Vulgar Antagonists vs Quantum Effects

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 1, 2017

Exosome Cargo Could Be Drug Target For Neuropathic Pain

My discussion attempt was removed by Dfm Prime, who claims to be a patient advocate for those who are suffering from neurological insult.

See: Works at Neurosensory Neuroregenerative Research Foundation
Publication: Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase Inhibition Reduces Symptoms of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder
See for comparison: Oppositional COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity in adolescents and adults
In my model, fluoroquinolone use to kill gut bacteria sometimes kills the bacteria that biophysically constrain the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA, which links mutations to all pathology. The food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction links what is known about pathology in microbes to mental and physical pathology in humans via the conserved molecular mechanisms of energy-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation. That is what we detailed in the molecular epigenetics section of this 1996 Hormones and Behavior review.
From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior
Attempting to discuss anything that is known to serious scientists about epigenetically effected cell type differentiation is futile if, like Dfm Prime, they are not willing to examine the track record of publications during the past 20 years.
See: [Pheromonal regulation of genetic processes: research on the house mouse (Mus musculus L.)]

A study of the influence of pheromone stressor(s) on proliferating germ and somatic cells was performed on laboratory lines of house mouse in the context of the physiological hypothesis of mutation process, proposed by M.E. Lobashev in 1947. Data from experiments are presented, and results obtained during last 10-15 years are discussed. The adaptive role of cytogenetic and other observed pheromonal effects is considered. The possible existence of interorganism systems of genetic regulation is discussed, the search for and study of which may help in more complete understanding of the regularities of functioning of genetic material.

See also: (2017)
Noam Sobel and Luca Turin were speakers. Everything known to serious scientists about all the links from energy-dependent changes in electrons to ecosystems has since been linked from olfaction to quantum souls in the context of the space-time continuum and the food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in species from microbes to humans.
See: Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception
See also: Nutritional Deficiencies and Clinical Correlates in First-Episode Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

…beneficial effects of other nutrient-based adjunctive treatments (such as NAC83 and Taurine84) are not due to restoring specific nutritional deficits, but instead attributed to these amino acids targeting pathological neurological processes.83,84 Therefore, even in the absence of clear deficiencies, certain nutrients may confer positive effects in FEP through the neurochemical properties of these compounds, regardless of deficiency status.

Reported as: “Nutrition may play a key role in early psychosis treatment” November 30, 2017

… this finding emphasises the importance of promoting a healthy diet for young people with psychosis, and potentially suggests adding targeted nutritional supplementation to standard treatment could improve recovery – although this theory has yet to be tested.

It’s not a theory and it does not need to be tested. See:

Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems

The plausibility and ecological validity of Kohl’s Laws in the context of Darwin’s ‘conditions of life’ can be compared to theories about biologically-based cause and effect in the context of species diversity. In mammals, for example, the explanatory power of a model of ecological variation and biophysically constrained nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations became clear with companion papers published in 2013. See for review [30].

The companion papers [162-163] told a new short story of ecological adaptations. In the context of climate change and changes in diet, the story began with what probably was a nutrient-dependent base pair change and a variant epiallele that arose in a human population in what is now central China. Apparently, the effect of the epiallele was adaptive and it was manifested in the context of an effect on sweat, skin, hair, and teeth. In another mammal, such as the mouse, the effect on sweat, skin, hair, and teeth is probably due to a nutrient-dependent epigenetic effect on hormones responsible for the tweaking of immense gene networks that metabolize nutrients to pheromones. The pheromones appear to control the nutrient-dependent epigenetically-effected hormone-dependent organization and hormone-activation of reproductive sexual behavior in mammals such as mice and humans, but also in invertebrates and in microbes as previously indicated.

The ecological adaptations, which appear to be manifested in the human population are detailed in these two reports [162-163]. The ecological adaptations are likely to be nutrient-dependent and pheromone-controlled. If so, ecological variation probably leads to ecological, social, neurogenic, and socio-cognitive niche construction, which is manifested in increasing organismal complexity and species diversity. If not, there may be something as yet unknown about mutations and evolution that makes sense in the light of what is known about nutritional epigenetics and the molecular biology of species from microbes to man.

Autophagy links the food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction to biophysically constrained viral latency and ecological adaptations. Nutrient stress and/or social stress link constraint-breaking mutations to all pathology via quantum effects in all biological systems.

QuEBS 2018: Workshop on Quantum Effects in Biological Systems July 10-13, 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania

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