Estranged ‘White Coat Notes’ blogger exposes human idiocy (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: June 18, 2018


Please pardon the overwhelming ignorance of those who failed to link what organisms eat from the quantized energy-dependent creation of microRNAs to healthy longevity via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction and the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of all morphological and behavioral phenotypes in species from microbes to humans. The ignorance of biologically uninformed theorists has caused the unnecessary suffering and premature deaths of millions to billions of people.

Only one science journalist has placed the facts about biophysically constrained viral latency into  the context of links from quantum physics to quantum souls and the prevention of all virus-driven pathology.

See: J. Parker and Quantum Souls
See for comparison:  Elizabeth Cooney:

…served as the Boston Globe’s inaugural White Coat Notes blogger, before moving on to science writing and editing….

See for example: Rebuilding dying hearts: Meet the STAT Madness 2018 crowd favorite 4/2/18

…all three signaling pathways — cell survival, autophagy, and inflammation — protect heart cells. “Collectively, these results defy conventional beliefs regarding the fragility of … cardiomyocytes,” they wrote.

Quantized energy-dependent RNA-mediated DNA repair links inflammation from autophagy to survival of all cell types in all individuals of all species. The virus-driven theft of quantized energy links the degradation of messenger RNA to mutations and all pathology via loss of amino acid substitutions in proteins that are required for DNA damage control.
See also: Is it time to target autophagy to treat disease? 6/14/18

Cells use this process, whose Greek roots mean “self-eating,” to clear damaged proteins, adapt to starvation, or fight infection, all by digesting their own contents. When autophagy’s essential genes are mutated and the process goes wrong, diseases from cancer to inflammatory bowel disease to Parkinson’s can result.

See also Facebook Group
Autophagy is the antiphage defense strategy The defense strategy biophysically constrains viral latency. It links the quantized energy-dependent creation of microRNAs from representations at
See: Current Biology refutes neo-Darwinian pseudoscience  6/15/18
See also: Current Biology refutes Big Bang cosmology 6/15/18
See also the accurate representations of quantized energy as information-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation at and biophysically constrained viral latency in the context of representations at (under reconstruction by Luvessentials, the lessee).
Other definitions of autophagy no longer apply. Definitions exist only outside the context of experimental evidence.
See: Pheromonal Regulation of Genetic Processes: Research on the House Mouse (Mus musculus L.) (1994)
Definitions ignore that fact that quantized energy as information is biophysically constrained in the context of the creation of microRNAs and in the creation of uranium isotopes by bacteria.
See: Biogenic non-crystalline U(IV) revealed as major component in uranium ore deposits
See for comparison: Testing the Red Queen hypothesis on de novo new genes – Run or die in the evolution of new microRNAs 6/14/18
It may not be possible to convince biologically uniformed theorists that microRNAs do not automagically evolve. Theorists know that the energy-dependent creation of microRNAs must be linked to evolution across millions to billions of years or else the facts make their theories ridiculous examples of human idiocy.
See for comparison: Experiment shows that arrow of time is a relative concept, not an absolute one
Everything that theorists were taught to believe about entropy was probably based on the assumption that “…there are no correlations between particles.”
The correlations link biophysically constrained top-down causation to all biodiversity. See: Subatomic: An Atom Building Board Game

A deck-building game where particle physics & chemistry collide! Use quarks to build subatomic particles & particles to build Atoms!

All the levels of biological organization start with the creation of energy that is biophysically constrained in hydrogen atoms. The creation of energy has been linked from the creation of subatomic particles to the creation of molecules.
See: Building one molecule from a reservoir of two atoms  (last revised 4/23/18) after publication of my review: Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems (The free pdf lists 160 references correctly)
See also: QuEBS 2018: Workshop on Quantum Effects in Biological Systems
Research at the intersection of physics, chemistry and biology has been developed based on what is known about quantized energy as information and details of the quantum effects in biophysically constrained light-harvesting systems.
Everything known to serious scientists about light-harvesting and food energy-dependent autophagy shows that the creation of energy must be linked from feedback loops that biophysically constrain the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction. Food odors and pheromones protect the organized genome of all living genera from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA.
The virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA links mutations to all pathology.
1) Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception
2) Molecular recognition in olfaction
3) Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder
4) Reduced expression of brain-enriched microRNAs in glioblastomas permits targeted regulation of a cell death gene

A single A to I conversion in the seed of miR-376a-5p, for example, redirects the edited miRNA to a new set of mRNA targets [25].

Facts about quantized energy as information and biophysically constrained RNA-mediated cell type differentiation have since appeared in the context of this science news  Researchers reveal new details on aged brain, Alzheimer’s and dementia

…revealed a surprising relationship between dementia and decreased quality of RNA—a key player in gene expression—in the more aged brain.

Understanding autophagy may help you protect your organized genome from the virus-driven activation of biophysically constrained “death genes.”
See: Reduced expression of brain-enriched microRNAs in glioblastomas permits targeted regulation of a cell death gene (2011)
Please pardon the overwhelming ignorance of those who failed to link what organisms eat from the quantized energy-dependent creation of microRNAs to healthy longevity via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction and the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of all morphological and behavioral phenotypes in species from microbes to humans. The ignorance of biologically uninformed theorists has caused the unnecessary suffering and premature deaths of millions to billions of people.
Only one science journalist has placed the facts about biophysically constrained viral latency into  the context of links from quantum physics to quantum souls and the prevention of all virus-driven pathology.
See: J. Parker and Quantum Souls
See also: Sex reversal following deletion of a single distal enhancer of Sox9 6/14/18
Reported as: The little piece of DNA that makes girls boys 6/14/18
Poor codon optimality is a signal to degrade transcripts with frameshifts 6/13/18

All biochemical pathways are intrinsically stochastic processes. Transcription, splicing, and
translation are especially error prone, with error rates 4-6 orders of magnitude higher than
that of DNA polymerase [1–6]. Such errors can result in single-amino acid substitutions, as
well as truncation of the protein due to nonsense mutations or frameshifting errors. The latter
can occur due to insertion and deletion events during transcription, splicing errors, and
ribosomal slippage during translation (Figure 1).

The fixation of amino acid substitutions in the context of the physiology of reproduction protects all organized genomes from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA that all serious scientists have linked from mutations to all pathology.
See also: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model 6/14/13 for comparison to Mutation-Driven Evolution 6/14/13
It may take another 5 years for pseudoscientists to realize that all life on Earth is quantized energy-dependent. They don’t seem to grasp the fact that the energy in the food we eat links our metabolism of food to the pheromones that biophysically constrain viral latency in species from microbes to humans. Simply put, they exemplify human idiocy.


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