A microRNA-mediated healthy New Year! Thank God (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 30, 2019

MicroRNA-mediated suppression of P-glycoprotein by quantum dots in lung cancer cells 12/27/19

The interactions between adenosine triphosphate‐binding cassette (ABC) transporters and nano‐sized materials are attracting increasing attention, due to their great potential in overcoming the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenomena in cancer treatment.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy transfer.
The Creation of sunlight and water links the creation of ATP to biophysically constrained viral latency in the cell types of all living genera via games for ages 10+
Virus Expansion
See also:
Genotype (2020)
The energy-dependent creation of all genotypes is microRNA-mediated via the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex, which biophysically constrains viral latency.
See: MicroRNA miR-7 regulates secretion of insulin-like peptides 10/3/19
No one commented on the preprint before 12/27/19, when I wrote:

Published as MicroRNA miR-7 regulates secretion of insulin-like peptides, which links light-activated microRNA biogenesis to biophysically constrained viral latency and all biodiversity on Earth via the physiology of reproduction.

See also: Interplay of Placental DNA Methylation and Maternal Insulin Sensitivity in Pregnancy 12/27/19

We identified 12 known placenta imprinted genes, including KCNQ1. Mendelian Randomization analyses revealed 5 loci where placenta DNA methylation may causally influence maternal insulin sensitivity, including the maternally imprinted gene DLGAP2. Our results suggest that placental DNA methylation is fundamentally linked to the regulation of maternal insulin sensitivity in pregnancy.

This confirmed the facts about epigenetic imprinting from our section on molecular epigenetics in From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (December, 1996)
It has taken others more than two decades to catch up. Four years ago, I reported on the: Royal Society Meeting to Discuss Evolution Paradigm Shift, What That Means for Science and for All

I wrote:

A google search for “RNA mediated” and a PubMed search for “microRNA” will support the links from atoms to ecosystems that serious scientists have detailed and supported with experimental evidence. The experimental evidence of biologically-based cause and effect links the anti-entropic energy of the sun’s virucidal effects to 1) hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs; 2) changes in the nutrient-dependent microRNA/messenger RNA balance, and 3) adhesion proteins linked from RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to supercoiled DNA, which protects the organized genomes of all living genera from virus-driven entropy.

If you would rather look only at the evidence coming from Baylor, see Structural diversity of supercoiled DNA and place it into the context of Combating Evolution to Fight Disease

On December 26, 2019 the facts that refute the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by theorists were confirmed.
See: Human microRNA-30 inhibits influenza virus infection by suppressing the expression of SOCS1, SOCS3, and NEDD4 12/26/19

…IAV utilises a novel strategy to restrain host type I IFN‐mediated antiviral immune responses by decreasing the expression of miR‐30 family members…

The link from light-activated microRNA biogenesis to fixation of amino acid substitutions that protect our organized genome from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA was reported as:

Koel et al. (p. 976) show that major antigenic change can be caused by single amino acid substitutions. (2013)

See also: MicroRNA miR-7 regulates secretion of insulin-like peptides 12/26/19

The insulin/IGF pathway is essential for linking nutritional status to growth and metabolism. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNAs that are players in the regulation of this process. The miRNA miR-7 shows highly conserved expression in insulin-producing cells across the animal kingdom.

See for comparison: Effects of Carnitine on Fatty-Acid Oxidation by Muscle (1959)

…it is relevant to ask by what means serum fatty acids are transported from blood vessels through the interstitial space to the active sites for fatty-acid oxidation in muscle cells.

See also: Pheromones: a new term for a class of biologically active substances (1959)
All intelligent serious scientists proceeded to link what was known or suspected about the need for food to biophysically constrain the physiology of reproduction to:
Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation” (1964)

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

Dobzhansky (1964)  put that fact into this claim:

The notion has gained some currency that the only worthwhile biology is molecular biology. All else is “bird watching” or “butterfly collecting.” Bird watching and butterfly collecting are occupations manifestly unworthy of serious scientists! I have heard a man whose official title happens to be Professor of Zoology declare to an assembly of his colleagues that “a good man cannot teach zoology. A good man can teach, of course, only molecular biology.

