Autophagy-related microRNA-mediated disease treatment (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: August 17, 2020

Nanomaterials for Autophagy-Related miRNA-34a Delivery in Cancer Treatment Indexed on PubMed 8/16/20 This article is part of the Research Topic Novel Cancer Treatments based on Autophagy Modulation View all 11 Articles 

1)  “…understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling autophagy…is still far from being elucidated.”

That is a lie. Good questions lead towards understanding.
Question: How did light-activated energy-dependent biophysically constrained autophagy regulation automagically “evolve?”

2) “…nanomaterials may overstimulate autophagy in healthy tissues leading to dangerous effects, including inflammation, oxidative stress, and neoplastic transformation (Cordani and Somoza, 2019).”

Viruses and viral fragments in vaccines overstimulate autophagy.
Question: Why would anyone want to defeat the regulated genetic processes that biophysically constrain naturally occurring autophagy?
Injecting viruses and viral fragment falls outside the conserved physiological processes that biophysically constrain UV light-activated energy-dependent viral latency.
See: “Emergence of Human G2P[4] Rotaviruses in the Post-vaccination Era in South Korea: Footprints of Multiple Interspecies Re-assortment Events
Question: Can you link re-assortment events from vaccine-induced DNA damage across kingdoms and the past coronavirus crises to the current coronavirus crisis?
See for example: “Identification of Two Critical Amino Acid Residues of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein for Its Variation in Zoonotic Tropism Transition via a Double Substitution Strategy*” and the 2011 medical thriller “Contagion.”
If you cannot link re-assortment events to the current coronavirus crises, you may never learn that “A two-amino acid change in the hemagglutinin of the 1918 influenza virus abolishes transmission
That is how the current coronavirus crisis will end. No masks. No social distancing, and no vaccine(s) required. A two-amino acid change in the hemagglutinin of the 1918 influenza virus links microRNA-mediated RNA interference to the prevention or effective treatment of all virus-driven diseases in nearly 107,000 published works.
The most recent addition links microRNAs to sexual orientation across kingdoms via transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of morphological and behavioral phenotypes.

Identification and characterization of miRNAs during early pregnancy in domestic sheep 8/13/20

The pheromone-regulated genetic processes linked from sexual differentiation in yeasts to epidemiological fitness via maternal imprinting in humans were included in our section on molecular epigenetics.
See: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996)
See also: Dengue subgenomic RNA binds TRIM25 to inhibit interferon expression for epidemiological fitness (2015)
Reported as: Study explains how dengue virus adapts as it travels, increasing chances for outbreaks

This study highlights the critical and oft forgotten role played by non-coding RNAs in the battle between viruses and their human hosts… It emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary research: a fabulous marriage of basic RNA biology and clinically informed epidemiology uncovered an unexpected route of virus evolution that explained (and perhaps could predict) epidemic potential.

Question: The virus adapts. Why is adaptation reported in the context of “virus evolution?”
Moving forward, see: Positive selection of the TRIM family regulatory region in primate genomes (2016)

It is becoming increasingly clear that gene expression differences, rather than protein-coding regions changes, could play a vital role in the anti-retroviral immune mechanism.

Question: Why did it take more than two decades for this clarity to be fully manifested in the context of sexual orientation in sheep?
See: A Comparison of LH Secretion and Brain Estradiol Receptors in Heterosexual and Homosexual Rams and Female Sheep (1995)
See also:  Human Diversity in a Cell Surface Receptor that Inhibits Autophagy (2016)

Mutations in genes encoding autophagy proteins have been associated with human autoimmune diseases, suggesting that diversity in autophagy responses could be associated with disease susceptibility or severity.

Theorists hate these two facts:

1: Diversity in autophagy is energy-dependent

2: Pheromone-controlled genetic processes biophysically constrain viral latency in species from microbes to primates.

See: [Pheromonal regulation of genetic processes: research on the house mouse (Mus musculus L.)] (1994)

A study of the influence of pheromone stressor(s) on proliferating germ and somatic cells was performed on laboratory lines of house mouse in the context of the physiological hypothesis of mutation process, proposed by M.E. Lobashev in 1947. Data from experiments are presented, and results obtained during last 10-15 years are discussed. The adaptive role of cytogenetic and other observed pheromonal effects is considered. The possible existence of interorganism systems of genetic regulation is discussed, the search for and study of which may help in more complete understanding of the regularities of functioning of genetic material.

In 1910, Thomas Hunt Morgan presciently linked pheromone-regulated genetic processes to chromosomal rearrangements and sympatric speciation via everything known about Darwin’s “conditions of life” and Mendelian genetics. Neo-Darwinian theorists and Big Bang cosmologists continued to bastardize the claims that have now been contextualized in the STEM toy: Genotype (for ages 14+).
For a historical perspective on the obfuscation of facts about epigenetic effects on viral latency and sympatric speciation for comparison to theories about mutation-driven evolution, see:
Epigenetics and Genetics of Viral Latency 5/11/16

…viral latency is responsible for life-long pathogenesis and mortality risk…

This is a classic response to the nonsense touted by George Ellis and others who have removed consideration of virus-driven energy theft from their theories about emergence and evolution. Viral latency is responsible for healthy longevity not life-long pathogenesis.
But see: The Dynamical Emergence of Biology From Physics: Branching Causation via Biomolecules 1/25/19
Biology does not ’emerge’ from physics. Quantum coherence links the chemistry of protein folding to coherently organized biology.
MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20

“…naturally arising cell-to-cell variation, sometimes described as stochastic fluctuation, is in fact coherently organized biology.”

See also: Tissue-specific regulatory circuits reveal variable modular perturbations across complex diseases 3/7/16
They place virus-driven energy theft into the context of gene losses then twist the claims about losses into a representation of how lost genes could somehow be linked to what is known about the fact that energy is required for what they refer to as de novo gene Creation.
In the world of theorists, none can challenge any theory that does not start without God’s Creation of UV light as the energy source that links information from His Creation of water to oxidative phosphorylation and biophysically constrained viral latency via the physiology of reproduction across kingdoms.
See also: Viruses are a dominant driver of protein adaptation in mammals 5/17/16

…viruses have driven close to 30% of all adaptive amino acid changes in the part of the human proteome conserved within mammals. Our results suggest that viruses are one of the most dominant drivers of evolutionary change across mammalian and human proteomes.

Adaptive amino acid changes are not evidence of virus-driven evolutionary changes. They are evidence of how sunlight is linked to food energy-dependent pheromone-regulated genetic processes of cell type differentiation in the context of autophagy.
See: Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean 5/22/15 for comparison to Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor 10/12/16
Remember: You can now link God’s Creation of UV light and water to microRNA-mediated diversity and ethnicity or to virus-driven pathology and sexual orientation via the Identification and characterization of miRNAs during early pregnancy in domestic sheep 8/13/20

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