RNA-mediated silencing (4)
See first: RNA-mediated silencing (3)
Robert H. Singer, co-authored: Single-molecule imaging of microRNA-mediated gene silencing in cells 3/17/22
Simultaneous visualization of single mRNAs, translation, and miRNA-binding revealed that miRNAs preferentially bind to translated mRNAs rather than untranslated mRNAs.
Among other positions, Singer is: Co-Director, Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center and Co-Director, Integrated Imaging Program.
You could expect his works to exemplify what is know about annual cycles of equal light and equal dark which occur when the Earth’s equator is aligned directly with the sun on the vernal equinox, and on the autumnal equinox.
The fact that Robert H. Singer’s works exemplify former President Trump’s claim that sunlight and humidity seasonally weaken coronaviruses can be linked to claims of rapid evolution in which the term evolution was reported to be food energy-dependent pheromone-regulated ecological adaptation.
See: Direct observation of adaptive tracking on ecological time scales in Drosophila 3/18/22
If Robert H. Singer held the position that Eric Lander abandoned after the evolutionary theorist, Francis S. Collins resigned as director of the NIH, the epigenetic effects of sunlight and humidity on the microRNA-mediated creation of stem cells, could be linked from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in microRNAs to God’s Creation of ethnicity and sexual orientation via food odors and the pheromone-regulated genetic processes of pH-dependent RNA-mediated fixation of amino acid substitutions and reproduction across kingdoms starting with soil bacteria, plant growth, and influorescence (growth of flowering plants).
See how light-activated pH-dependent RNA-mediated flowering plant growth et al., was also misrepresented in: Evolutionary transition from a single RNA replicator to a multiple replicator network 3/18/22
These results support the capability of molecular replicators to spontaneously develop complexity through Darwinian evolution, a critical step for the emergence of life.
Darwinian evolution never addressed the emergence of life. Darwin started with “conditions of life.” Neo-Darwinian theorists bastardized his claims. Claims about the emergence of life are linked from Big Bang cosmology to evolutionary transitions. Energy automagically emerges and the claims about evolution ignore facts about God’s ATP-dependent Creation of RNA at the origin of life ~6000 years ago.
The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.
See also: Isotropic super-resolution light-sheet microscopy of dynamic intracellular structures at subsecond timescales 3/11/22
Why did it take nearly 60 years for theorists to realize that their overwhelming ignorance of quantum coherence, quantum biology, and quantum souls would be exposed by facts about photostimulation presented for ages 14+ in the STEM toy, Cellulose.
Those who promote the pharmacidal agenda, the racism agenda, and the LGBTQ-pedophile agenda have two things in common.
1) They refuse to link God’s Creation of energy as information from His Creation of sunlight and humidity to pH-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency across kingdoms via the physiology of reproduction and Biblical Genesis.
2) See RNA-mediated silencing (4) in prep
[…] See: RNA-mediated silencing (4) […]