Such pronunciamentos can be dismissed as merely ridiculous. They are, however, caricatures of opinions entertained by some intelligent and reasonable people, whose views deserve an honest and careful consideration and analysis. Science must cope with new problems that arise and devise new approaches to old problems. Some lines of research become less profitable and less exciting and others more so.

Neo-Darwinian theories and Big Bang cosmology have continued to be profitable with the same level of excitement shared by bird-watchers and butterfly collectors. Most reported observations occur among dullards who have no scientific expertise. They are pseudoscientists.

Pseudoscientists who failed to link God’s Creation of anti-entropic virucidal light and water to the oxygen-dependent interactions between ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporters and the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex via nano‐sized materials, also failed to link the microRNA-mediated cure for all cancers to biophysically constrained viral latency, which is required to prevent the mutations caused by the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA.
See: Methods and compositions for identifying a peptide having an intermolecular interaction with a target of interest 12/25/18

A system of a recombinant bacteriophage library and a target of interest complex, wherein the recombinant bacteriophage peptide library includes a plurality of peptides expressed on the surface of recombinant bacteriophages wherein each recombinant bacteriophage includes (a) a pill protein; wherein each pill protein includes (b) a peptide or polypeptide involved in an intermolecular interaction, which differs by at least one amino acid from other peptides or polypeptides in the library; and (c) a modified protease cleavage site proximal to the peptide, wherein the modified protease cleavage site is the same in each bacteriophage, the modified cleavage site having a reduced binding affinity to a protease, as compared to a non-modified cleavage site, and wherein the target of interest complex includes a protease, a flexible linker attached to the protease, and a target of interest attached to the flexible linker, wherein the target of interest participates in an intermolecular interaction.

See also: Proof of concept
See for comparison the comments on: Biophysical models of cis-regulation as interpretable neural networks 11/8/19
This ridiculous Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) preprint from 11/8/19 was reported  by CSHL on 12/26/19 as if machine learning could interpret gene regulation clearly.
See: Finally, machine learning interprets gene regulation clearly

Cells don’t need all proteins all the time. Instead, they rely on complex molecular mechanisms to turn the genes that produce proteins on or off, as needed. When those regulations fail, disorder and disease usually follow.

“That mechanistic knowledge—understanding how something like gene regulation works—is very often the difference between being able to develop molecular therapies against diseases, and not being able to,” Kinney said.

Their approach is useless because all intelligent biologists know that energy-dependent gene activation and regulation biophysically constrain viral latency. If you review the comments before and after the comment from me on 12/27/19, you will see that most people do not know enough about biophysically constrained viral latency to know why big data-based models are useless to serious scientists.
For an example of why big data-based models are useless, see: Multidimensional Predictors of Susceptibility and Resilience to Social Defeat Stress 9/15/19 reported on 12/17/19 as Scientists develop new method that predicts vulnerability to stress

…we can now apply this method to study the mechanisms that predispose to developing stress-induced health problems, and move toward precision-medicine based approaches in preventing psychiatric disorders…

Attempts to move toward precision medicine since the time of this Precision Medicine virtual conference presentation have failed.
See: Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference 2/15/17 (video)
See also

RNA-mediated gene regulation is less evolvable than transcriptional regulation 3/26/18

…RNA-mediated regulation is less evolvable than transcriptional regulation, because mutations are less likely to create interactions of an RNA molecule with a new RNA binding protein than they are to create interactions of a gene regulatory region with a new transcription factor. Our observations are consistent with the high level of conservation observed for interactions between RNA binding proteins and their target molecules as well as the evolutionary plasticity of regulatory regions bound by transcription factors. They may help explain why transcriptional regulation is implicated in many more evolutionary adaptations and innovations than RNA-mediated gene regulation.

Extracellular vesicles from symbiotic vaginal lactobacilli inhibit HIV-1 infection of human tissues 12/11/19 Reported as: Vesicles released by bacteria may reduce the spread of HIV in human tissue 12/30/19

…bacterial vesicles suppressed the binding of viruses to the cell surface, an essential step before the virus can infect a cell.

Does any serious scientist not recognize this example of sympatric speciation via nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled cell type-specific ecological adaptations in species from microbes to mammals?

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