microRNA-mediated biodiversity (4)
The graphic representation of my Tweet impressions exemplifies the fact that Twitter regulates the dissemination of all accurate information, which links light-activated carbon fixation in cyanobacteria to microRNA-mediated protein folding chemistry and healthy longevity across kingdoms via God’s Creation of sunlight and humidity.
See: Focus on Structure to Verify Protein Function The structure of functional proteins is energy-dependent.
By the end of the week that preceded Darwin Day 2022 celebrations, it appeared that most people, and all theorists, will continue to ignore that fact that energy-dependent gene activation is required to link Darwin’s “conditions of life” to naturally attenuated viral endemicity across kingdoms.
See what must continue to be ignored: Highly enriched BEND3 prevents the premature activation of bivalent genes during differentiation 2/10/22
…a reining function of BEND3 in maintaining high level of H3K27me3 at these bivalent genes in ES cells to prevent them from premature activation in the forthcoming developmental stage.
Preventing premature gene activation is energy-dependent. That fact eliminates all stupid gene-centric theories because genes do not create themselves. Energy-dependent microRNA-mediated prevention of premature activation was placed into the context of: The interaction between RPAP3 and TRBP reveals a possible involvement of the HSP90/R2TP chaperone complex in the regulation of miRNA activity 2/12/22
The RPAP3-TPR1 domain interacts with the TRBP-dsRBD3, and the 1.5 Å resolution crystal structure of this complex identifies key residues involved in the interaction. Remarkably, binding of TRBP to RPAP3 or Dicer is mutually exclusive.
Don’t forget to link the facts to microRNA-mediated prevention or cause of Alzheimer’s disease and all other neurodegenerative diseases via: miR-212-3p attenuates neuroinflammation of rats with Alzheimer’s disease via regulating the SP1/BACE1/NLRP3/Caspase-1 signaling pathway 2/12/22
Overall, miR-212-3p inhibited SP1 expression to block BACE1-induced activation of NLRP3/Caspase-1, thereby attenuating neuroinflammation of AD rats.
For the link from energy-dependent changes in histones to biophysically constrained microRNA-mediated protein folding chemistry and supercoiled DNA see: Structural diversity of supercoiled DNA 10/12/15 and the prescient representation of facts in “All About that Base” 12/10/14.
See also: Chemists Know 10/6/14
For Feynman’s perspective on human idiocy expressed by theoretical physicists, see:
To place the claims of stupid theorists into the proper perspective, see: “I know what it means to know something” in: