Brokered regulatory leverage: Breaking Bad (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: August 19, 2019

First cells may have emerged because building blocks of proteins stabilized membranes 8/12/19

“Amino acids were not just protecting vesicles from disruption by magnesium ions, but they also created multilayered vesicles — like nested membranes,” said lead author Caitlin Cornell, a UW doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry.

The researchers also discovered that amino acids stabilized membranes through changes in concentration.

They coupled direct techniques of cryoelectron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy with techniques of NMR spectroscopy, centrifuge filtration assays, and turbidity measurements and linked energy-dependent changes from angstroms to ecosystems via everything known to serious scientist about how RNA interference protects organized genomes from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA.  They tested how 10 different amino acids interacted with membranes. Their experiments revealed that certain amino acids bind to membranes and stabilize them. Some amino acids even triggered large structural changes in membranes, such as forming concentric spheres of membranes — much like layers of an onion.
Limits of detection* 2/25/19 had already been reduced to a level of examination that links Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems 4/18/18 via the EDAR V370A allele in the mouse to human model of ecological adaptation.
See also: Guiding of visible photons at the ångström thickness limit 8/12/19 and place the findings from quantum to classical physics back into the context of ecological adaptations.

*All of this goes to underline the importance of interpreting lab results in real context and being ready to question them if they really don’t seem to fit. In such cases retesting or use of an alternate secondary assay may be wise.

The ability to interpret lab results in the context of ecological adaptations is missing in most people who have not had years of experience performing the tests. The scientific progress challenges their ability to understand anything.
Even without the techniques of NMR spectroscopy, centrifuge filtration assays, and turbidity measurements, cryoelectron microscopy (Cryo-EM) and fluorescence microscopy have successfully enabled the detection of how reduced fluorescence links the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA from mutations to all diseases.
The application of what is currently known about biophysically constrained fluorescence led to claims that the cure for all cancers would be delivered within the year.
See: A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one 1/28/19
For a historical perspective  on what has delayed the cure, see: Quantitative trait loci—uncovering genes for continuously variable traits 6/6/19
John Brunstein set the stage for the obfuscation of facts that link energy-dependent changes from angstroms to ecosystems via biophysically constrained viral latency in the context of the physiology  of reproduction. MicroRNAs are the endogenous substrates that protect all organized genomes from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA that links mutations to all diseases. Light-activated microRNA biogenesis is the link from God’ s Creation of sunlight to Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean 5/22/15 and

Decoding the ecological and evolutionary rules governing plankton diversity remains essential for understanding how the critical ocean biomes contribute to the functioning of the Earth system.

For comparison the: Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor 10/12/16 showed

…the crucial role of viruses in controlling archaeal dynamics…

Co-author Mart Krupovic, and others suggested that archael dynamics control “…the functioning of deep-sea ecosystems, and … that virus-archaea interactions play a central role in global biogeochemical cycles.”
See for comparison: A systematic study towards evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics of currently predominant H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in Vietnam 5/22/19

These viruses underwent diverse reassortment with existence of at least 12 genotypes and retained typical avian-specific motifs. These H5 HPAIVs exhibited large antigenic distance from progenitor viruses and commercial vaccines currently used in poultry. Bayesian phylodynamic analysis inferred that clade viruses detected during 2014–2017 were likely descended from homologous clade viruses imported to Vietnam previously and/or preexisting Chinese viruses during 2012–2013. Vietnamese clade viruses closely shared genetic traits with contemporary foreign spillovers, suggesting that there existed multiple transboundary virus dispersals to Vietnam. This study provides insights into the evolution of Vietnamese H5 HPAIVs and highlights the necessity of strengthening control measures such as, preventive surveillance and poultry vaccination.

Bayesian phylodynamic analysis links inferences from mathematical models to neo-Darwinian pseudoscientific nonsense. Facts about biophysically constrained cell type differentiation link the Vietnam War to the eternal significance of microRNAs via young earth creationism in South Korea.
See: The eternal significance of microRNAs (Parts 1-10)
Researchers in South Korea have forced pseudoscientists to complain about the pace of their scientific progress.
I reiterate, from Brokered regulatory leverage: Breaking Bad (1)

See: Downgrading of regulation in regenerative medicine 8/16/19

These developments shed light on global drivers of a policy phenomenon we call “regulatory brokerage” (1). We argue that when regulation does not support the scientific effort to establish the safety and efficacy of medical products, it may be brokered by interest groups, including industry, particular groups of scientists and patients, and policy-makers.

Reported as: Relaxing of regulations for regenerative medicines has cascading effect internationally 8/15/19

…uses the example of South Korea as the first country to give preferential regulatory treatment to stem cell medicine. Their decision to [defy the regulatory leverage of profiteers led them to] issue a flurry of three stem cell-based medical products between 2011-12, and a fourth in 2014, attracted international scepticism for sacrificing clinical data standards in exchange for speed to market.”

Scientific creationists from South Korea linked God’s Creation of the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy from biophysically constrained RNA-mediated DNA repair to regenerative therapy via the eternal significance of microRNAs and the biogenesis of all biodiversity via the physiology of reproduction in Angel Trumpets. Speed to market can be viewed in the context of “Red Wheat” brought to North America by the Hutterites when they emigrated.

See: HLA and Mate Choice in Humans (1997)

The food they eat and their pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction has been linked to many more years of healthy longevity than other populations of immigrants.

