Positive as a proton (2)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: May 10, 2023

Mechanisms for Generating Low Potential Electrons across the Metabolic Diversity of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria 5/8/23

“The availability of fixed nitrogen is a limiting factor in the net primary production of all ecosystems… Diazotrophs are phylogenetically diverse bacteria and archaea that…generate energy through heterotrophic or autotrophic metabolisms.”

Light-activated endogenous substrates are required for the enzyme-dependent Creation of all biodiversity via “…oxidoreductases, hydrogenases, photosystem I or other light-driven reaction centers, electron bifurcating Fix complexes, proton motive force-driven Rnf complexes, and Fd:NAD(P)H oxidoreductases.”

Each of the enzymes is critical for generating low potential electrons that simultaneously integrates balanced metabolism via the proton motive force and nitrogenase’s overall energy needs. Understanding the diversity of electron transport systems to and the ATP-dependent Creation of RNA at the origin of life will be essential to guide future engineering strategies that link sunlight, humidity, and oxygen (from water) to the proton motive force and fixation of endogenous substrates in all cell types and organisms that must biophysically constrain energy-dependent viral latency and healthy longevity across kingdoms and the time-space continuum.

I will be busier than usual tomorrow. Anyone who wants to try to refute the facts about energy-dependent biophysically constrained viral latency across kingdoms during the past 6000 years should start with Evolutionary resurrection of flagellar motility via rewiring of the nitrogen regulation system 2/27/15, Bacteria evolve over a weekend and A two-amino acid change in the hemagglutinin of the 1918 influenza virus abolishes transmission 2/3/07

I’ll catch up with you on 5/10 or 5/11, if there is still a need to do so.

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