Patenting the sun (4)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: June 1, 2023

For facts about effective treatment of all virus-driven diseases, see Natural Bioactive Products as Epigenetic Modulators for Treating Neurodegenerative Disorders 1/31/23 (indexed 6/1/23)

“…intracellular neurofibrillary tangles that are generated by hyperphosphorylated microtubule-associated tau protein accumulation…”

That fact eliminates Stuart Hameroff’s nonsense about qualia. The origin of life and the origin of consciousness are energy-dependent and miRNA-mediated via RNA interference (#RNAi), which biophysically constrains viral latency and links ecological adaptations across kingdoms via the physiology of pheromone-regulated genetic processes in species from microbes to humans.

See for instance: Reduced expression of brain-enriched microRNAs in glioblastomas permits targeted regulation of a cell death gene 9/14/11 This was the first clear indicator of how nutrient stress and social stress had been linked from the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA to all pathology via reactivation of pathways linked to miRNA-mediated biophysical constraints on apoptosis via the cell death gene.

After I learned about this from a friend, he refused to discuss it further, as if his life depended on keeping the secrets discovered by Abcam researchers in the late 1990s.

I didn’t realize that facts about Vibrations in microtubules 9/1/97 were secrets, when I searched for miRNAs.

Today”s search includes this article on the Creation of stem cells:

HSF-1 enhances cardioprotective potential of stem cells via exosome biogenesis and their miRNA cargo enrichment 6/1/23

“…our data shows that HSF1 plays a critical role in determining the regenerative potential of stem cells. HSF1 does that by affecting exosome biogenesis and miRNA cargo sorting via regulation of YBX1 gene expression.”

See also: Trogocytic molting of T cell microvilli upregulates T cell receptor surface expression and promotes clonal expansion 5/24/23

“These results demonstrate that TCRs are lost through trogocytic ‘molting’ following T cell activation and highlight this mechanism as an important regulator of clonal expansion.”

Energy-dependent clonal expansion links the ATP-dependent Creation of RNA at the origin of life to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity via exosomal miRNAs and my claims in Patenting the sun (3)

Young earth Creationists continue to launch attacks on moronic theories. See also, the forthcoming webinar: Parent-of-origin genome analysis presents the potential to improve future genetic testing 6/15/23

Next generation sequencing (NGS) myeloid panels link differences between virus-driven germ cell mutations and constrained somatic variation in fixation of amino acid substitutions in microtubules to healthy longevity or pathology across kingdoms via RNA interference (#RNAi).

For a historical perspective, see: Roles of mixed nutrient intakes on metabolic syndrome among korean adults 19–80 years old: molecular mechanisms involved 11/26/22 (indexed 5/31/23)

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