NIH’s ignorance: From roots to shoots (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: March 10, 2020

NIH funded research on psychotherapeutic drugs failed to consider facts about how the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex linked microRNA biogenesis in plants from what people eat to the microRNA-mediated assembly of endogenous opioid peptides and brain development via the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction and viral latency in species from microbes to humans.
I’ve placed the NIH’s ignorance into the context of the CDC’s ignorance 3/8/20 and the FDA’s ignorance 3/9/20 via the logic of the roots-to-shoots model of biophysically constrained viral latency first detailed in Rosalind Franklin’s works with the tobacco mosaic virus.
See also: MicroRNA Involvement in Signaling Pathways During Viral Infection 3/10/20

Knowing the roles of miRNAs in host response to various viral infections provides an interesting tool for identifying key genes and pathways that must be activated, enhanced, silenced or repressed in order to impel an effective immune response. The clinical applications of miRNAs are extremely important, as miRNAs targeted inhibition may have substantial therapeutic impact. Inhibition of miRNAs can be achieved through many different methods, but chemically modified antisense oligonucleotides have shown the most prominent effects. Though we are far from completely understanding all the molecular mechanisms behind the complex cross-talks between miRNA pathways and viral infections, the general knowledge is increasing on the different roles played by miRNAs during viral infections.

The general knowledge links biophysically constrained viral latency to healthy longevity via sympatric speciation across kingdoms.The links from quantum physics to quantum biology are perfectly clear.
See: Molecular Mechanics Simulations and Improved Tight-Binding Hamiltonians for Artificial Light Harvesting Systems: Predicting Geometric Distributions, Disorder, and Spectroscopy of Chromophores in a Protein Environment 12/17/18

We present molecular mechanics and spectroscopic calculations on prototype artificial light harvesting systems consisting of chromophores attached to a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) protein scaffold. T

For comparison, neo-Darwinian theorists and Big Bang cosmologists failed to explain any aspect of how sex differences in cell types and/or diseases evolved.
See: Genetic dissection of assortative mating behavior 2/7/19

Ecologically relevant mating cues (sometimes known as “magic traits” [2,6]) are now predicted to be widespread in nature [6,7], and the last few years have seen considerable progress in our understanding of their genetic basis.

Substituting ecologically relevant “magic traits” for energy-dependent microRNA-mediated biophysically constrained cause and effect is something that only biologically uninformed theorists do.
See for comparison:
From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996). At that time, microRNAs were called pre-mRNAs:

Small intranuclear proteins also participate in generating alternative splicing techniques of pre-mRNA and, by this mechanism, contribute to sexual differentiation in at least two species, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans (Adler and Hajduk, 1994; de Bono, Zarkower, and Hodgkin, 1995; Ge, Zuo, and Manley, 1991; Green, 1991; Parkhurst and Meneely, 1994; Wilkins, 1995; Wolfner, 1988). That similar proteins perform functions in humans suggests the possibility that some human sex differences may arise from alternative splicings of otherwise identical genes.

Biophysically constrained sexual differentiation of cell types in yeasts were linked to sexual orientation in humans in the molecular epigenetics section of our review.
See also: Endogenous opioid peptides and brain development: Endomorphin-1 and Nociceptin play a sex-specific role in the control of oligodendrocyte maturation and brain myelination 2/17/20

…suggests that the observed sex-specific responses may be highly dependent on important intrinsic differences between the male and female oligodendrocytes.

But first, unless you are a biologically uninformed theorist, the Creation of the endogenous opioid peptides is required. The failure to consider how energy-dependent endogenous substrates are created and/or activated led to the failures of many drugs that were used to affect behavior without consideration for the energy-dependent effects on hormones that are required to affect behavior.
For example, in Europe, Rimonabant was prescribed. Thank God “The FDA’s advisory committee raised concerns that based on animal data, it appeared that the therapeutic window with regard to CNS toxicity, and specifically seizures was almost nonexistent; the therapeutic dose and the dose that caused seizures in animals appeared to be the same.” Use of Rimonabant was not approved by the USFDA.
Clearly, all serious scientists learned enough about microRNA-mediated cause and effect, to stop those who developed Rimonabant whether or not they reported what they learned in the context of articles like this one:
Reversal of Social Recognition Deficit in Adult Mice with MECP2 Duplication via Normalization of MeCP2 in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex 3/7/20

We used the CRISPR-Cas9 method to restore normal MeCP2 levels in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (BST) of adult MECP2-TG mice, and found that normalization of MeCP2 levels in the mPFC but not in the BST reversed the social recognition deficit. These data indicate that the mPFC is responsible for the social recognition deficit in the transgenic mice, and provide new insight into potential therapies for MECP2 duplication syndrome.

Perhaps, if the authors had used the acronym (BnST) for bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, it would be easier for others to link The BDNF val66met polymorphism and individual differences in temperament in 4-month-old infants: A pilot study to stress-linked changes in BnST/BST -linked adult human behaviors via the failed biophysical constraints on viruses that have since been linked to all pathology.
The biophysical constraints require the energy-dependent Creation of enzymes and the sense of smell.
See also: Single-cell analysis of olfactory neurogenesis and differentiation in adult humans 2/17/20

…data from the olfactory neuroepithelium niche provide evidence that neuron production may continue for decades in humans.

Reported on 3/10/20 as: Thriving neuron ‘nursery’ found in a section of adult human nose tissue

This is an important step in developing treatment strategies for conditions when this tissue may be damaged.

It is important to know that this patent  Pheromones and the luteinizing hormone for inducing proliferation of neural stem cells and neurogenesis linked all the steps from Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction 11/18/05 to biophysically constrained viral latency via the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction in species from microbes to humans.
Biologically uninformed theorists missed the fact that: MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20

…the results presented here suggest that naturally arising cell-to-cell variation, sometimes described as stochastic fluctuation, is in fact coherently organized biology.

The theorists seem to be unwilling to address the facts about coherently organized biology.
See for example: The Rocks Were There: Straight Science Answers to bent Creationist Questions
Nothing was there prior to the Creation of energy, and the Creation of the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy has since been linked to all biodiversity on Earth via the physiology of reproduction.
Reversing the anti-social atheistic behavior of Rulon James Downard and Jackson Wheat could prevent mass killings, suicide, and all other virus-driven pathology. But first they would need to learn  how virus-driven MECP2 duplication (MECP2-TG) can be normalized by food energy-dependent microRNA biogenesis across the whole brain in the context of pheromone-controlled feedback loops.
That’s not likely to happen until the theistic evolutionist, Francis Collins is no longer the director of the NIH. Until then, NIH funding will continue to be wasted on biologically uninformed theorists who have not followed the scientific progress made in more than 99000 published works on microRNAs.

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