Viral latency vs deadly paleoanthropology (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: January 15, 2019

The creation of all cell types and tissues is energy-dependent. The maintenance of all cell types and tissues in species from microbes to humans is biophysically constrained by the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction.
For comparison, see: Step forward in understanding human feet

Contrary to expectations, PIMs contribute minimally to supporting the arch of the foot during walking and running.

However, these muscles do influence our ability to produce forward propulsion from one stride into the next.

Without the emergence of energy from nothing, the evolution of human feet cannot be explained. That also means paleoanthropologists must ignore everything currently known to all serious scientists about viral latency.

For example, see the section on viral latency in “CMV-specific immune system monitoring for management of cytomegalovirus in HSCT“(with my emphasis)

This latency period is characterized by a homeostatic balance between viral replication and the immune response,4 and has been defined by Lemmermann et al as, “a highly dynamic condition during which episodes of viral gene desilencing, which can be viewed as incomplete reactivations, cause intermittent antigenic activity that stimulates CD8 memory-effector T cells and drives their clonal expansion. These T cells are supposed to terminate reactivation before completion of the productive viral cycle.5

See also: High-throughput detection of miRNAs and gene-specific mRNA at the single-cell level by flow cytometry (2014)

  1. These technologies are sequence based and not constrained by antibody availability, providing ‘unrestricted’ tools for in-depth analysis of transcriptional signatures that define cell functions in physiologic or disease states.
  2. Our proof-of-principle experiments indicate the unprecedented capabilities of this assay to simultaneously detect expression of miRNA, mRNA and protein at the single-cell level, providing a tool for in-depth analysis of miRNA function in combination with their translational and expressional effects in both normal and pathologic conditions.

The experimental evidence includes the demonstration of

…antigen-specific upregulation of IFNγ and IL-2 mRNAs in HIV- and CMV-specific T cells.

This was reported as: Technology breakthrough reveals cellular transcription process

In principle, our technology can be applied to any species. We can detect a very wide variety of RNA molecules produced by the human body and animals…

The technology for detection of the RNA molecules can be viewed in the context of their energy-dependent microRNA-mediated creation, or in the context of the evolution of viruses and species as reported in: Herpes Viruses and Tumors Evolved to Learn How to Manipulate the Same Ancient RNA 1/14/19

The researchers believe that both viruses and cancer cells figured out how to use this RNA because they both rapidly evolve to test out different strategies to multiply and spread within the body over time. Researchers have yet to understand whether herpes and cancer came upon this strategy coincidentally or whether they work hand in hand in some cases. Several researchers involved in this work pioneered the study of how a different type of RNA affects tumor evolution.

Viral microRNAs are linked to tumor evolution. Nutrient-dependent microRNAs are linked to biophysically constrained viral latency and ecological adaptations.

See: A tumor-specific endogenous repetitive element is induced by herpesviruses 1/9/19

Herpesvirus infections are linked from RNA synthesis and endogenous human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) proteins to functionally important consequences for viral replication. The claim is that this

“… may provide a novel insight into viral pathogenesis.”

If so, you may never learn about the novel insight. Even after studying the facts for more than 6 years after I first learned about microRNAs, I can barely fight my way through the amount of garbled pseudoscientific nonsense and the obfuscations of cause and effect that appear throughout the current literature.

Paleoanthropologists are among the pseudosceintists who tend to take everything known to serious scientists about energy-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency and place it back into the context of the evolution of

“…a very wide variety of RNA molecules produced by the human body and animals.”

They refuse to acknowledge the facts. See for example: Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

The ATP-dependent synthesis of RNA in the thymus nuclei of the axolotyl is biophysically constrained by the exogenous administration of iodine, which helps to explain why iodine is required for healthy longevity in humans.

The so-called “Walking Fish” (axolotyl) has no feet. It is, however, the link from light-activated microRNA biogenesis in plants, such as Brugmansia (Angel Trumpets), to energy-dependent RNA-mediated DNA repair and the regeneration of cell types and tissues during the growth and development of all extant species.

See: Meet the creature that can regenerate its brain and resist cancer.

The claims of paleoanthropologists about evolved cell types and tissues should be reexamined in an attempt to make sense of their pseudoscientific nonsense. It is clear that the ability of humans to regenerate their brains and feet or to resist cancers did not automagically evolve after the emergence of energy. There is a difference between humans and axolotls, but the difference does not appear to be detailed at the level of food energy-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency, which means there may be no difference in the levels of biological organization.

See also: There are 300 pages with 7 entries on each page since Jan 2012.

See for comparison: US Air Force Studying Impact of Exome Sequencing in Routine Care

Guess who’s linking light-activated microRNA biogenesis to all scientific progress since the turn of the 20th century?

microRNA exosome Items: 1 to 20 of 2294  microRNA Items: 1 to 20 of 81931

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