Blood music orchestrates human life (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: February 7, 2019

Summary: It is clear that light-activated oxygen-dependent microRNA biogenesis is the key to the ‘music of life’ via the physiology of reproduction, which links sympatric speciation to all biophysically constrained biodiversity on earth via what is known about viral latency.
An antagonist reminded me that in Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems, I wrote:

An evolutionary continuum of ecological adaptations indicates that the ancient mechanisms of cell division arose from nutrient-dependent epigenetically-effected intercellular diversity that altered the genome.

Ecological adaptations are evidence of biophysically constrained viral latency. They link the creation of sunlight, water (and oxygen) to all biodiversity via microRNA biogenesis.
See: The role of oxygen in regulating microRNAs in control of the placental renin-angiotensin system 2/7/19

Further validation is needed to confirm that these miRNAs target RAS mRNAs directly and that placental development is partly regulated by oxygen-sensitive miRNAs that target RAS mRNAs.

No further validation is required if you believe this claim from 1964 in Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

If, for comparison,  you believe that de Vries 1902 definition of mutation can be somehow be linked from the ATP-dependent synthesis of RNA to placental development, you are a biologically uninformed science idiot.
Everyone ages 10+ will laugh at you after playing Subatomic: An Atom-Building Board Game and Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game
All seri0us scientists have linked microRNA biogenesis in plants to biophysically constrained viral latency and all biodiversity via the physiology of reproduction in the context of: Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota 2/28/18

…microbiome alterations aimed at improving clinical outcomes may be carried out across diverse genetic backgrounds.

The transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of ATP-dependent RNA synthesis links nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptation to viruses in bacteria. That fact has been linked to healthy longevity in humans via biophysically constrained endogenous retroviruses in all living genera.
See:  A Quick HYL1-Dependent Reactivation of MicroRNA Production Is Required for a Proper Developmental Response after Extended Periods of Light Deprivation

… plants alter microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis in response to light transition.

See also: DNA Nanostructures Coordinate Gene Silencing in Mature Plants
In 1985, Greg Bear presciently linked the light-activated assembly of the peptide nucleic acid-microRNA nanocomplex for dual modulation of cancer-related microRNAs from DNA nanostructures to healthy longevity in his science fiction novel: Blood Music 

An amazing breakthrough in genetic engineering…. is considered too dangerous for further research, but… he injects himself…. and walks out of his lab, unaware of just quite how his actions will change the world [33 yrs before CRISPRd babies]

Since then, others have linked his claims in The Darwin Code: Intelligent Design without God from the Creation of anti-entropic virucidal light to Schodinger’s claims in “What is Life?” (1944) and Ben Feringa’s claims about biblical prophesy in:

On 2/8/19 Elizabeth Pennisi tries to catch up to the scientists, Greg Bear’s science fiction, and prophesy in Gut bacteria linked to mental well-being and depression after publishing pseudosceintific nonsense about evolution in:
Inching toward the 3D genome (1/2/15)

…the nucleome structure changes as cells age, differentiate, and divide, and researchers want to understand how and why.

All in the (bigger) family (1/16/15)

A decade of genetic data and other evidence has persuaded most researchers that insects and crustaceans, long considered widely separated branches of the arthropod family, actually belong together.

Of mice and men (7/3/15)
and in
Virus fighter may have played a key role in human evolution (4/7/16)
But see for comparison: The phylogenetic utility and functional constraint of microRNA flanking sequences (2/18/15)

Our investigation demonstrates the utility of miRNA sequences as classical phylogenetic markers, and shows this usage is robust to different algorithms of phylogenetic analysis and the analysis of fast-evolving lineages. Such a method provides novel characters for assessing phylogenetic relationships that will be of use in a range of contexts for resolving branches across the tree of life.

The assessment of phylogenetic relationships that link the creation of sunlight and water to oxygen and microRNA biogenesis resolves all the pseudoscientific nonsense touted about the branches across the tree of life. Every so-called branch is exquisitely tuned into existence. The idea of random mutations has been eliminated from discussion among serious scientists.
See: Tuning the Orchestra: miRNAs in Plant Immunity

miRNAs act as negative modulators of target genes and play key roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation through sequence-specific mRNA cleavage and translational inhibition.

See also: Journal of Physiology Editor-in-Chief, David Paterson, talks to the University of Oxford’s renowned Emeritus Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology, Denis Noble, about the ‘music of life’ and the future of the field.
Simply put, it is clear that light-activated oxygen-dependent microRNA biogenesis is the key to the ‘music of life’ via the physiology of reproduction, which links sympatric speciation to all biophysically constrained biodiversity on earth via what is known about viral latency.
Greg Bear links the facts about how oxygen regulate microRNAs in control of the placental renin-angiotensin system from biophysically constrained viral latency and sympatric speciation in Darwin’s Radio (1999) and Darwin’s Children (2003). The superiority of the new human species caused problems, and in real life the problems have not been resolved by pseudoscientists.
My comment on Darwin’s Radio:
November 2010: “Epigenetics, science fiction, and scientific fact”

In his book “Darwin’s Radio” (1999, Del Rey) and his sequel “Darwin’s Children” (2003, Del Rey), science fiction author and novelist Greg Bear successfully predicted that human endogenous retroviruses are involved in human speciation. His new subspecies of humans communicated with pheromones, as do other species from yeasts to non-human primates. This example of science fiction becoming fact contributes to a scientific understanding of epigenetics and human pheromones via a forward-thinking author’s grasp of molecular biology and his willingness to take the next logical step for his readers. Other fictional representations of human pheromones must also have some basis in fact; enough to be included on Wikipedia and other informative sources, if only to encourage forward-thinking by others. Indeed, in his November 2003 presentation before the American Philosophical Society, Greg Bear said: “What we [science fiction writers] write is far from authoritative, or final, but science fiction works best when it stimulates debate.” Moving forward as he spoke about epigenetic influences, he also said that chemical signals between organisms can change genetic expression. This allows the social environment to modify gene expression in individuals and in their offspring.

More than a decade has passed since Bear’s conceptualization of how pheromones might exert a powerful epigenetic influence on other species and on us. Those who are familiar with current works from molecular biology can now more fully recognize that Greg Bear was at least a decade ahead of his time. For example, see this article on human endogenous retroviruses and primate speciation. Also, my co-authors and I wrote about epigenetic influences and pheromones in 1996. The take home message that’s available through the integration of science fiction and scientific fact is that pheromones may be the most significant epigenetic influence of all. We are beginning to see this more clearly after our species sequenced the human genome and as we learn more about epigenetic facts predicted by Bear’s science fiction.

To be continued in: Blood music orchestrates human life (2)

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