally, whole-genome single-base resolution 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (hmC) maps revealed that hmC marks fetal brain cell genomes at putative regulatory regions that are CG-demethylated and activated in the adult brain, and that CG demethylation at these hmC-poised loci depends on Tet2 activity.

See also: Inherited chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 genomes are ancient, intact and potentially able to reactivate from telomeres, which was reported as: “Study of inherited herpes virus finds links to ancient humans” August 30, 2017

We used molecular dating methods to compare, for example, the inherited HHV-6B genomes in five individuals from Sardinia, Orkney and England, and estimated that the most recent common ancestor with the inherited HHV-6B existed 24,500 ±10,600 years ago.

The molecular dating methods are evaluated outside the context of what is known about energy-dependent pheromone-controlled feedback loops, which have been linked from the sense of smell in bacteria to our visual perception of mass and energy in the context of the space-time continuum. But, rather than repeat myself, I will simple support my claims with a link to: Analysis of 6,515 exomes reveals the recent origin of most human protein-coding variants, which was reported in January, 2013, as: Past 5,000 years prolific for changes to human genome. The changes can be place into the context of exome sequencing, but not mutation-driven evolution.
The recent origin of most human protein-coding variants can be linked from food energy-dependent changes in exomes that are biophysically constrained by the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in all living genera. The recent origin of the variant can also be linked from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to all pathology.

Of 1.15 million single-nucleotide variants found among more than 15,000 protein-encoding genes, 73% in arose the past 5,000 years, the researchers report. 164,688 of the variants — roughly 14% — were potentially harmful, and of those, 86% arose in the past 5,000 years.

See also: Whole-Exome Sequencing Reveals a Rapid Change in the Frequency of Rare Functional Variants in a Founding Population of Humans (2013)
I repeat:

Nobody wants to belong to the party of losers. One of the best strategies in such a case is evidently an interpretation of the change as a gradual accumulation of knowledge while their work has always been at the cutting edge.Kalevi Kull

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