microRNA-mediated election cycles (8)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: July 16, 2021

See first: microRNA-mediated election cycles (7)

The virus-driven decrease in free energy has been linked from altered maturation of miRNAs to all pathology across kingdoms. Naturally occurring light-activated carbon fixation links miRNA biogenesis and maturation to biophysically constrained viral latency via the patent for protonated RNA interference, which is titled:

RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering

The role played by feedback loops that link food odors and pheromones to reproduction has been linked to Friendship and natural selection 7/22/14

Natural selection focuses not only on our fitness as individuals, but on the fitness of the organisms within us…

Reported as: Fee-fi-foe-friend: Smell the blood of a kindred spirit? 7/14/14

…the sense of smell may draw similar people together. The researchers found genes controlling smell were among those most likely to match.

The stability of organized genomes is maintained in the context of light-activated carbon fixation and pH-dependent protonated RNA interference exemplified in associations based on social odors that extend across kingdoms to what is known about the microRNA-mediated fragrance and color of flowers.
See: Combined Analysis of MicroRNAs and Target Genes Revealed miR156-SPLs and miR172-AP2 Are Involved in a Delayed Flowering Phenomenon After Chromosome Doubling in Black Goji (Lycium ruthencium) 7/15/21

…the regulation of flowering time, whose onset and progression are strictly controlled, is composed of an intricate gene network integrated with environmental and endogenous cues to control the expression of a group of crucial flowering genes in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) (Michaels, 2009; Lee et al., 2020).

Light-activated microRNA-mediated biophysically constrained chromosome doubling induced late flowering, which makes neo-Darwinian theorists appear to be biologically uninformed science idiots. Let’s discuss their stupid theories.
Let’s start by examining how Maria Sibylla Merian’s Legacy from publication of “The Wondrous Transformation of Caterpillars and their Remarkable Diet of Flowers” (1679) was linked to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity in Genotype
Before denigrating my life’s works on God’s Creation of energy-dependent microRNA-mediated biophysically constrained ecological adaptations across kingdoms see:

The Development and Application of Multi-Omics Integration Approaches to Dissecting Complex Traits in Plants and MicroRNA-Mediated Host-Pathogen Interactions Between Bombyx mori and Viruses 5/7/21

What happened from 1679 to 1859 that led stupid theorists to claim Erasmus Darwin’s & Charles Darwin’s “conditions of life” were linked from beneficial mutations to all biodiversity on Earth via billions to millions of years of evolution instead of via chromosomal rearrangements and sympatric speciation?
Did anyone stop to think about how sex differences in cell types were biophysically constrained so that no more than two sexes arose across kingdoms?
See for comparison: Epigenetic memories and the evolution of infectious diseases 7/13/21
Reported as: New research suggests infectious viruses and bacteria carry epigenetic memories 7/14/21

“…it is possible that the chain of infection—from one person to another—establishes a memory that changes the expression of microbial DNA in a way that could ultimately make us sicker. Given that our sex can affect the way in which our immune system functions, it makes sense that sex is an environmental variable that microbes may wish to track.”

Sex differences and ethnicity are energy-dependent, and pheromone-regulated genetic processes of reproduction biophysically constrain viral latency across kingdoms in species of insects to mammals based on what is known about the sexual differentiation of cell types in yeasts.
See our review of RNA-mediated cell type differentiation. From fertilization to adult sexual behavior (1996)

Small intranuclear proteins also participate in generating alternative splicing techniques of pre-mRNA and, by this mechanism, contribute to sexual differentiation in at least two species, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans (Adler and Hajduk, 1994; de Bono, Zarkower, and Hodgkin, 1995; Ge, Zuo, and Manley, 1991; Green, 1991; Parkhurst and Meneely, 1994; Wilkins, 1995; Wolfner, 1988). That similar proteins perform functions in humans suggests the possibility that some human sex differences may arise from alternative splicings of otherwise identical genes.


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