The tipping point (revisited): 100K (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: April 1, 2020

See first: The tipping point (revisited): 100K (1) 3/30/20


MicroRNA Involvement in Signaling Pathways During Viral Infection 3/10/20

MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20

…naturally arising cell-to-cell variation, sometimes described as stochastic fluctuation, is in fact coherently organized biology.

Moving forward: Why do dozens of diseases wax and wane with the seasons—and will COVID-19?

…it’s easy to be misled by spurious correlations, Dowell says.

Scott Dowell’s “spurious correlations” are missing from consideration in the context of light-activated microRNA biogenesis, human pheromone-controlled biophysically constrained RNA interference, and viral latency in the context of how energy-dependent top-down causation is linked to the Seasonality of Respiratory Viral Infections 3/20/20

…recent research highlights the importance of the environmental factors, especially temperature and humidity, in modulating host intrinsic, innate, and adaptive immune responses to viral infections in the respiratory tract.

They linked the anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight from temperature and humidity changes to ecological adaptations across kingdoms.
Top-down causation was reported as: Hopes for pandemic respite this spring may depend upon what happens indoors 3/30/20

What has not been talked about is the relationship of temperature and humidity in the air indoors and outdoors and aerial transmission of the virus.

That is not correct. Darwin linked energy-dependent “conditions of life” to all biodiversity on Earth via the physiology of reproduction. They are discussing  his “conditions of life” but not how the Creation of energy was required. Indeed, these researchers may be atheists or neo-Darwinian theorists who missed the facts of life. Simply put, pheromones biophysically constrain the genetic processes that link food energy-dependent viral latency across kingdoms.
See:[Pheromonal regulation of genetic processes: research on the house mouse (Mus musculus L.)] (1994)

A study of the influence of pheromone stressor(s) on proliferating germ and somatic cells was performed on laboratory lines of house mouse in the context of the physiological hypothesis of mutation process, proposed by M.E. Lobashev in 1947. Data from experiments are presented, and results obtained during last 10-15 years are discussed. The adaptive role of cytogenetic and other observed pheromonal effects is considered. The possible existence of interorganism systems of genetic regulation is discussed, the search for and study of which may help in more complete understanding of the regularities of functioning of genetic material.

If you cannot accept the facts about pheromonal regulation of genetic processes, you may never understand The relationship of human tissue microRNAs with those from body fluids 3/27/20

…we revealed a positive correlation between BF-miRNAs and T-miRNAs.

They linked God’s Creation of sunlight and water to every aspect of biophysically constrained oxygen-dependent ecological adaptations via the light-activated assembly of the microRNA-RNA-peptide nanocomplex. It was foolish for them to reporting their findings on how top-down energy-dependent causation is linked to microRNA-mediated differences in cell types as if they had revealed “a positive correlation.”
Perhaps, these researchers from China couldn’t wait until April Fool’s Day, 2020 to provide their gift of knowledge and wisdom to those who didn’t know they’d been fooled by the coronavirus / Covid-19 panic.
See: 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic 3/19/20
The panic has since been linked to preventing others from learning about the cure for all cancers.
See: The role of cancer-derived microRNAs in cancer immune escape 3/30/20

Alteration in miRNA expression profile plays an indispensable role in carcinogenesis. Upregulated onco-miRNAs and downregulated tumor-suppressed miRNAs render cancer cells with enhanced viability and invasiveness. We noticed that more and more clinical studies try to predict the patients’ prognosis or treatment efficiency by analyzing miRNA expression profile.

Light-activated microRNA biogenesis biophysically constrains virus-driven pathology at every level of examination from coronaviruses to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease via epigenetic effects of food and pheromones across kingdoms.
See also: It does not always take two to tango: “Syntrophy” via hydrogen cycling in one bacterial cell 3/16/20

Our data are consistent with a novel type of hydrogen cycling that connects an oxidative and reductive metabolic module in one bacterial cell, “intracellular syntrophy.”


The coupling of hydrogen-dependent CO2 reduction to hydrogen-producing fermentations allows acetogens to grow, for example, in the deep biosphere on substrates that are otherwise inaccessible for energetic reasons. Hydrogen production from fermentation is common in aquatic sediments and hydrogen production and consumption is essential for anaerobic food webs [45]. Hydrogen production from organic substrates also puts a new perspective on the origin of the eukaryotic cell [43]. Many acetogens have just one soluble hydrogenase like A. woodii [46], others such as Moorella thermoacetica [47], Thermoanaerobacter kivui [48] or Heimdallarchaeota and Odinarchaeota [43] have membrane-bound, ion-translocating hydrogenase activities as hydrogen consuming respiratory enzymes. Their role in hydrogen transfer is still an open question.

Reported as: Biosciences: Researchers at Goethe University discover new metabolism in bacteria 3/30/20

In one cycle, it can both create and use hydrogen itself, or utilise hydrogen from external sources. This makes it capable of living both from organic as well as solely from inorganic substances.

Bacteria do not create hydrogen. The Creation of hydrogen is the link to the creation of bacteria and the sense of smell in bacteria has been linked from the pheromone-controlled physiology of reproduction to our visual perception of energy and mass in the context of God’s Creation of the space-time continuum.
See: Olfaction Warps Visual Time Perception  3/17/17

These findings point to a neuronal network in the right temporal cortex that executes flexible temporal filtering of upstream visual inputs based on olfactory information. Moreover, they collectively indicate that the very process of sensory integration at the stage of object processing twists time perception, hence casting new insights into the neural timing of multisensory events.

Researchers who do not start with God’s Creation of the sun’s energy, cannot link hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to microRNA-mediated DNA repair in the context of the functional structure of supercoiled DNA.  More than 47,000 indexed published works that mentioned “microRNA” led to this presentation from 3/2/16.

See also, from 3/30/16

The difference between pseudoscientific nonsense and facts appears to be that serious scientists start with the facts that link God’s Creation of energy as information to all biodiversity via pheromone-constrained viral latency in the context of autophagy in species from microbes to humans.

All pathways linked to cancer have since been linked to the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA that causes the coronavirus Covid-19 pathology and Alzheimer’s. Prevention is energy-dependent and microRNA-mediated as detailed in 100,000 published works on microRNAs.
I’ve been tracking the scientific progress since 2013 and included what was known at the time when the 47,000 publications from my 3/2/16 presentation had already become the 58,000 publications I mentioned in this 2/15/17 conference presentation. 

The fact that 47,000 publications on microRNAs in 3/2/16 became 58,000 in 2/15/17 and 100,000 on 4/1/20 exemplifies the scientific progress that atheists and most theorists have missed for approximately  57 years.

In 1963, J.B.S. Haldane predicted others would claim that mutation-driven evolution was “…worthless nonsense.” (Review of The Truth About Death, in: Journal of Genetics 1963, Vol. 58, p.464)”

…pushing cells towards differentiation—something we currently do not know how to do in patients—could significantly halt tumor growth.

If they did not know how natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality was linked from endogenous RNA interference to amino acid substitutions and cell type differentiation in all living genera, this patent application would not have been filed.
RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering
The patent, and everything known to all intelligent serious scientists about how energy-dependent autophagy biophysically constrains viral latency across kingdoms in the context of the physiology of reproduction attests to facts that all pseudoscientists, atheists, and other theorists appear to have missed.

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