Light-activated morphogenesis and behavior (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 11, 2018

Excerpt: The microbial world is biophysically constrained by the energy as information-dependent physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction. Food odors and pheromones link the microbial world to the world of primates via what organisms eat. Theorists refuse to accept that fact.

Quantifying single-cell secretion in real time using resonant hyperspectral imaging (12/10/18)

Reported on 12/11/18 as New light-based technology reveals how cells communicate

We are now a step-closer to understanding how cells and their [light-activated] signalling molecules work to regulate human disease.

Others need only recognize that serious scientists have detailed every step of the way to link the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity.
See also: Integrating chemical and mechanical signals through dynamic coupling between cellular protrusions and pulsed ERK activation (11/7/18)
Reported more than a month later, on 12/11/18 as Pushing closer to a new cancer-fighting strategy
Pulsed ERK activation is light energy-dependent. Light-activated microRNA biogenesis is the link to the prevention of all diseases.
See for comparison: Can We Really Inherit Trauma?

“These are clear, consistent findings,” she said. “The field has advanced dramatically in just the past five years.”

Kevin J. Mitchell and John M. Greally deny the advances.

“These are, in fact, extraordinary claims, and they are being advanced on less than ordinary evidence,” said Kevin Mitchell…

But as usual, the story that’s often told is overblown relative to the results, and too much causality is claimed. — John M. Greally

For comparison:

“The effects we’ve found have been small but remarkably consistent, and significant,” said Moshe Szyf

The molecules that affect the changes appear to be “small RNAs,” fragments of genetic material that scientists are still learning about… — Oliver Rando.

See: The tipping point (revisited): 80,000 publications

For review:

10,000 reasons to believe in biophysical constraints (11/1/18)

The tipping point (revisited): 78,000 publications (1) (10/2/18)

79,000 reasons to believe in biophysical constraints (11/3/18)

See also: MicroRNA  Items: 1 to 20 of 79970 11/22/18 (Thanksgiving Day, USA)

80,464 (12/11/18)

See for comparison: What a Newfound Kingdom Means for the Tree of Life 12/11/18

 “The microbial world is a wide-open frontier,” said Eglit.

The microbial world is biophysically constrained by the energy as information-dependent physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction. Food odors and pheromones link the microbial world to the world of primates via what organisms eat. Theorists refuse to accept that fact.
New kingdoms are linked to entirely new species of humans via evolution in the context of the fossil record.
See: Researchers suggest ‘Little Foot’ is an entirely new species of early human 12/10/18

They suggest differences in the hip bone alone are enough to support their claim that Little Foot is a new species.

See also: Tooth enamel analysis shows two early hominin species ate a generalized diet (12/11/18)

…both species ate a wide variety of plants, which made them more versatile and adaptable as conditions in the area grew warmer.

The researchers suggest work like theirs is helping to better understand how our early human ancestors were able to survive in a changing environment, which allowed them to evolve into the dominant species on Earth.

Their results show how to link differences in the diet of non-human primates from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to all pathology via the nematode model of pheromone-controlled healthy longevity.

See also: System-wide Rewiring Underlies Behavioral Differences in Predatory and Bacterial-Feeding Nematodes (2013)

Predation in diplogastrid nematodes such as P. pacificus is a behavioral mode discrete from bacterial feeding and represents an evolutionary novelty unknown from C. elegans or their most recent common ancestor. P. pacificus and its relatives develop teeth-like denticles in their mouth opening and can form two distinct mouth forms.

Reported as: The neurobiological consequence of predating or grazing 

“The patterns of synaptic connections perfectly mirror the fundamental differences in the feeding behaviours of P. pacificus and C. elegans”, Ralf Sommer concludes. A clear-cut result like that was not what he had necessarily expected.

No matter how much more experimental evidence of diet-driven biophysical constraints is used to link viral latency to pheromone-controlled adaptations and healthy longevity in species from microbes to humans, theorists return with comments about how humans evolved.

See for comparison: Seeking the foundations of cognition in bacteria: From Schrödinger’s negative entropy to latent information

… organisms must glean additional information from their surroundings, perform information processing, and then generate new information. Only in this way can they maintain the level of freedom of response and flexibility required for life.

Link negative entropy to latent information or you will be ridiculed by serious scientists.
See also: “Schrödinger’s Bacterium” Could Be a Quantum Biology Milestone

In essence, it appears certain photons were simultaneously hitting and missing photosynthetic molecules within the bacteria—a hallmark of entanglement. “Our models show that this phenomenon being recorded is a signature of entanglement between light and certain degrees of freedom inside the bacteria,” she says.

The “…signature of entanglement between light and certain degrees of freedom inside the bacteria…” links what is known about the creation of receptors in bacteria to the creation of receptors in vertebrates.
See: Using the ‘deuterium switch’ to understand how receptors work

For example, both bacteriorhodopsin and our rhodopsin belong to the ‘seven transmembrane domain’ family of proteins, but while rhodopsin is a GPCR, the ancient light-powered bacterial ion pump is probably not.

The facts about the light-powered bacterial ion pump are placed back into the context of mutation-driven evolution via energy jumps.

Type V receptors tunnel electrons across a gap that corresponds to an energy jump by binding a molecule that possesses one or more vibrations at the correct energy. Type T have the same circuit topology, but without an energy jump.


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