Kinetically Stable Thermodynamically Activated Cell Metabolism (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 25, 2017

Excerpt: …via his failure to start from the creation of the sun, Philip Ball makes all aspects of food energy-dependent RNA-mediated error-free DNA repair disappear in his attempt to explain biodiversity, which starts with water.

How to Cure Aging – During Your Lifetime? (video)

This is a fascinating plea for funding. They seem to know that microRNAs regulate the energy-dependent microRNA/messenger RNA balance in species from plants to humans, but they don’t seem to know that the virus-driven theft of quantized energy has been linked to all pathology in species from mice to humans.
The regrowth of lost hair is addressed and use of NAD+ to restore energy, but there is no mention of how the creation of the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy is linked from the creation of ATP to the creation of RNA or to hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution, which is required for error-free DNA repair.
See for comparison: Eight Kinetically Stable but Thermodynamically Activated Molecules that Power Cell Metabolism

Contemporary analyses of cell metabolism have called out three metabolites: ATP, NADH, and acetyl-CoA, as sentinel molecules whose accumulation represent much of the purpose of the catabolic arms of metabolism and then drive many anabolic pathways. Such analyses largely leave out how and why ATP, NADH, and acetyl-CoA (Figure 1) at the molecular level play such central roles. Yet, without those insights into why cells accumulate them and how the enabling properties of these key metabolites power much of cell metabolism, the underlying molecular logic remains mysterious. Four other metabolites, S-adenosylmethionine, carbamoyl phosphate, UDP-glucose, and Δ2-isopentenyl-PP play similar roles in using group transfer chemistry to drive otherwise unfavorable biosynthetic equilibria. This review provides the underlying chemical logic to remind how these seven key molecules function as mobile packets of cellular currencies for phosphoryl transfers (ATP), acyl transfers (acetyl-CoA, carbamoyl-P), methyl transfers (SAM), prenyl transfers (IPP), glucosyl transfers (UDP-glucose), and electron and ADP-ribosyl transfers (NAD(P)H/NAD(P)+) to drive metabolic transformations in and across most primary pathways. The eighth key metabolite is molecular oxygen (O2), thermodynamically activated for reduction by one electron path, leaving it kinetically stable to the vast majority of organic cellular metabolites.

These researchers clearly linked the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy to energy-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation. They extended the claims of all other serious scientists who have linked electrons to ecosystems in all living genera via food energy and the metabolism of food to the pheromones that biophysically constrain viral latency in all living genera.
For comparison, via his failure to start from the creation of the sun, Philip Ball makes all aspects of food energy-dependent RNA-mediated error-free DNA repair disappear in his attempt to explain biodiversity, which starts with water.
Water is an active matrix of life for cell and molecular biology

All of this touches on the astrobiological question mentioned at the outset: should we, like Henderson (88) in 1913, regard water as uniquely “biophilic” and “fit” to act as life’s matrix?

What Philip Ball placed into the context of “the astrobiological question” in Quantum common sense can be viewed in the context of this bizarre claim:

We don’t need a conscious mind to measure or look. With or without us, the Universe is always looking

My response to that claim is here:

See also: The Wonder of Water at the Nanoscale

Water plays so many well-understood key roles in active processes, such as folding proteins, assembling cell membranes, and providing proton flows (especially proton flows in which water is clearly a key player if not the key player in bioenergetics), that it is already clear that it is indeed the active player in cellular physiology that Szent-Győrgi envisaged when he said, “Life is water, dancing to the tune of solids. [Emphasis added.]

This hyperbole is not meant to discount the essential role of coded information in the cell, as ID science reminds us; but as we shall see, water plays essential roles in the transfer of information in proteins and other biomolecules.

The quantized energy as information that links the role of coded information in the cell to all biodiversity was created at the time sunlight was created.  The hyperbole discounts every aspect of what Schrodinger (1944) placed into the context of the anti-entropic virucidal energy of light in “What is Life?”
Life on Earth does not exist outside the context of quantized energy as information that links the speed of light on contact with water to all biodiversity via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction and autophagy in species from microbes to humans.

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