For comparison, there may be no better way to ensure that the examples of human idiocy reported as evolution are placed into the proper context of polycombic ecological adaptations, which biophysically constrain viral latency, than to look at what John Brunstein has done in the past few weeks.
7/23/19  Jumping genes: Alu elements in human disease
7/29/19 Molecular sensor scouts DNA damage and supervises repair
8/2/19 TET proteins: Double agents in DNA methylation prevent catastrophic cancer
8/7/19 NIH researchers uncover role of repetitive DNA and protein sequences in tumor evolution
Simply put, he placed everything known about biophysically constrained viral latency into the context of tumor evolution and linked viruses to the hecatombic evolution of all pathology via olfaction and nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled gene regulation.
See: Bcl11b controls odorant receptor class choice in mice  8/7/19

…these findings reveal a unique transcriptional mechanism mediating a binary switch for OR class choice that is crucial to both the anatomical and functional organization of the olfactory system.

Reported as: Gene regulation behind the choice of the correct receptor for olfaction 8/19/19

“Our findings unveil a longstanding mystery in OR gene regulation, a molecular mechanism of the OR class choice as well as an essential role of Bcl11b for the functional organization of olfactory system by integrating genetic, cellular, and behavioral analyses, and provide important insights on the terrestrial adaption of olfaction during evolution,” concludes Prof. Hirota.

Each time I see a claim that links adaptation [adaption] of olfaction during evolution via gene regulation, I pause to ask myself: “Can anyone still be that stupid?”
How could anything evolve outside the context of biophysically constrained gene activation, which has been linked from the physiology of reproduction to sympatric speciation in all living genera via their ability to use the energy that activates gene expression.  See: Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction 11/18/05
Anyone who does not start with the anti-entropic virucidal energy that activates the feedback loops will continue to fail to link the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to mutations and disease via retrotranspsons.
See: Transcriptionally active HERV-H retrotransposons demarcate topologically associating domains in human pluripotent stem cells 8/19/19

…our results provide direct evidence for retrotransposons in actively shaping cell type- and species-specific chromatin architecture.

They linked energy as information to the creation of endogenous substrates called microRNAs via the role that the primate-specific endogenous retrotransposon human endogenous retrovirus subfamily H (HERV-H) plays in creating topologically associating domains (TADs) in human pluripotent stem cells.
The domains in the human pluripotent stem cells do not automagically create themselves.
Without energy-dependent biophysical constraints on microRNA biogenesis, there would be no endogenous substrates and Jumping retroviruses [could not] nudge TADs apart because the domains would not exist outside the context of ecologically relevant magic traits.
Genetic dissection of assortative mating behavior 2/17/19

Ecologically relevant mating cues (sometimes known as “magic traits” [2,6]) are now predicted to be widespread in nature [6,7], and the last few years have seen considerable progress in our understanding of their genetic basis.

In less than 3 years, all the literature reported by serious scientists has been linked from Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor 10/12/16

…the crucial role of viruses in controlling archaeal dynamics…

to biophysically constrained viral latency by light-activated microRNA biogenesis and gene regulation, which appears to be the link from God’ s Creation of sunlight to Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean 5/22/15
The claims about ecologically relevant “magic traits” force me to reiterate this fact:
Each time I see a claim that links gene regulation to adaptation of olfaction during evolution, I pause to ask myself: “Can anyone still be that stupid?”
See for comparison: Resting-State Structure and Gating Mechanism of a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel 7/25/19
Reported as: Mechanism of electrical signaling in cells revealed 8/17/19

…because ancestral bacteria sodium channels are likely to be an evolutionary precursor to both sodium channels and calcium channels in higher organisms, the newly obtained resting state structure could become the basis for understanding calcium channels and other more complex ion channel proteins.

The energy-dependent creation of the sense of smell in bacteria is the basis for understanding every aspect of  biophysically constrained viral latency in the context of the space-time continuum.
Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception 3/17/17

Our perception of the world builds upon dynamic inputs from multiple senses with different temporal resolutions, and is threaded with the passing of subjective time. How time is extracted from multisensory inputs is scantly known. Utilizing psychophysical testing and electroencephalography, we show in healthy human adults that odors modulate object visibility around critical flicker-fusion frequency (CFF)-the limit at which chromatic flickers become perceived as a stable color-and effectively alter CFF in a congruency-based manner, despite that they afford no clear environmental temporal information. The behavioral gain produced by a congruent relative to an incongruent odor is accompanied by elevated neural oscillatory power around the object’s flicker frequency in the right temporal region ~150-300 ms after object onset, and is not mediated by visual awareness. In parallel, odors bias the subjective duration of visual objects without affecting one’s temporal sensitivity. These findings point to a neuronal network in the right temporal cortex that executes flexible temporal filtering of upstream visual inputs based on olfactory information. Moreover, they collectively indicate that the very process of sensory integration at the stage of object processing twists time perception, hence casting new insights into the neural timing of multisensory events.

The virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA alters the neural timing of multisensory events that are linked to healthy longevity or to virus-driven pathology.
Keep that fact in mind when you watch how the World Bank contributes to the Ebola crisis.
See: Ebola veteran promises an end to Congo’s epidemic  8/6/19
Rather than use funds to provide nutritional supplements, “The World Bank pledged $300 million on 24 July to help the DRC government and its partners fight Ebola.”
What do you think the DRC government will do with that money?

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