Preprints obfuscate facts (1)
How many preprints should be published?
If someone posts something crazy like vaccines cause autism, I don’t think respectable news outlets will cover it without first discussing the preprint with experts.
The light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex and the cure for all cancer was reported by researchers from Israel and discussion by so-called experts followed:
See: A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one 1/28/19
The company is now writing patents on specific peptides, which will be a large bank of targeting toxin peptides wholly owned and hard to break, said Aridor.
Most people know that patents are the key to ‘monetizing’ discoveries. For example: George Church, the world’s foremost expert on light-activated carbon fixation and biophysically constrained RNA interference, probably failed to comment because of this fact from his patent application: RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering
5. Repetitive elements or endogenous viral elements can be targeted with engineered Cas+gRNA systems in microbes, plants, animals, or human cells to reduce deleterious transposition or to aid in sequencing or other analytic genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic/diagnostic tools (in which nearly identical copies can be problematic).
Church, and others like him, have linked natural selection for the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity,
See also the comment by George Church and others in this preprint: The experimental design and data interpretation in ‘Unexpected mutations after CRISPR Cas9 editing in vivo’ by Schaefer et al. are insufficient to support the conclusions drawn by the authors (7/10/17)
…it is impossible to ascribe the observed differences in the subject mice to the effects of CRISPR per se. The genetic differences seen in this comparative analysis were likely present prior to editing with CRISPR.
If so, the genetic differences were biophysically constrained prior to the CRISPR Cas9 editing. The obvious danger of the editing is that it unleashes the biophysical constraints. All intelligent geneticists know that, and any who still support the gene-editing nonsense probably profit from touting it.
Although serious scientists have clearly indicated the forthcoming end to the perils of the CRISPR gene editing nonsense, other so-called experts commented on the forthcoming cure for all cancer in Experts Decry Israeli Team’s Claims That They Have Found The Cure For Cancer 1/30/19
Rebecca Arrington (a facebook expert asked):
Does anyone else find it interesting that a country and people that are favored by God comes up with a cure for a disease that afflicts the world!?
Kimmie Lane (another facebook expert wrote):
God bless Israel. Thank you, Lord.
John DiPersio, MD, PhD, deputy director of Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, Missouri, claimed.
The approach using phage display to identify small peptides that target specific cancers seems biologically very unlikely.
Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies reported the bacteriophage-linked cure (aka the phage display-linked cure) in the context of this biologically likely ability:
The ability of different peptides to inhibit autophosphorylation of EGFR is presented by the decrease of the fluorescent signal (Y axis).
The ability of amino acids in different peptides to inhibit energy-dependent autophosphorylation links the food energy-dependent fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions in the peptides to the cure for all pathology. That fact was placed into the context of the energy-dependent creation of the sense of smell in species from bacteria to humans, and the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction.
The food energy and pheromones have been linked to the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of healthy longevity via sympatric speciation.
See: Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction (2005)
The cure for cancer was presciently placed into the context of odor and and pheromone signaling by Lewis Thomas in 1980: On Smell
I should think we might fairly gauge the future of biological science, centuries ahead by estimating the time it will take to reach a complete comprehensive understanding of odor. It may not seem a profound enough problem to dominate all the life sciences, but it contains, piece by piece, all the mysteries.
–as cited in The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality (1995/2002)
Reviewed by Mark Sergeant
For a more academic consideration of the field by the authors, I would recommend Kohl’s more recent review paper (Kohl et al, 2001), which addresses the issues outlined above.
(Kohl et al, 2001) was published as: Human pheromones: integrating neuroendocrinology and ethology (link opens pdf)
For a prescient representation of what became known 30 years later, see also: A Fear of Pheromones (1971)
WHAT are we going to do if it turns out that we have pheromones? What on earth would we be doing with such things? With the richness of speech, and all our new devices for communication, why would we want to release odors into the air to convey information about anything? We can send notes, telephone, whisper cryptic invitations, announce the giving of parties, even bounce words off the moon and make them carom around the planets. Why a gas, or droplets of moisture made to be deposited on fenceposts?
