Flipping off the flipons (4)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: July 7, 2023

Despite advances in molecular genetics, too many biologists think that natural selection is driven by random mutations 7/6/23

James Shapiro sneaks up from behind with this claim:

“By turning evolutionary variation from random accidents to biological responses, 21st-century molecular genetics and genomics have revealed that living organisms possess tremendous potential for adaptive genome reconfiguration.”

When did he first realize the need to differentiate between random mutations linked to evolution, and adaptations? See for comparison Flipping off the flipons 1, (7/3/23) 2 (7/4/23), 3 (7/4/23) and Principles of human pre-60S biogenesis 7/7/23. The facts about biogeneis were presciently reported (with my emphasis) only after the first three parts of my “flipping” series as: How one of nature’s most fundamental molecules forms 7/6/23 [How does this fundamental molecule form?]

“The resulting images show how assembly factors, various proteins and enzymes, interact with RNA elements to drive the formation and maturation of the 60S. Together, the findings represent a near-complete picture of how the human large subunit assembles.”

Ask “How do large subunits assemble without the energy-dependent maturation of microRNAs.”

The complete picture of assembly was seen in the context of MicroRNAs organize intrinsic variation into stem cell states 3/5/20 and Visualizing a protonated RNA state that modulates microRNA-21 maturation 10/26/20.

Both linked Vibrations in microtubules 9/1/97 to our claims about RNA-mediated cell type differentiation in From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996). We had the advantage of learning from Bruce S. McEwen, Robert L. Moss, and others that all intelligent serious scientists start with energy-dependent activation of genes in all cell types of all species.

No intelligent serious scientist has ever started with moronic gene-centric theories. They also know that energy did not automagically create itself.

For examples of what forced James Shapiro and others to testify about the facts that link quantum coherence to coherently organized biology at the origin of life and the origin of consciousness ~6000 years ago, see: Analysis of 6,515 exomes reveals the recent origin of most human protein-coding variants11/28/12

“The findings confirm their earlier work suggesting that the majority of variants, including potentially harmful ones, were picked up during the past 5,000–10,000 years.”

See also: Top-down causation and quantum physics 10/23/18 and nearly 160,000 indexed publications that mention the miRNAs, which have been linked to prevention or to effective treatment of all virus-driven diseases in all species via the pH-dependent physiology of reproduction.

Moving forward, which is what James Shapiro is finally trying to do, see: Titrating gene expression using libraries of systematically attenuated CRISPR guide RNAs 1/13/20. It links Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference (2017) from patent-hoarding to unnecessary suffering and premature deaths in the context of SARSCoV2 and staging cells along a continuum of gene expression linked to transitions in cellular behaviors at gene-specific expression thresholds, which are required to constrain virus-driven pathology. For instance, President Trump linked sunlight and humidity to protection from coronaviruses on 4/23/20.

See for comparison: Femtosecond proton transfer in urea solutions probed by X-ray spectroscopy 6/28/23. It was reported in the context of moronic theories that make no claims about light-activated RNA-mediated biophysically constrained viral latency. In theory, proton transfer happens automagically, and the magic has been linked to How urea may have been the gateway to life 6/28/23.

The article links ionising radiation from hydrogen atom-transfer within dimers (a DIMER is a compound formed by the energy-dependent union of two radicals or two molecules of a simpler compound) to constrained energy-dependent RNA interference (RNAi) across kingdoms. The constraints start with an energy-dependent protonated urea molecule.

For a historical perspective see:

1) Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean 5/22/15

2) Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor 10/12/16

3) UV-Induced Charge Transfer States in DNA Promote Sequence Selective Self-Repair 1/13/16

Summary: The origin of life required constraints on the virus-driven degradation of messenger RNA (mRNA). The constraints are manifested in light-activated carbon fixation and DNA repair in cyanobacteria, which also is known as pond scum. Claims that the origin of life linked pond scum to the diversity of species without protection from viruses exemply human idiocy. So do the claims of theorists that people evolved from pond scum.

But see the equally moronic claims in: Deep Sea Bacteria With Magnetic Properties Provides Clues in Searching for Extraterrestrial Life 6/30/23

“On Earth, the ancestor of this microbe appeared 3.5 billion years ago before the major bacterial phyla diverged, leading to the first emergence of life.”

See also: Why a Harvard professor thinks he may have found fragments of an alien spacecraft 7/4/23

“He believes the tiny objects, about half a millimetre in size, are most likely made from a steel-titanium alloy that is much stronger than the iron found in regular meteors.”

“Further testing was now required, but Prof Loeb believes they either have interstellar origins, or have been made by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization.”

Femtosecond blasts of UV light link protonated RNA-interference to repair of virus-damaged supercoiled DNA via its ATP-dependent RNA-mediated creation in regulatory T cells. Examples of patent-hoarding by Thomas E. Ichim, Harvard, Pfizer, and others is linked to pseudoscientific nonsense about the origin of life by most theorists.

For another example of what is known to intelligent serious scientists, see: The MALAT1-breast cancer interplay: insights and implications 7/5/23 It links my claims from What is life when it is not protected from virus driven entropy 3/30/16 to prevention or effective treatment of all virus-driven diseases.

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