Pheromones biophysically constrain RNA-mediated biodiversity (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: November 3, 2017

Elaine Morgan on paradigm shifts. Her view of the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by neo-Darwinian theorists and “Big Bang” cosmologists is humorous and she accurately represents what’s been happening to me and others like me for the past two decades. It’s what we expect. It’s your choice to keep laughing about it.

See for comparison: Functional screening in human cardiac organoids reveals a metabolic mechanism for cardiomyocyte cell cycle arrest
Reported as: Scientists have identified the metabolic pathway associated with heart repair

Scientists identified the pathway using experiments performed on engineered heart tissues grown from stem cells. Following a study that mapped the pathways found in mouse hearts, this new study correlated those pathways to the human heart, identifying the specific pathway in human heart tissues. By profiling and comparing heart with and without regeneration capacity, the specific pathway was isolated.

See also: Metabolism switch signals end for healing hearts

Dr Hudson’s team is now working with a company to identify drugs that could re-activate the heart’s ability to self-repair.

The pathway is food energy-dependent and RNA-mediated. That fact is obvious and it attests to the fact that the pathway is biophysically constrained by the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction, which links the fixation of amino acid substitutions to healthy longevity in all living genera. Drug therapies typically do not lead to fixation of amino acid substitutions or to healthy longevity.
For comparison, see: Assessment of Pep, Fndc5, C2c12, Pgc1α Pattern of Genes Expression during Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Heart Cells

The mouse embryonic stem cells as a model for cardiac differentiation induced by ascorbic acid used and the pattern of expression of PEP at certain stages of differentiation were analyzed by Real-Time PCR technique.

This suggests ascorbic acid (vitamin C) may be essential for the biophysical constraints on the creation of amino acids that differentiate cell types. But see: A universal trend of amino acid gain and loss in protein evolution

Amino acid composition of proteins varies substantially between taxa and, thus, can evolve.

For contrast to the claim the amino acid compositions evolve see:
Figures 1-3 are examples of what is known about learning and memory in the context of brain waves and everything else known about energy-dependent biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation.
Figure 1: The amino acid sequence encoded by the gene FNDC5.
Figure 2: Structure of N-terminal and C-terminal gene FNDC5 the region.
Figure 3: How FNDC5 gene and PGC1a neuron in the human brain functions.
In an invited review of nutritional epigenetics, I linked exogenous vitamin C to levels of endogenous vitamin C and differences in the amino acid sequence to human brain functions via the food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in a population of modern humans in Central China.
See: Sago-Type Palms Were an Important Plant Food Prior to Rice in Southern Subtropical China
See also: Stability of bioactive compounds in butiá (Butia odorata) fruit pulp and nectar

Pulp pasteurization resulted in a reduction in phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid, and ascorbic acid contents.

If the ascorbic acid/vitamin C content of “Sago-Type Palms” was not reduced by pasteurization, Vitamin C and phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid would be the most likely link from the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to plant microRNAs, which helped to stabilize the energy-dependent microRNA/messenger RNA balance in specific human populations. Vitamin C in one population. Phenolics, flavonoids and or carotenoids et al., in others.
In all cases, all populations must eat to reproduce. Dietary phytochemicals have repeatedly been linked to biophysically constrained viral latency by constraints on cell type differentiation.
See also: Regulation of microRNA using promising dietary phytochemicals: Possible preventive and treatment option of malignant mesothelioma.
I typically do not use “case studies” to explain biologically-based cause and effect. However, there are two probable outcomes linked to the two cases of Cytosis that I purchased:

Pathology: An abnormal increase in the number of undifferentiated cell types

Energy-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency: (aka biologically-based healthy longevity) in the context of the energy-dependent movement of cells between parts of organisms

The link from the creation of sunlight to the creation of ATP and the creation of RNA should be clear to all serious scientists. The link from the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to biophysically constrained viral latency should be equally clear to anyone who plays the cell biology game “Cytosis” and to anyone who reads this review of nutritional epigenetics.

Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems


Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations exemplify how sensing nutrients and secreting the metabolites of nutrients accomplishes different tasks. Efficient circuits enable the functional flexibility that is required in ever-changing ecologies that cause species diversity. Biophysical constraints on ecological adaptations are exemplified in physical proof which suggests that Kohl’s Laws of Biology (Kohl’s Laws) represent what Darwin called ‘conditions of life.’

Physical proof of species diversity links ecological variations from nutritional epigenetics to 1) biophysically constrained protein folding via 2) atomic level changes in base pairs (i.e., the nucleotides of DNA); 3) amino acid substitutions; 4) changes in the miRNA/mRNA balance; 5) the metabolism of nutrients to species-specific pheromones that 6) control the physiology of reproduction, and 7) chromosomal rearrangements that link the reciprocity of these interactions to the morphological and behavioral phenotypes manifested in species diversity. Across-species examples of biologically plausible ecologically validated cause and effect link the physical proof from conserved molecular mechanisms of DNA uptake that extends these representations of nutrient-dependent epigenetic effects to differences in pheromone-controlled morphological and behavioral human phenotypes.

The plausibility and ecological validity of Kohl’s Laws in the context of Darwin’s ‘conditions of life’ can be compared to theories about biologically-based cause and effect in the context of species diversity. In mammals, for example, the explanatory power of a model of ecological variation and biophysically constrained nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations became clear with companion papers published in 2013. See for review [30].

The companion papers [162-163] told a new short story of ecological adaptations. In the context of climate change and changes in diet, the story began with what probably was a nutrient-dependent base pair change and a variant epiallele that arose in a human population in what is now central China. Apparently, the effect of the epiallele was adaptive and it was manifested in the context of an effect on sweat, skin, hair, and teeth. In another mammal, such as the mouse, the effect on sweat, skin, hair, and teeth is probably due to a nutrient-dependent epigenetic effect on hormones responsible for the tweaking of immense gene networks that metabolize nutrients to pheromones. The pheromones appear to control the nutrient-dependent epigenetically-effected hormone-dependent organization and hormone-activation of reproductive sexual behavior in mammals such as mice and humans, but also in invertebrates and in microbes as previously indicated.

The ecological adaptations, which appear to be manifested in the human population are detailed in these two reports [162-163]. The ecological adaptations are likely to be nutrient-dependent and pheromone-controlled. If so, ecological variation probably leads to ecological, social, neurogenic, and socio-cognitive niche construction, which is manifested in increasing organismal complexity and species diversity. If not, there may be something as yet unknown about mutations and evolution that makes sense in the light of what is known about nutritional epigenetics and the molecular biology of species from microbes to man.


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[…] See: Pheromones biophysically constrain RNA-mediated biodiversity (1) […]

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