Darwin Day 2019 (3) #darwinday2019

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: February 11, 2019

Start over on with Thomas Hunt’s (1855) On the Influence of the Human Instinct in the Prevention and Cure of Disease, Chiefly in Reference to Diet. 
Move forward via Darwin’s energy-dependent diet-driven “conditions of life.”
Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest …under changing conditions of life…
Laws of Variation: …variability is generally related to the conditions of life to which each species has been exposed during several successive generations.
Difficulties of the Theory: …during the process of modification, each has become adapted to the conditions of life of its own region…
Organisms that cannot find food do not adapt. That explains why Darwin started with “conditions of life” and linked them to ecological adaptations. Unfortunately, he failed to link the creation of sunlight to the energy-dependent physiology of reproduction in plants.
Instead, Darwin characterized the rapid rise, diversification, and the ecological dominance of flowering plants as an “abominable mystery.”
He linked his “conditions of life” in plants from an “abominable mystery” to all biophysically constrained biodiversity on Earth without mentioning the physiology of reproduction in flowering plants. The flowering plants “evolved.”
See:  The Amborella Genome and the Evolution of Flowering Plants (December 2013)
The magic of natural selection linked Darwin’s circular logic of evolution to his claims about “abominable mystery” of the evolution of flowering plants. Darwin had no experimental evidence to support his claims, and used observations as if his logical observations had explanatory power. He could not explain the evolution of flowering plants, which is why his observations still have no explanatory power, after 160 more years.
See for comparison: Horizontal Gene Transfer Regulation in Bacteria as a “Spandrel” of DNA Repair Mechanisms (2007)
Bacteria are equipped with endogenous substrates and active mechanisms that modulate acquisition of new DNA in different genomic positions. All serious scientists have linked the active nutrient uptake mechanism across kingdoms to supercoiled DNA.
See: Structural diversity of supercoiled DNA (2015)
See for example, Microbes help make the coffee (2019)
Biologically uninformed theorists failed to link the creation of sunlight from biophysically constrained viral latency and the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in soil bacteria to the repair of DNA that makes your cup of coffee or tea possible.
Biologically uninformed theorists claim that convergent evolution made your cup of coffee possible.
See: The coffee genome provides insight into the convergent evolution of caffeine biosynthesis (2014)

… caffeine biosynthesis in coffee was adaptive and probably involved specific amino acid changes fixed by PS.”

PS stands for positive selection, but it is natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality in the context of energy-dependent fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitution, DNA repair and the physiology of reproduction.
What does positive selection mean to a biologically uninformed theorist?
See: Mutation-Driven Evolution (June 14, 2013)
See for comparison: Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model (June 14, 2013)
For comparison to Darwin’s claims about the “abominable mystery” of flowering plants, light-activated carbon fixation and microRNA biogenesis were linked from light tracking in poisonous night-blooming Angel Trumpets to the diversity of color and morphology in Peturnias via conserved molecular mechanisms.
See: Insight into the evolution of the Solanaceae from the parental genomes of Petunia hybrida (May 2016)
The light-activated microRNA biogenesis was linked to target defense genes in Solanaceous plants via representative amino acid sequences
See: Figure 5. (B) and(C) of Genome-wide comparative analysis in Solanaceous species reveals evolution of microRNAs targeting defense genes in Capsicum spp. (December 2018)
Watch theorists ignore the fact that light-activated microRNA biogenesis triggers the creation of small RNAs that regulate plant growth and development via the assembly of the peptide nucleic acid-microRNA nanocomplex in the context of 24-nt reproductive phasiRNAs are broadly present in angiosperms
Note that the Complete genome sequence of a South Korean isolate of Brugmansia mosaic virus” was linked to the type isolate (D-437) of BruMV described in the USA and the mouse-to-human model of biophysically constrained viral latency via energy-dependent changes in base pairs and one amino acid substitution, EDAR V370A.
See: Environmental selection during the last ice age on the mother-to-infant transmission of vitamin D and fatty acids through breast milk (April 23, 2018)

The frequency of the human-specific EDAR V370A allele appears to be uniquely elevated in North and East Asian and New World populations due to a bout of positive selection likely to have occurred circa 20,000 y ago.

On start over with Darwin’s food energy-dependent “conditions of life” and Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food


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