Eugene Koonin refutes theistic evolution

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 22, 2019

MicroRNA-Based Combinatorial Cancer Therapy: Effects of MicroRNAs on the Efficacy of Anti-Cancer Therapies 12/20/19

The combination of miRNA-based therapy with other anti-cancer therapies (miRNA-based combinatorial cancer therapy) is attractive, due to the ability of miRNAs to target multiple genes associated with the signaling pathways controlling therapeutic resistance. In this article, we present an overview of recent findings on the role of therapeutic resistance-related miRNAs in different types of cancer.

The fact that microRNA-based therapy can be effectively used to treat virus-driven cancers can be linked to many different refutations of theistic evolution by many experts. Finally, one of those experts has been among the most prominent advocates of neo-Darwinian pseudoscientific nonsense.
Thanks to Rulon J. Downard for alerting me to facts from Eugene Koonin’s ongoing refutations of theistic evolution, which can readily be linked to light-activated, biophysically constrained viral latency via microRNA-mediated fitness:
See Koonin’s latest: Crossing fitness valleys via double substitutions within codons 12/16/19

“…the second step of a double substitution can be subject to positive selection when the first step is deleterious.”

For example, see:

Light-activated energy-dependent oxidative phosphorylation and the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction biophysically constrain the required double substitutions. That biophysically constrains positive selection. For comparison, all intelligent researchers know that viruses cause constraint-breaking mutations and all pathology.

Disabled were walking again, the blind were seeing again, and the death rose from the grave. 2013 was the year in which prophesy from the bible became reality. — De Correspondent dec 2013

This means Rulon J. Downard has exposed other fools who failed to recognize this fact. See: See: Spindle-shaped viruses infect marine ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaea 7/16/19

…viral predation has a profound impact on thaumarchaeal functioning and mortality, thereby regulating global biogeochemical cycles.

Thank God, He continues to refute the pseudoscientific nonsense from the grandmother whale theory of evolution.

See: Postreproductive killer whale grandmothers improve the survival of their grandoffspring 12/9/19 from Daniel W. Franks’ group.
It shows that even people like Rulon J. Downard may have a purpose in life, despite their examples of human idiocy. Their examples can be used to inform others who have incorporated theories into their theories instead of facts about energy-dependent life.

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