WHO broke the breakthrough (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: March 27, 2023

A “miraculous breakthrough” linked to RNA interference, the 2002 Science Breakthrough of the year, attests to the fact that theorists will need another miracle to avoid being ridiculed for touting pseudoscientific nonsense about the origin of life and the origin of consciousness. All origins are energy-dependent via miRNA-mediated fixation of amino acid substitutions in the microtubules of all cell membranes during stem cell Creation.

Where does the energy come from:

“…the electron beam obtained upon non-threshold excitations displays longitudinal and transverse coherence that shatters known records by at least an order of magnitude…

Anomalous intense coherent secondary photoemission from a perovskite oxide 3/8/23

Reported as: “…we don’t have any theory for this, currently, so it is a miraculous breakthrough…”

Breakthrough discovery in materials science challenges current understanding of photoemission 3/14/23

Understanding the fact that UV light comes from black holes was a miraculous breakthrough. All intelligent serious scientists now know that black holes contain UV light. They linked that fact to constraints on the creation of new galaxies via “A measurement of the z = 0 UV background from Hα fluorescence” (2017). UV light was also linked biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity via the creation of uranium ores in “Biogenic non-crystalline U(IV) revealed as major component in uranium ore deposits” 6/1/17

2023 Update: An increase in black hole activity in galaxies with kinematically misaligned gas 1/19/23, was reported on 3/19/23 as: Supermassive Black Holes are Activated and Fed by Intergalactic Gas

“….supermassive black holes like the one at the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, are both activated and grow by consuming intergalactic gas…

Simply put, invisible UV light stopped the development of new galaxies by depriving them of the gas they need to form stars, and the gas was found with the UV light in activated black holes that increase in size via the trapped gas. It’s important the understand that claim in the context of “conditions of life” on Earth, and feedback loops.

You must start with the Creation of UV light, and link it from the consumption of our galaxy’s gas to constraints on the formation of new galaxies that might otherwise be Created from our galaxy. Other claims about intergalactic gas are based on theories.

When he realized that he needed to save face, the moronic theorist Nassim Haramein wrote:

“Black holes are the origin of life, not its destroyers. They are the source of creation. And that’s a major shift in our understanding of the universe and how life emerges from it.” — 3/19/23

It is not a major shift in any Creationist’s understanding of biophysically constrained life on Earth. Creationists understand pattern recognition. For example, the Creation of UV light, humidity, and the oxygen content of water link the ATP-dependent creation of RNA from fixation of amino acid substitutions in microtubules to the claims in Feedback loops link odor and pheromone signaling with reproduction 11/18/05.

No theories are required when you start with the Creation of light, and link it from light-activated carbon fixation in cyanobacteria to the creation of all soil types, plant growth, and food energy, which is the link from what organisms eat to their pheromone-regulated physiology of reproduction and RNA interference across kingdoms.

For examples, see: RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering and Pheromones and the luteinizing hormone for inducing proliferation of neural stem cells and neurogenesis

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