If you are going to #SFN2018 #SFN, you may need an update on what is known to all serious scientists. For example, compared to theorists, serious scientists know how ecological variation must link food odors and pheromones from jumping genes and transposons in bacteria to biophysically constrained ecological adaptations in vertebrates. In all vertebrates with jaws natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality must be linked from microRNA biogenesis to biophysically constrained viral latency by RNA-mediated DNA repair.
Do not start to use your itinerary planner until you see: Molecular, spatial and functional single-cell profiling of the hypothalamic preoptic region 11/1/18
The hypothalamus controls essential social behaviors and homeostatic functions.
A mechanistic understanding of brain function requires a systematic assessment of cell types and their spatial organization, connectivity, and functional properties.
Cell type differentiation is energy-dependent. The energy comes from sunlight. Ages 10+ can learn how to link Subatomic particles to biophysically constrained viral latency via Cytosis.
If you have not yet learned how to link energy-dependent changes from angstroms to ecosystems in all living genera see:
Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems
To avoid embarrassment among your so-called peers, see for comparison: Evolution of Constrained Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Ligand Conformation and Receptor Selectivity
…substitution of glycine for a chiral amino acid in GnRH during evolution allows a more constrained conformation for receptor binding and that this subtle single amino acid substitution in a site remote from the ligand functional domains has marked effects on its structure and activity.
10,000 neurons link what organisms eat to the physiology of reproduction via the biophysically constrained hypothalamic secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) in all vertebrates with jaws. That fact allows for a significant comparison to ridiculous theories about mutations and evolution. Simply put, microRNAs, RNA, DNA, amino acid substitutions, proteins, and supercoiled DNA do not evolve.
See for review: Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction (2005)
These studies also indicate that GnRH neurons are likely to influence numerous brain functions. They appear to transmit signals to as many as 30,000 or more neurons in 34 brain areas, consistent with previous studies showing GnRH+ fibers and GnRH receptors in multiple brain regions. BL+ neurons likely to receive synaptic input from GnRH neurons were seen in areas associated with numerous different functions, including odor and pheromone processing, sexual behavior, appetite, defensive behavior, motor programs, and the relay of information to higher cortical areas. These results may reflect a strategy wherein GnRH neurons can modify diverse functions in order to coordinate the internal state of the animal and its behavior with reproduction in order to optimize reproductive success.
See also: Olfactory inputs to hypothalamic neurons controlling reproduction and fertility (2005)
The Nature of Olfactory Afferents to LHRH [GnRH] Neurons
Remarkably, our tracing experiments identify a small population of olfactory sensory neurons located in a medial zone of the olfactory mucosa as the major conduit of pheromonal cues that regulate LHRH synthesis and release. This neuronal subset may in part overlap with olfactory neurons shown to respond to volatile components of urine.
It is therefore likely that a dedicated population of olfactory receptors acts as genuine pheromone receptors, a result particularly interesting to consider in the context of animal species thought to be devoid of a functional vomeronasal system but displaying intriguing pheromonal-like responses. It has been reported for example that human axillary cues affect the timing of ovulation in women and the pulsatility of LHRH release, providing support to the idea that the pathway identified in our study may also operate in other species.
See also: The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality (1995/2002)
Scientists have long known that chemical communication via pheromones is a powerful influence on how animals develop, mate, bond, and nurture their offspring. Human animals are no exception. Pheromones, explain the authors, alter hormone levels, can accelerate puberty, control women’s menstrual cycles, influence our choice in a mate, and even influence our sexual orientation.
The link from the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to the feedback loops that link epigenetic effects of food growth and food odors to the pheromones that biophysically constrained viral latency and all biodiversity was established in the early 1990s by the works of the late Robert L. Moss. He clarified to me that LHRH and GnRH are the same hormone, something that was not always obvious in the extant literature until 2005, and even later. Finally, however, it became obvious to George Church et. al., who patented naturally occurring food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled RNA interference. See: RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering
Repetitive elements or endogenous viral elements can be targeted with engineered Cas+gRNA systems in microbes, plants, animals, or human cells to reduce deleterious transposition or to aid in sequencing or other analytic genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic/diagnostic tools (in which nearly identical copies can be problematic).
Robert L. Moss began to show others, like me, how to link biophysically constrained gene activation in GnRH neurosecretory neurons to viral latency and to human sexuality and all biodiversity in the early 1990s.
See: Moss RL GnRH Items: 1 to 20 of 47 and Gonadotropin releasing hormone [GnRH] and human sexual behavior (1991) in Neuropeptides and Psychiatric Disorders.
See also: Pheromones (2010) from Stress Science: Neuroendocrinology (This is a revised version of the article by C A Dudley, A Kumar and R L Moss, Encyclopedia of Stress, First edition, volume) 3.
Unfortunately, even now, biologically uninformed theorists continue to focus on the sequencing of the genetic code as if nothing had been learned about how food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled gene activation must be linked from sunlight to microRNA biogenesis and biophysically constrained viral latency, which links light-activated microRNA biogenesis to energy-dependent RNA-mediated DNA repair in all living genera.
For a trip back in time, and evidence of overwhelming pervasive ignorance, see: Genetic code of 66,000 UK species to be sequenced 11/1/18
Sequencing the eukaryotic species in the UK and worldwide will revolutionise our understanding of biology and evolution, bolster efforts to conserve, help protect and restore biodiversity, and in return create new benefits for society and human welfare.
Sequencing the genetic code in more speceis can only prove that gene-centric theorists are biologically uninformed science idiots who think their ridiculous mathematical models are useful in the context of explanations for energy-dependent top-down causation via gene activation.
See for comparison: Mobile DNA Editor’s picks “Check out our monthly Editor’s Picks for #transposon research!” https://twitter.com/MobDNAjournal/status/1058285116827537408