Suicide: From phenotype to genotype (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: August 27, 2018

Summary: Light-activated microRNA biogenesis and all biophysically constrained viral latency is linked from the creation of the sun to all biodiversity via the fixation of amino acid substitutions in all cell types of all individuals of all living genera.
Differences in SNP genotype distributions between complex and simple suicides

…male victims of simple suicide were more often carriers of MAOA alleles [rs3027407, rs909525, rs1137070] that are, according to literature, associated with higher levels of impulsivity and anger.

For another link from phenotype to epigenetically-effected differences in  SNPs and genotype, see: Oppositional COMT Val158Met effects on resting state functional connectivity in adolescents and adults
The successful transition from the adolescent phenotype to the adult genotype is the obvious key to the cause of suicide and the key to suicide prevention. The successful transition requires fixation of the COMT Val158Met amino acid substitution. The creation of the enzyme COMT links differences in alleles from thermoinstability and lower enzymatic activity to exploratory behavior.  The thermoinstability also links lower enzymatic activity to altered brain development that is more likely to be manifested in pathology.
See for example: Analysis of COMT Val158Met polymorphisms and methylation in Chinese male schizophrenia patients with homicidal behavior

In this study, we showed that the Val allele at Val158Met (rs4680) may be associated with the homicidal behavior of schizophrenia patients as well as that the methylation level of Val158Met (rs4680) could be affected by the variation of Val158Met (rs4680) and eventually contribute to the violent behavior of schizophrenia patients.

See also: Catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) functional haplotype is associated with recurrence of affective symptoms: A prospective birth cohort study

Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) polymorphisms play an essential role in dopamine availability in the brain. However, there has been no study investigating whether a functional four-SNP (rs6269-rs4633-rs4818-rs4680) haplotype is associated with affective symptoms over the life course.

For a historical perspective on what has been known about COMT polymorphisms for at least two decades, see: Global variation in the frequencies of functionally different catechol-O-methyltransferase alleles (1999)

…a Val<–>Met polymorphism at amino acid 108/158 (in soluble or membrane-bound) COMT protein and different enzyme activity levels, high for Val, low for Met. COMT enzyme activity is known to vary among ethnic groups, presumably as a result of different population frequencies of these COMT alleles.

This refutation of mutation-driven evolution was framed in the context of differences in primates that extend to difference in human populations. Seven nonhuman primates: (gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobo, orangutan) reportedly have the G nucleotide that codes for the amino acid valine at the variable position in the COMT protein.
See for comparison to 45 years of pseudoscientific nonsense touted by biologically uninformed theorists:  Nothing in Biology Makes Any Sense Except in the Light of Evolution (1973)

…the so-called alpha chains of hemoglobin have identical sequences of amino acids in man and the chimpanzee, but they differ in a single amino acid (out of 141) in the gorilla.

The energy-dependent creation and fixation of the amino acid substitution that differentiates species of primates also differentiates species-specific behaviors that are food energy-dependent and pheromone-constrained in the context of the physiology of reproduction.  Dobzhansky was a Creationist who knew the difference between a mutation and an amino acid substitution. He joked about being an Evolutionist because he knew others were not likely to accept his claims if he challenged them to provide an alternative to neo-Darwinian theories.
The alternatives are now detailed in the context of the virus-driven theft of quantized energy, which is linked to the evolution of all pathology. The evolution of pathology clearly attests to the facts that link light-activated microRNA biogenesis from viral latency to healthy longevity in all living genera.
For example: Quantized energy-dependent constraints on exploratory behavior can be seen in the context of light-activated microRNA biogenesis in plants.
See: Circadian regulation of sunflower heliotropism, floral orientation, and pollinator visits
Reported as: Sunflowers Move by the Clock
Scientific creationists linked heliotopism from the quantized energy-dependent pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction in soil bacteria to the physiology of reproduction in plants. For example: A Quick HYL1-Dependent Reactivation of MicroRNA Production Is Required for a Proper Developmental Response after Extended Periods of Light Deprivation

…plants alter microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis in response to light transition.

Light-activated microRNA biogenesis and all biophysically constrained viral latency is linked from the creation of the sun to all biodiversity via the fixation of amino acid substitutions in all cell types of all individuals of all living genera.
For example: This 8/23/18-8/27/18 series of pictures of changes in the same stalk and flower from 8/23 to 8/27/18 links light-activated microRNA biogenesis to a 90 degree turn in the stalk and the return to the 180 degree (straight-up) orientation towards the sun, and then back to the 90 degree orientation in an immature Brugmasia sp. (“Angel Trumpet”).  As the plant proceeds to mature the straight-up orientation links the biophysically constrained functional structure of supercoiled DNA in soil bacteria from the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in microbes to fixation of RNA-amino acid substitutions that differentiate the cell types of all living genera in the context of sympatric speciation.

On August 23, 2018 this flower bloomed for the first time.

A google search for “light tracking” and “Brugmansia” revealed nothing about what I have observed during the past few days.

For comparison see: Complete genome sequence of a South Korean isolate of Brugmansia mosaic virus (2013)
The link from the tobacco mosaic virus to plant pathology may have been the first indicator that the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA begins with altered light-activated microRNA biogenesis.
For a historical perspective, see: The Heroes of Science

[Rosalind] Franklin…. discovered the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus.

See also: Studies on the Amino Acid Sequence of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Protein. III. The Amino Acid Sequence of a Pentadecapeptide from a Tryptic Digest1 (1960) and Studies on the Amino Acid Sequence of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Protein. IV. The Amino Acid Sequences of an Eicosapeptide and a Heptadecapeptide Isolated from a Tryptic Digest of TMV Protein1 (1961) by Duane Gish
Duane Gish influenced the rise of scientific creationism in South Korea, which is reportedly the “creationist capital of the world. See: Science, state, and spirituality: Stories of four creationists in South Korea
Most intelligent people probably expect that scientific creationists in South Korea will proceed to add details about how the virus-driven theft of quantized energy in all living genera links the physiology of reproduction in soil bacteria to healthy longevity in humans via biophysically constrained viral latency, not via mutations and evolution.

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[…] See first: Suicide: From phenotype to genotype (1) […]

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