miRNA-mediated epigenetic effects (9)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: March 1, 2023

Fear no evil. Expose it!

Nucleic Acid Vaccines: The Beginning of a Medical Revolution 2/28/23 linked the creation of nucleic acid vaccines (synthetic mRNA) to prevention of naturally occurring RNA interference (RNAi), which linked the ATP-dependent Creation of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in T cells from sunlight and humidity to oxygen-dependent fixation of amino acid substitutions in microtubules at the origin of life and the origin of consciousness.


The synthesis of RNA in isolated thymus nuclei is ATP dependent.

Dependence of RNA synthesis in isolated thymus nuclei on glycolysis, oxidative carbohydrate catabolism and a type of “oxidative phosphorylation”

See also:

Ingram and others found that hemoglobin S differs from A in the substitution of just a single amino acid, valine in place of glutamic acid in the beta chain of the hemoglobin molecule.

Biology, molecular and organismic

For an update on everything known about photosynthesis, stem cell creation, and the energy-dependent miRNA-mediated creation of all cell types, see: Cellulose: A Plant Cell Biology Game

For comparison, in the Q & A of Nucleic Acid Vaccines: The Beginning of a Medical Revolution 2/28/23: She dismissed questions about the effects of synthetic lipid nanoparticle-induced inflamation with a comment that COVID19 causes it to be more severe. Compare the number of vaccinations with synthetic nucleic acids to the number of side effects in people who never got COVID19 to those who were injected with synthetic nucleic acids to examine the evil at every level of biophysically constrained viral latency via

We propose a model revisiting the architecture of RNA-peptide interactions at the origin of life…

Footprints of a Singular 22-Nucleotide RNA Ring at the Origin of Life 4/25/20


Visualizing a protonated RNA state that modulates microRNA-21 maturation 10/26/20

See also my model for the energy-dependent Creation of nucleic acids and the prevention of all virus-driven pathology.

Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model 6/14/13

An environmental drive evolved from that of nutrient ingestion in unicellular organisms to that of pheromone-controlled socialization in insects. In mammals, food odors and pheromones cause changes in hormones such as LH, which has developmental affects on pheromone-controlled sexual behavior in nutrient-dependent reproductively fit individuals across species of vertebrates.

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