See also: Regulation of MicroRNA Machinery and Development by Interspecies S-Nitrosylation (2019)
Our findings suggest a general mechanism by which the microbiota may control host cellular functions, as well as a new role for gasotransmitters.
Reported on 2/21/19 as: New ‘interspecies communication’ strategy between gut bacteria and mammalian hosts uncovered
…bacteria secrete a specific molecule—nitric oxide—that allows them to communicate with and control their hosts’ DNA, and suggests that the conversation between the two may broadly influence human health.
For an example of how a preprint was used to obfuscate the facts known to all serious scientists about olfaction and pheromone-constrained viral latency see:
Novel small molecule agonists of an Aedes aegypti neuropeptide Y receptor block mosquito biting behavior 8/16/18 (the preprint)
…drugs are capable of inhibiting biting and blood-feeding on a live host, suggesting a novel approach to control infectious disease transmission by controlling mosquito behavior.
See also the publication of these findings in “Cell” as Small-Molecule Agonists of Ae. aegypti Neuropeptide Y Receptor Block Mosquito Biting 2/7/19
Reported as: Diet drugs could halt mosquitoes’ blood-sucking behavior, study says 2/8/19
…by manipulating the hormones which make mosquitoes feel full, the insects’ desire for blood can be satiated.
The light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex links the sense of smell in bacteria from our diet to our visual perception of mass and energy. All the links were placed into the context of the space-time continuum and the forthcoming cure for cancer (and the cure for all other diseases) by researchers who have followed the scientific progress during the past several decades.
See for example: Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception 3/17/17
Reported as Olfactory-Visual Sensory Integration Twists Time Perception 7/22/2017
Also reported as: Odors Alter Subjective Time Experience 5/15/17
The sense of smell is like a time machine that links our experiences from the past to our behaviors throughout life.
See also the website of Wen Zhou’s research group: Institute of Psychology, CAS
We might fairly gauge the future of biological science, centuries ahead, by estimating the time it will take to reach a complete, comprehensive understanding of odor. It may now seem to be a profound enough problem to dominate all the life sciences, but it contains, piece by piece, all the mysteries. — Lewis Thomas (1913-1993)
The quote from The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality (1995/2002) appears as the only obvious link across several decades of works by Martha McClintock, who mentored Denise Chen, who mentored Wen Zhou.
See also: miRNA-Mediated Interactions in and between Plants and Insects 10/24/18
…it has become apparent that in plant-insect interactions, both plants and insects use miRNAs to regulate their biological processes, as well as co-opting each others’ miRNA systems.
The simultaneous assembly of all light-activated building blocks of life was reported as:
Common origins of RNA, protein and lipid precursors in a cyanosulfidic protometabolism
Light-activated changes in the Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond were reported as:
Light-Induced Opening and Closing of the Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond in Glyoxylic Acid
Upon complexation with water, the isomerization processes slow down in the case of the Tc conformer, whereas for the Tt-based complex the influence of water is negligible on the isomerization process.
Light-activated microRNA biogenesis in plants, was reported as:
A Quick HYL1-Dependent Reactivation of MicroRNA Production Is Required for a Proper Developmental Response after Extended Periods of Light Deprivation 7/18/18
…plants alter microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis in response to light transition.
Light-activated alternative splicings of RNA was reported as:
Light Regulates Plant Alternative Splicing through the Control of Transcriptional Elongation 1/17/19
Everything known to serious scientists about all levels of light-activated biological organization and all life on Earth was placed into the context of games for ages 10+.
Subatomic: An Atom-Building Board Game
Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game
A board game taking place inside a human cell! Players compete to build enzymes, hormones and receptors and fend off attacking Viruses!
For comparison, I reiterate, see: Diet drugs could halt mosquitoes’ blood-sucking behavior, study says 2/8/19
…by manipulating the hormones which make mosquitoes feel full, the insects’ desire for blood can be satiated.
Vosshall’s group has repeatedly, but perhaps unknowingly, linked food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled viral latency from the fixation of RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to the prevention of all pathology.
She still promote diet drugs instead of learning and memory in the context of natural selection for food energy-dependent codon optimality.
She exemplifies the blood-sucking behavior of theorists who refuse to accept the fact that the cure for cancer and all other pathology is based on the energy-dependent light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex.
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