RNA Velocity and bioRxiv preprints

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: August 9, 2018

RNA velocity of single cells

RNA velocity… can be directly estimated by distinguishing between unspliced and spliced mRNAs in common single-cell RNA sequencing protocols.

See: “RNA velocityQuoted phrase not found.

See: Autophagy Items: 1 to 20 of 36507

The term pre-mRNA was changed to microRNA. Autophagy is quantized energy-dependent and microRNA-mediated. Alternative splicings of microRNAs link light-activated microRNA biogenesis to biophysically constrained viral latency in all living genera. Claims about RNA velocity are claims about autophagy.

Replacing use of the term autophagy with the term RNA velocity helps to prevent the ridicule that comes from past claims about mutation-driven evolution.

Virus-driven hecatombic pathology evolves.  MeEwen et al., (1964) placed that fact into the following context:

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

See:  Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

Energy-dependent RNA synthesis links ecological variation to polycombic ecological adaptations via biophysically constrained viral latency.

The claims in these preprints also attempt to obfuscate the facts about quantized energy-dependent microRNA-mediated autophagy and fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions that differentiate all cell types in all individuals of all living genera.

Transposable Element Expression In Tumors Is Associated With Immune Infiltration And Increased Antigenicity

Treatment of glioblastoma cells with a demethylation agent resulted in both increased TE expression and de novo presentation of TE-derived peptides on MHC class I molecules.

There is no such thing as a de novo presentation of TE-derived peptides. They are targeting the death gene. See: Reduced expression of brain-enriched microRNAs in glioblastomas permits targeted regulation of a cell death gene 
See also: Alterations in sperm long RNA contribute to the epigenetic inheritance of the effects of postnatal trauma

Alterations in long RNA are maintained after fertilization, suggesting a direct link between sperm and embryo RNA.

See for comparison: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996) and The Bull Sperm MicroRNAome and the Effect of Fescue Toxicosis on Sperm MicroRNA Expression (2014)

When theorists consistently fail to examine the extant literature on energy-dependent RNA-mediated cell type differentiation, they make fools of themselves as they continue to make fools of anyone who believes in their ridiculous misrepresentations of top-down causation.

Serious scientists do not start with RNA velocity. They start with the creation of RNA. Serious scientists do not link alterations in RNA to epigenetic inheritance of pathology, they link the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to all pathology.

For comparison, pseudoscientists start with emergence: Out of Nowhere and some people wonder why “Big Pharma” takes advantage of their human idiocy.

Chronic: For big pharma, the perfect patient is wealthy, permanently ill and a daily pill-popper. Will medicine ever recover?

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