Scientism, Atheism & Theology (3)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: October 5, 2022

Nobel Prize in Chemistry Is Awarded to 3 Scientists for Work ‘Snapping Molecules Together’

“to the extent that the prize casts a light on chemical biology, that’s a wonderful thing.”

God’s Creation of sunlight and humidity were linked to pH-dependent chemical biology via His Creation of stem cells and therapeutic solutions that link the patent for naturally occurring RNA interference to prevention of all virus-driven pathology via natural selection for energy-dependent codon optimality and epigenetic inheritance of all morphological and behavioral phenotypes via the physiology of reproduction.

The term bioorthogonal chemistry refers to any chemical reaction that can occur inside of living systems without interfering with native biochemical processes.

The interactions have been visualized in the context of Visualizing a protonated RNA state that modulates microRNA-21 maturation 10/26/20 and Peptide synthesis at the origin of life 11/13/20

All chemical reactions are energy-dependent. The energy comes from sunlight and it links God’s Creation of humidity to pH-dependent constraints on oxygen-dependent viral endemicity via the ATP-dependent Creation of RNA and RNA interference which is the obvious link from quantum coherence to coherently organized biology across kingdoms.

Every intelligent serious scientist I’ve met understands this fact in the context of claims from McEwen et al., (1964).

Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

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