The tipping point (revisited): 89K (4)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: July 12, 2019

MicroRNA Items: 1 to 88927

See also:  Oral Sunscreen Provides All-Over Protection

Exogenous sources of  vitamin B3 (aka Niacinamide/Nicotinamide) and vitamin C link ingestion of sago palm-like leaves to the creation of endogenous substrates (microRNAs) and healthy longevity via one food energy-dependent pheromone-controlled amino acid substitution: EDAR V370A, in human populations and populations of mice from the Old World to the New World.

See: Environmental selection during the last ice age on the mother-to-infant transmission of vitamin D and fatty acids through breast milk (2018)

The frequency of the human-specific EDAR V370A allele appears to be uniquely elevated in North and East Asian and New World populations due to a bout of positive selection likely to have occurred circa 20,000 y ago.

That fact refutes neo-Darwinian theories and the claims of Big Bang cosmologists who are obviously mistaken about the millions of years of evolution. They failed to link food energy to biophysically constrained microRNA-mediated viral latency and all ecological adaptations.

MicroRNAs in the milk exosomes of all mammals have been linked to the transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of healthy longevity and the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA has been linked to all pathology in my series of publications and presentations during the past 3 decades.

That fact is obfuscated in two articles published in Science Magazine today (Jul;y 12, 2019).

2) Effects of microbiota-directed foods in gnotobiotic animals and undernourished children

But see the preprint of: Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems (4/10/14)

The companion papers [162-163] told a new short story of ecological adaptations. In the context of climate change and changes in diet, the story began with what probably was a nutrient-dependent base pair change and a variant epiallele that arose in a human population in what is now central China. Apparently, the effect of the epiallele was adaptive and it was manifested in the context of an effect on sweat, skin, hair, and teeth. In another mammal, such as the mouse, the effect on sweat, skin, hair, and teeth is probably due to a nutrient-dependent epigenetic effect on hormones responsible for the tweaking of immense gene networks that metabolize nutrients to pheromones. The pheromones appear to control the nutrient-dependent epigenetically-effected hormone-dependent organization and hormone-activation of reproductive sexual behavior in mammals such as mice and humans, but also in invertebrates and in microbes as previously indicated.

The ecological adaptations, which appear to be manifested in the human population are detailed in these two reports [162-163]. The ecological adaptations are likely to be nutrient-dependent and pheromone-controlled. If so, ecological variation probably leads to ecological, social, neurogenic, and socio-cognitive niche construction, which is manifested in increasing organismal complexity and species diversity. If not, there may be something as yet unknown about mutations and evolution that makes sense in the light of what is known about nutritional epigenetics and the molecular biology of species from microbes to man.

162. Kamberov, Yana G.; Wang, S.; Tan, J.; Gerbault, P.; Wark, A.; Tan, L.; Yang, Y.; Li, S.; Tang, K.; Chen, H., et al., Modeling Recent Human Evolution in Mice by Expression of a Selected EDAR Variant. Cell 2013, 152 (4), 691-702. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.01.016
163. Grossman, Sharon R.; Andersen, Kristian G.; Shlyakhter, I.; Tabrizi, S.; Winnicki, S.; Yen, A.; Park, Daniel J.; Griesemer, D.; Karlsson, Elinor K.; Wong, Sunny H., et al., Identifying Recent Adaptations in Large-Scale Genomic Data. Cell 2013, 152 (4), 703-713. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.01.035
My invited review of nutritional epigenetics was returned without review from the journal “Nutrients.”
It was published in 2018 with virtually no revisions: See: Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems
The change to the title reflects the facts about the creation of supercoiled DNA from Structural diversity of supercoiled DNA (2015). This group’s claims in a parody (1) can now be linked to the updated representations from my virtual conference presentation on Precision Medicine (2).


See also:

The future of chemistry is the future of Precision Medicine, which must link the creation of energy from the creation of ATP to the creation of RNA, which biophysically constrains viral latency as first indicated in McEwen et. al., (1964) “Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

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