The microRNA-mediated fight against COVID-19 (1)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: August 21, 2020

History (1)

Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model (2013)

…the epigenetic ‘tweaking’ of the immense gene networks that occurs via exposure to nutrient chemicals and pheromones can now be modeled in the context of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance, receptor-mediated intracellular signaling, and the stochastic gene expression required for nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution.

History (2)
Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems (2014 unpublished)

This atoms to ecosystems model of ecological adaptations links nutrient-dependent epigenetic effects on base pairs and amino acid substitutions to pheromone-controlled changes in the microRNA / messenger RNA balance and chromosomal rearrangements.

Summary (1)
My 2014 invited review was published in the Journal of Genetics and DNA Research (2018) as Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems

This angstroms to ecosystems model of ecological adaptation links nutrient energy-dependent epigenetic effects on base pairs and amino acid substitutions to pheromone-controlled changes in the microRNA/messenger RNA balance and chromosomal rearrangements via the physiology of reproduction in species from microbes to humans. The nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled changes are required for the thermodynamic regulation of intracellular signaling, which enables biophysically constrained nutrient-dependent protein folding; experience-dependent receptor-mediated behaviors, and organism-level thermoregulation in ever-changing ecological niches and social niches. Nutrient-dependent ecological, social, neurogenic and socio-cognitive niche construction are manifested in increasing organismal complexity. Species-specific pheromones link quorum-sensing in microbes from chemical ecology to the physiology of reproduction. The reciprocal relationships of species-typical nutrient-dependent morphological and behavioral diversity are enabled by pheromone-controlled reproduction. Ecological variations and biophysically constrained natural selection for codon optimality links nutritional epigenetics to the behaviors that enable ecological adaptations. All biodiversity is an ecologically validated proof-of-concept. Ideas from population genetics, which exclude ecological factors, are integrated with an experimental evidence-based approach that establishes what is currently known. Simply put, olfactory/pheromonal input links food odors and social odors from the epigenetic landscape to the physical landscape of supercoiled DNA in the organized genomes of species from microbes to man during their development. link opens .pdf

Summary (2)
My claims from 2014, published in 2018 were recapitulated in: Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections (2020)
Moving forward:
See also: MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states (2020)

…naturally arising cell-to-cell variation, sometimes described as stochastic fluctuation, is in fact coherently organized biology.

See also: MicroRNA Involvement in Signaling Pathways During Viral Infection (2020)

Though scientists are far from completely understanding all the molecular mechanisms behind the complex cross-talks between miRNA pathways and viral infections, the general knowledge is increasing on the different roles played by miRNAs during viral infections.

The culmination of my life’s works appears in the context of the fight against coronavirus pathology and all other virus-driven pathology.
See: COVID-19: fighting the invisible enemy with microRNA (2020)

“…microRNAs (miRNAs) are known signature therapeutic tool for the viral diseases; they are small non-coding RNAs that target the mRNAs to inhibit their post-transcriptional expression, therefore, impeding their functions, thus can serve as watchdogs or micromanagers in the cells.”

For a historical record of facts that already have confirmed the details of my 2013 model and its predictions, see:
Merkel cell polyomavirus encodes a microRNA with the ability to autoregulate viral gene expression (2009)

…different viral isolates have sequence polymorphisms in the pre-miRNA region that result in amino acids substitutions but fully preserve the processing and activity of the miRNAs.

There is no such thing as the autoregulation of viral gene expression. All gene expression is energy-dependent and microRNA-mediated. That fact has been linked to the end of every pandemic.
See: A two-amino acid change in the hemagglutinin of the 1918 influenza virus abolishes transmission (2007)
See also: Identification of two critical amino acid residues of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein for its variation in zoonotic tropism transition via a double substitution strategy (2005)
My mentor et al., published this article in 1964. The late Bruce McEwen told me in 1991 to start with gene activation in gonadotropin releasing hormone neurosecretory cells, or my model of biophysically constrained cause and effect could never be validated.
See why: Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation” (1964)

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

The fact that the synthesis of RNA is ATP-dependent was placed into the context of the RNA-mediated cure for all virus-driven pathology in RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering 

5. Repetitive elements or endogenous viral elements can be targeted with engineered Cas+gRNA systems in microbes, plants, animals, or human cells to reduce deleterious transposition or to aid in sequencing or other analytic genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic/diagnostic tools (in which nearly identical copies can be problematic).

See also: and
Before providing your ridiculous opinion on the validity of my published works and presentations during the past 28 years, see. Criticisms of the nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled evolutionary model by the moronic atheist, Andrew Jones.

…Kohl heavily implies, without directly stating, that alternative splicing (the only mechanism he does specifically mention) is responsible for genetic diversity, which is false because splicing does not have the capability to make changes to the genome itself.

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